~Welcome to the freak show~Asylum Roleplay

((I'll be at a friend's house later so no guarantees on how quick I'll be able to reply))


I waved to her after I'd closed the door, turned and took a few breaths as I walked away. Max would still be sleeping a while so I went to the break room to see Roxy and very greatfully poured a cup of the coffee she'd made, just drinking it black because somehow I felt too tired already to do anything else to it before sitting down and just sighing. "Thank you."

"What happened? They said that a patient went rogue and attacked the guards. I can't really be sure how much is true. " She said, on her fourth cup of coffee.

I shook my head, slumping a little in my seat and just holding the mug between my hands for the warmth of it. "Max is a boy with multiple personalities, and he didn't feel like doing what the guards told him to, so things took a turn for the worst. Lilith has a few violent tendencies of her own, so it wasn't a good combination. Everything's been worked out. Only a few minor injuries to report."

I nodded.

"Good that everyone's alright. What about you? You don't look so hot." I said, setting down my mug. I leaned against the counter, wondering why he seemed so tired. He seemed fine when he left.

I glanced at her, then just tried for a small smile and shook my head. "I'm all right. Just thinking too much." Even I had moments, sometimes, where the things that happened here depressed me. Everyone did. I'd get over it soon enough.

"I know the feeling. Don't think about it too much, they'll be fine." I said, a reassuring tone in my voice.

I raised an eyebrow slightly at that. "Don't worry about me, Roxy. I've been here for a couple years already. I know the ups and downs. Honestly," I smiled slightly, just so she wouldn't worry about me, "I'll be fine by the time my break is over."

I shrugged.

"It doesn't matter hoe long you've been doing something. Sometimes it's nice to hear some encouragement." I wiped my hands on my shirt, then sat down at the table he was sitting at.

"But you were right. It's weird being back here."

I smiled faintly. "It's weird for everyone being here, so I imagine you've got it pretty bad." I made myself sit up after that, straightening out and taking a few deep breaths before drinking my coffee and feeling better. Hopefully things would stay calm for a while. "Well. Did you have any more questions? We'll probably have you just do walking duty for now, taking patients to and from their rooms and where they're supposed to be. Light duty until you're settled in."

I shook my head, tracing the rim of my mug with a finger.

"No, I think I got it." I said, ready to do some work. I so wanted to be useful.

I nodded and smiled. "That's good, then. Don't be afraid to ask if you have questions. There's always some of us out and about somewhere, or you can find a call button." We weren't allowed to work on a skeleton crew here. There were too many bad things that could happen.

"Sure. When do you get off? I'm sure I'll be more inclined to talk to you than anyone else... I have a hard time making friends." She said, a joking tone in her voice.

Damnit I'm creepy.

I paused, a little surprised. "Get off? I was referring to during work hours." Was . . . Was she trying to ask me out? Oh, lord. I was never good at this sort of thing.

"N-no! I meant, I didn't want to call for you if you weren't at work. I don't want yet another thing to... embarrass myself..." My cheeks reddened in a blush.

Oh, my. Someone kill me now.

"Ooooh." I nodded a little. "I'm generally off after dinner time is over. Sometimes I stay until lights out."

I nodded.

"Yeah. Okay." Unsure what to do now, I picked up my mug and cleaned it in the sink.
"would you like me to unstrap you?, kas-?" i sighed, knowing he wouldnt try anything.. not trying to big myself up or anything.. but he's not match for my physical stamina..

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