~Welcome to the freak show~Asylum Roleplay


I looked at him with wide eyes. "Wow... That's a long time to be here..." I say softly. i couldn't imagine being here for that long. I still hoped to get out of here some day.

I giggled slightly. "I see your point." I say, a small smile appearing on my face again.

A few of the staff came over to us now. It was time to go. I looked at her.

"Do you intend on leaving?"

I thought for a moment. "I'm not sure. It's what I'd always done... but I'm having fun for once..." I said quietly.

I laughed to myself.

"Damn. I really am a bad influence."

Where will it get you, honestly?

Yeah, it's not like they're going to let you stay because you didn't want to leave.

Shut up, this might work.

All of you, quiet.
"It's not your fault that you're fun to be around." I say with a slight giggle. I could hear Timmy, Trenton, and Edward yelling at me, but I was still ignoring them. I didn't care what they had to say right now.
I looked up as one of the staff cleared their throat.

"It's time to go." They said. I laughed.

"I'm sorry to hear that." I turned back to Lilith. The voices and personas became unsettled.

You're going to end up provoking Hothead.

Come on, you crazy Scott!

Some of us might not want to be punished, alright?

I looked at one of the staff members, a nice smile on my face. "We're in the middle of a conversation right now. You could try back later though." I said sweetly before putting my attention back on Max, a smile still present on my face. "Now where were we..?"

"I do believe I was asking you about your plans." I said, ignoring the fact that one of the nurses were talking into a walkie-talkie. They needed backup apparently. I could get pretty violent, but I didn't want to scare off Lilith, so I most likely wouldn't do anything stupid.

"Are you free tomorrow?" I asked.

I nodded. "As long as they don't take my eating periods away, I'm free. Even then I might still be free. "I said with a smile. This was actually kind of fun. It had been a while since I'd irritated anyone. I'd have to do this more often.

"Me too. Unless I'm taken for personal therapy." I said with a grin. I looked over to the guardlike staff.

"We're giving you one warning, DeTura." He said, slipping his hand into his pocket. Everyone knew they had tasers. No one had actually seen staff using them. I looked back to Lilith, calm. If and when I switched it would be... very sudden.

I smiled at Max again although inside I was beginning to grow agitated. I wanted the staff members to go away and leave us alone. There was a reason that I was a black uniform and I really didn't want Max to see it, but if they kept bothering us he might. "Well, here's to hoping we'll see each other tomorrow. If we're lucky, we'll see each other come dinner time." I said, smile still on my face.

"Yeah, but I haven't had too many dinner dates." He said, grinning.

"Maxwell Detura. It's time to go. This is your last warning." The man said. Max ignored him.

My smile grew. "Well, maybe this one can be your first." I said coyly, a slight blush dusting my cheeks again. I noted that behind me one of the staff members was getting closer to me.

"Lilith, come on." He said in a gruff tone of voice. I didn't like how close he was. It was irritating me. It took all of my will power to ignore him and continue to focus on Max.

My violent side started to rise. I pushed him down, stalling. The man put his hand on my shoulder.

Oh, there he goes.

Did ya have to ruin it?

Shut up I'm watching this.

I smiled devilishly, turning to look at the man.

"You're touching me. I don't like it." I said.

I watched with wide eyes as Max turned his attention to the staff member. Behind me I could feel the other one growing closer. "Max..?" I say softly, tilting my head to the side. I continue to ignore the man that continues to grow closer. It wouldn't take much more for me to snap.

I think the staff sensed that I had turned. I looked back to Lilith.

"Oh yes. They were right, you are gorgeous. Unfortunately, I'm the 'hothead' so they call me. You would do well to leave now." I then stood up and looked to the guard, who was tense.

Swiping a strand of black hair away from my face, I slowly get to my feet. I can feel another blush dusting my cheeks at his comment. "If you insist..." As I turned around, I failed to notice how close the other guard had been standing to me and I crashed into him. My eyes instantly narrowed into a glare as my hands balled into fists.

The man made a quick motion. I didn't like that. My hands were at his throat before he could finish whatever he was doing. I laughed a devilish, almost scary laugh.

"Look at you, normal people. You're getting more insane by the day, just being around us freaks." I said angrily.

As the man regained his footing, I shot forward, knocking him onto the floor. I delicately sat on his stomach, an eery smile on my face. "Don't you know I wear black for a reason...?" I said softly, tilting my head to the side slightly. "I don't like people getting into my personal bubble, and you sir, were in my bubble.." I say quietly as I raise my fists bringing them down onto his chest. The man was left wheezing and gasping for breath as I slowly climbed to my feet and dusted my hands across my uniform as if trying to get invisible dirt off of it. I then turned my attention back to Max.

I smiled, not noticing the man. I looked down just as the taser started clicking.

Immediately I fell, everyone inside my head screeching curse words. Of course, the man had quite a lot of anger towards the patients, including me. The coward side of me broke through, eventually choking out words.


My eyes narrowed again as I watched the man taser Max. Aside from being touched, I hated people hurting my friends. I surged forward again, punching the man in the jaw, and angry look on my face. "You don't touch my friend." I say fiercely.

The coward took over, and I stayed on the floor. Other staff came in and pried me off the floor, also restraining her. It was just like when I first got here. Dragged away from the only person you know, helpless to do anything about it. I muttered apologies, still staring at Lilith.

I cried out in rage, struggling against the staff members as they restrained me. "Let me go..!!!" I roared, fighting as hard as I could. I just made a new friend, I wasn't leaving this room so easily. I managed to get one arm free only to be tasered and collapse to the floor. I looked up helplessly at Max. "I tried..." I whispered.

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