~Welcome to the freak show~Asylum Roleplay


I continued to eat. "I suppose I would be..." I mumble before getting another forkful of food. This was nice. I'd almost forgotten what it was like to have a decent conversation with someone.

((Well, it's four where I'm at now and I won't be back until about seven or eight this evening.. If you're not here, I'll most definitely be on tomorrow as well. I'm on everyday...))
((It's four here, too. I'll probably be on, but if not, I'll be on around 8. I'm on every day as well.)


He paused, swallowing before he spoke.

"You really are. I hate the feeling that you aren't in control, and you can't help when-" He slammed his hand on the table suddenly, cutting himself off. He blinked before returning to his food. It was a while before he spoke again.

"When you're bullied by yourself."

I couldn't even imagine that. It was bad enough being bugged by my stalkers, but to have it coming from inside my own head..? I didn't think I could handle that... "That must be horrible..." I finally say softly. I'm almost tempted to reach out and rest my hand on his shoulder, but i know how badly I hate to be touched, so I resist in case he's the same.

((Alright, I should be back by then =3))

He shrugged.

"It's my own fault. I suppose if I actually listened to all the people who tried to 'fix' me, at some point they would have gone away. What- what was your life like before? I want to hear about the outside world, have things changed much? It seems I've been in asylums forever." He leaned back in his chair, putting his hands behind his head and stretching.

((Okay ^.^))

I paused, gave a confused smile, and tilted my head a bit to the side. "Im sorry. Bit?" What did she mean shed bit them? I didn't think I quite understood.

I blushed, looking down.

"I used to go here, a looong time ago. I was a patient. I thought, you know, since I was fine now I could return the favor and help the place out a bit." She said, looking back up at him and biting her lip. She was nervous, that much was obvious.

"Oh." I paused, processing, then flinched a bit when I realized I was being rude. "Oh! Sorry, sorry, I'm a little slow today. I think it's great to want to help other people."

I looked down again.

"Don't tell me you think I'm less now just because I've been locked up here before. Everyone else is certainly treating me that way." She stood up, straightening her shirt. "Forget about it... just show me what I'm supposed to do." She said, hiding a hurt tone.

I frowned slightly, confused again and a little insulted. "I never said anything of the sort, ma'am, and if you don't want me to make presumptions about you before I know you then I would ask that you do the same for me." She didn't know me, obviously. If she had, she would know I don't judge people, especially ones I don't know. "Now. You're new to the game so for now you'll be dealing with whites and purples. Has anyone explained the color system to you?"

I would have apologized a hundred times over if he hadn't moved on the way he had. Her shoulders sagged, and she nodded sheepishly.

"I understand the color system." She said, not meeting his eyes. Great. Now she felt bad.

I nodded and gave a small smile. "Then that's one thing off the to-do list. Have you gotten a tour?" I asked, ally turning to move towards the door. "Come on, lets walk and talk." If she hadn't received proper instruction I'd have to talk to Cyrus about it. And if she had and still didn't know what to do I'd have to talk to him anyway. I hoped it was just a misunderstanding and I didn't have to call anyone on incompetence.

"I know the female wing already, and the main interaction centers. I just don't know my way around the male wing." I said, looking back up. Not for the first time, I felt incompetent. But at least I knew the schedule, and such. This was harder than I thought it would be.

"That's a good start then." I said, nodding a little to myself. "Don't worry about getting lost. It's a big complex, so if you get a little turned around its all right. Ill give you a map to carry around later on, but for now let's tour the boys' wing."

((Oh, wait. I think boys and girls are all just mixed together, since they can't really interact through they're cells anyway))

"Right. Hey, about the 'sir' or 'ma'am' rule, can I let them just call me Roxy? I never liked that rule anyways." I asked, moving aside as another of the staff passed us.

((I thought it said the males and females were separated, but if I read it wrong I'm sorry.))
((Oh I have no idea lol ill look back in a sec))


I just shrugged. "It's more of a protocol issue than anything. If we let them call us anything but ma'am and sir they might stop seeing us as authority figures. It should be all right with whites and purples, but not reds or blacks. I'd clear it with the boss first." 
((My bad, you were right. There's a male wing and female wing. Woops!))

"Alright. That's fine with me, but just so you know... it makes them feel inferior. Like you're identified as bigger or better than them. Forced respect often... sorry, I'm rambling." I stopped talking, my cheeks burning. I felt like an idiot pretending to know what they were talking about. Of course I really did know about this, but everything about the situation made me feel like I was wrong. Oh, this would take some getting used to.

((Alright ^.^))

I stopped walking, turned, looked at her. "Roxie? The thing you have to understand is that . . . well, there's no way to put it delicately, so - we *have* to be bigger and better. If they want to get better at all, they have to have something to aspire to, don't they? They have to want to be better than someone that's 'superior' to them. And if you don't show dominance, reds and blacks will target you." I sighed softly, shook my head, and gave a small smile. "Now that that's out of the way. Don't worry. If you're nice to them, there's no reason for them to be afraid of us." Some weren't, but I always tried to be, even when they got violent. 80 percent of our patients weren't responsible for their own disfunctions.

I nodded again, burning scarlet. I didn't say anything for a long time, looking at the windows of each room and praying that no one I used to know was still here. Sure I understood what he was talking about- but there was also the... corruption in this place. I didn't know how bad it had gotten after I left, or if maybe it had improved. But it made most of their realistic rules fake and selfish.

I should stop being so negative. I have a new job, doing something I know. How bad could this be?

We had to stop two or three times during the tour when I had to attend to those asking for help. For the most part, whites or purples would sometimes pretend to have problems just to get company for a while, rather than trying to prey on nurses like reds and blacks. I did my best to solve the problem, imaginary or not, and talked to them a little. For those that I knew liked them and I thought needed it, I handed out little candies I usually carried with them. A treat every once In a while never hurt anyone. People here just had to remember that smiling at the patients wasn't going to hurt them either.

I admired him for his kindness. He treated all of the patients like they were people. Real, living, breathing, feeling people. He smiled genuinely, and seemed like he really cared about them. Not like she would treat them any less, but she wasn't treated that good in everyday life, let alone by anyone who knew about her reputation. She smiled. It was refreshing to have faith in humanity again.

When there was a break between issues, she spoke up.

"You're so... nice. You don't know how much a simple smile can help." She said quietly.
((Sorry, had some chores to get done))


"Hm?" I looked at her, still smiling a little, and shrugged. "Thank you. I like to think that happiness is contagious." Smile at someone and they'll smile back, and when someone smiles they feel better sometimes. "Makes the job a little easier." It wasn't easy, seeing poor people like this. It must be difficult, I thought, living like they did. Reality was hard enough - insanity was worse.

"You've impressed me." She muttered, waving sheepishly at Jack, someone she used to know. He was a whitecoat- what she called them- and was constantly in and out of this place.

"Do you think I'll be alright here?" She asked.

"I'm just doing my job. . ." I said a little quieter, not entirely comfortable with the almost-praise. I never tried to impress anyone. I was just me, and I just did what I knew I should. "I think you'll be okay, after you get used to it. Just . . . it's very different, being on this side of the door, so to speak." She was going to have a hard time of that. "If you sympathize too much and go outside your bounds, you'll be fired." She had to keep herself in check.

I blinked, caught off guard. It took a little bit of work to remember what my life had been like before this. It had been about a year or two now since my mother had put me in here....

"Let's see, you're father beat you and your mother was a hooker..." Timmy intoned, pausing to throw in his two cents.

That's right. "Well... my life wasn't that great outside of these walls.." I said softly. "truth be told, I don't remember much of it..."

((I'm back))

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