~Welcome to the freak show~Asylum Roleplay


"I understand." I didn't plan on getting too close to the patients. I'd seen them kill nurses, and I was nothing special. I simply put my head down and waited for his next instruction. Too bad I suck at making friends. Otherwise this would be a piece of cake.


I nodded. "Most don't." I said simply, before taking another few bites of my food.

"I can see why.... It's just so simple to fall into the routine here and lose yourself...." I mumbled, looking down again. I don't want to lose myself... or maybe I was already gone..? I sighed, this was kind of confusing.

I shrugged.

"You don't have to. When I don't want to do something, I don't. It's not much control, but it certainly makes me feel better. Like... not eating. Not like it's going to help me, but I know that I can at least control that." He said.

I glanced up again. That made sense. "Good point.." I mumble, giving him another smile.

"So what are you gonna do, not follow your schedule and get yourself in trouble..?" Edward called to me. I decided in that moment that I didn't have to listen to him because I didn't want to. I ignored him and kept my focus on Max.

I smiled again. "At this point, I don't care as long as I get even a semblance of control back." I said softly. I could hear the three morons in the background complain at me, but I still wasn't listening. "Like right now, I'm choosing to ignore my three idiots because they're being annoying again."

"Have you ever tested them? Just to see exactly how much they control you? It's not like I can throw things at my- whatever you want to call them- but you have the opportunity to." I said, holding in a laugh.

You could just throw something at her.

Shut up.

There's another window over there. How many floors are there in this building?

Remind me again, who the hell are YOU?

I made a face at my food, trying to sort out the internal argument. It was almost like there was someone new in my head. It was weird, but I didn't pay attention to it very much. I looked back to Lilith.

"I've never tried that.... They've always told me that bad things would happen if I tried to hurt them.." I said quietly, glancing over my shoulder to where the three of them were shooting glares at Max. I wanted to tell them to behave, but didn't feel like talking to them so I turned my attention back to Max again.

"No- I was kidding. No, ah. I've never been socially graceful. Mostly because half the population can't understand my vocabulary." I said, immediately regretting what I'd said earlier.

I smiled again. "It's fine. All you really did was ruffle their feathers." I said, giggling slightly. I never really got to see them irritated. I usually tip toed around them. It was a nice change.

I breathed a breath of relief.

"Of course- and I know this is a stupid thing to say- you don't have to obey everything they tell you to do. It's still your mind and your body. Do what you want." I said, shrugging. I'd gone through a long phase in which I tried to deny my personalities. They only multiplied. Eventually I saw them as something separate from myself, but still a part of me. Maybe that's what she was like.
"Well, they usually threaten me... They say if I don't listen to them, bad things would happen.." I said. I'd never really went against anything they said for fear of what they would do to me. I wasn't even sure if they could do anything, but I'd never really wanted to find out.

I looked down.

"I'm such a bad influence, lass. Don' listen to me." Great. The flirty Scott was back. I hadn't even noticed. I looked up and winked at her.

"'Course, they probably don' like me either."
I giggled as I felt another blush spreading across my cheeks. Why did I have to blush so easily..? "Well, I'd say from the glares they've been shooting you, you would probably be right on that."

"Oh? Don' blame me for what he says, lads. We're quite nice once ya get to know us." I said, still looking at her. It was neat- I hadn't seen a girl blush in a while. It was cute.

You sentimental *****

Oh, shut up. This is cute.

Give me a chance, I haven't talked to a girl in forever.

Hey! I'm the only one doin' any good out here.

I could here Timmy grumbling something behind me, but I wasn't paying him much mind. " He does have a point.." I heard Edward say. At least one of them was a voice of reason.

"They're currently debating. I hope Edward wins. He's on your side." I say with a smile, the blush still staining my cheeks.

"Oh? Everyone in here seems to like you but Hothead. Don' worry, he hates everyone." I said with a small smile. I sighed, pushing my now empty plate away from me.

I don't hate everyone! I like cats. Yes.

Cats aren't people.


I think you should give her a chance.

She's the only one that's paid any real attention to us in a long time.

Other than that one guy, Nicolai or however you say it.

I couldn't help the smile that made it's way across my face. "Well, that makes me happy." I said. I wasn't used to having people like me. Heck, I wasn't used to people that much at all.

"Aren't you pretty with a smile. You should do it more often, miss." I said, blushing myself now. I glanced at the clock.

Time's up.


I ignored the clock, and looked back at her.

My smile grew wider as I could feel my blush growing brighter. "T-thank you.." I mumble, glancing down slightly. I wasn't really used to compliments either. I noticed him glancing at the clock and realized that it was about time for us to be escorted out of here. I sighed. Here would be my first act of defiance. I was content and I wasn't going anywhere.

I nodded. "I'm perfectly fine." I said softly, the smile still on my face. My three morons were complaining again, I don't know what it was about this time, but I still wasn't listening.

I smiled.

"How long did you say you've been here?" I asked, pulling my legs up on to the chair. Other patients were already being taken out.

"A little over a year I think..." I said, tapping my finger against my chin again as I thought. "Yeah.. I know it's been longer than a year, but less than two.. " I finally decided on, nodding my head. "How about you..?

"That's a tough question... Somewhere between two an' five. Yeah." I said, thinking hard. There had been... three winters. Yes, it was three years. It seemed like so much longer than that.

Three years, two months, five days.

Yes, thank you. Now shut up.

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