~Welcome to the freak show~Asylum Roleplay


I was wrapping up the tour, already on my way back to the cafeteria, when I heard the commotion. "Wait for me in the break room!" I said quickly to Roxy, then rushed inside. "Max, Lilith, stop!" I didn't know what had triggered this but it had to stop now or someone could get more hurt.

I looked at her through my fingers, hoping she would understand. I didn't want anyone to get hurt, I didn't know how to deal with something like that.


I nodded. I knew there was nothing I could do to help, so I waited in the break room. I made some coffee for whoever happened to be there.

I glanced up quickly as Nicolai burst into the room. I felt one of the guards trying to heft me to my feet. "Get them off of me.." I mumble. There were only a few people I could tolerate touching me and these guards weren't one of them. I glance back over to Max giving a small nod of understanding.

I hurried over to them and waved the guards away. "Go get a cart in case we need it, I'll take over." He released her, reluctantly, but only when I took over his hold, catching her wrists from behind and keeping her arms crossed so she couldn't fight. "I want to be able to let you go, Lilith," I said, quietly, "I want to check on Max. But you have to be good, okay? If you can sit down for me and not move for a few minutes, I'll let you go."

I visibly relaxed. Nicolai was one of the few that I could tolerate. "Alright." I said softly, sitting and glancing over at Max. "Go check on him. I want to know he's alright." I intone, my eyes never leaving Max.

I... wasn't really me anymore. It was a different person who was in the corner, shaking with his knees to his chest. Someone else's hands covered my face, and everything was silent except for a high-pitched squeal. It was happening again, to all of us. Everyone inside my head. Voices that weren't mine, intruding into my mind, telling me how worthless I was. How badly I should hurt everyone. What blood would taste like. I put a shaking hand out to Nicolai, warning him to stay away. Nicolai was one of the few people that I never wanted to hurt.

I was confident enough that the danger from Lilith was over that I left her sitting where she was, a guard watching from a distance, and approached Max, but he stopped me. I came to a halt a few feet away and just looked at him, concerned. "Max? Max, what's wrong? You're hurt. Will you let me look at you?"

I sat quietly, watching Nicolai approach Max. "Is he alright...?" I call out softly. Oh no, this was all my fault. If I would have just agreed to go to my cell, he wouldn't have been hurt. My hands automatically move to start toying with the hem of my shirt nervously as I watch with worried eyes.

"Us." I muttered, peeking at him. "We-we aren't alone. They came back. Y-you said they wouldn't come back!" I said timidly. I couldn't remember if they knew about my coward side. The only side of me that could handle the alien voices.

I screwed my eyes shut, covering my ears.

"We don't want to! We're a good boy, we wouldn't hurt him. Not Nicolai." I shouted, apparently to no one.

((Have you ever heard what a schizophrenic episode sounds like?))
((No. . . I don't think I ever want to O-o))


I resisted the urge to tell him that I'd never said that, instead backing up and turning when the crash cart finally got to me. I filled a syringe with the right dosage of sedative to knock him out and went back, crouching down nearby but out of his reach. "All right. All right, Max, it's okay. I know you don't want to hurt me, and I don't want anyone to hurt you either. See this?" I held the syringe up a little, capped just in case he tried to take it from me. "It'll be just a little pinch and then you'll fall asleep, and when you wake up you'll feel better. Will you let me get closer?"

I opened one eye, looking at him. I nodded, shutting my eyes again.

"Hurry. They're scaring me." I said, sounding like a child.

Make them go away!


((It's freaky. Someone put together something based off of what schizophrenics described it as. It gave me nightmares.))

I 'hurried' but moved sort of slowly anyway, not wanting to make sudden movements. When I got to him I pulled the cap off with my teeth at the same time as I pushed his sleeve up and stuck the tip of the needle into his arm. He tensed at first, but when the plunger was all the way down and I could set the needle aside he started to calm almost immediately. I pulled him to me, let him rest his shoulder against mine and shushed him softly, reassuringly. He would feel better after he woke up. I could keep him in the infirmary until then.

I watched with wide eyes as Max was sedated. They'd never had to sedate me so I couldn't even imagine what it was like. I realized that I still hadn't gotten my answer. "Is he alright..?" I say, just a little bit louder. I was starting to grow extremely worried and agitated.

I considered it a moment, then just nodded and scooped Max up off the ground when I stood. "He'll be okay, I think. What about you? Are you hurt?"

Feeling like a 6 year old was an understatement. Still, he seemed to understand. He would make them go away. Already the alien voices were fading to the background. I held onto his arm as tightly as I could. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep, my head falling onto his shoulder ungracefully.

((I officially love Nicolai. Sorry. I blame you xD ))

I slowly got to my feet, keeping my hands where they could be seen. "I don't think so.." I then pointed over to the guard that I attacked. "He might not be alright though..." I looked At Nicolai and Max, a small smile on my face. "I'm glad he'll be okay..." I said softly. I still felt guilty. If only I wouldn't have felt rebellious.
(( xD Are you crushing on my characters? lol))


I glanced where she'd pointed, winced and just nodded because another guard was already attending to him. "There are others on the way for him. Come on," I nodded towards the door. "If you keep a hand on my elbow, you can walk with us." She had to be attached to me in some way or another or she wouldn't be allowed to walk on her own. "We'll get you cleaned up."

I nodded, wandering over and lightly placing my hand on his elbow. I couldn't help the small sigh that escaped my lips. I wanted to stay with Max, but I knew that I'd probably be placed back in my cell while Max went to the infirmary.
((Yes. Yes I am. Roxy, you're going to have to deal with a crush on this. MWAHAHHAHA))

If Max were able to look at himself now during a sane moment, his pride would never recover. It was best that he was out now.


I made another pot of coffee as someone finished the last cup. I started an awkward but pleasant conversation with another nurse here that didn't know me.

I took Max to the infirmary, where I gave very strict instructions on how to care for the slight burn from the tazer and to retrieve me the second he woke up. After that, I took Lilith with me back out. "You're going to lose mealtimes for this," I said as I led her down the hall, a hand resting lightly on her shoulder. "Will you tell me what happened?"

I sighed. "Could I lose anything other than meal time..?" I inquired softly. Of course the first thing they'd take away was the only time I could really see Max. "What happened was Max and I started talking and we didn't want to leave... So we stayed... They tried to make us leave and one of them touched Max.. It just spiraled out of control..."

I sighed softly. "You can't do that, Lilith," I reprimanded gently. "Rules are in place for a reason. I know you don't like them, but the guards are just doing their jobs." Poorly, really. "And I'm sorry. I'll try to put in a good word, but I'm not in charge of assigning penalties."

"I know... but I was having fun, and he's the first friend I've had in a long time..." I say softly, a sad look on my face. Plus, I really liked him. I sighed again. "Thank you for trying.." I respond in a quiet tone.

It was difficult not to feel bad about this, but all I could do was nod. "I'll do my best." I said, and stopped when we got to her door. "Katie will come and tell you what's going to happen later on. Do your best to be nice to her?"

I nodded. "I'll try... " I say softly, as I wander back into my personal prison. It's no surprise that my three morons are waiting to berate me over what happened. I knew I was in for a long lecture so I sullenly plopped down on my bed, preparing myself for the worst.

((Hey, I've gotta go.. I'll be back in a bit though))

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