~Welcome to the freak show~Asylum Roleplay


I gave a grateful smile. "Thank you. I'll be back before you're done, okay?" I gave her shoulder a gentle pat, then got up and walked out, leaving instructions with the guard. He would make sure she didn't try to go anywhere before I came back. When I found our new nurse in the break room, I walked over to her and held out a hand. "It's nice to meet you. My name is Nicolai, but you can call me Nico if you'd wish." She'd almost gotten it right before.

I was finally taken to lunch, where once again I didn't eat. I sat there, staring down my food and listening to the silence for once.


"Sorry, we weren't introduced. I'm Roxanne. Everyone calls me Roxy." She tentatively shook his hand. "None of the other staff will really talk to me. Mostly because I bit half of them." She said, frustrated. "But that was years ago."

I sighed as I was left alone again only to perk up once I seen someone else enter the room. It was another inmate. "Hello." I said softly, glancing over to them. "I'm Lilith."

I'm... who am I? My normal self took over again, sending a smile her way.

"Max. Nice to meet you." I said.

OoooOh, she's pretty. Can I hit her?

Shut up.

I'm totally down for setting some fireworks off in a church right now.

That sounds good.

You're all idiots.

I shook my head a bit, trying to clear it.

"So why are you in here?" I asked, turning back to my food. I wasn't going to eat it.

"It's nice to meet you too." I chime, my smile growing. "Hmm, why I'm in here...." I trailed off as if stopping to think for a moment. "I think I killed someone... I'm not really sure anymore, it's been so long..." I absently tapped my finger on my chin as I thought. "Yeah.. I'm pretty sure that's what it is aside from my friends..." I start to get a headache so I stop thinking about the killing. "What about you..?" I intone quietly, tilting my head to the side in curiosity.

I laughed, quickly covering my mouth. Someone else was emerging. I let him take control, figuring she'd find out soon enough.

"We're in here because we did something naughty. We couldn't see you killing anyone, now, could we? You're pretty face wouldn't go well with murder, no." I grinned flirtatiously, now with a slight Scottish accent.

I smile as I feel a blush covering my cheeks. Oh great. It had been a while since anyone had managed to make me blush. Wait a moment... We..? Oh I think I get it now. I glance down at the table nervously, trying to hide my blush. "I think I get it..." I say softly, my hands toying with the hem of my shirt again as the food on my tray sat all but forgotten.

I looked down, slightly deterred.

"We- I've got a bit of a personality problem." I said, my smile fading. "Too much person in one... person." I laughed, actually considering eating for the first time in a while. I glanced at my plate.

I look up, a smile on my face again. "If it makes you feel any better, I've got myself three stalkers...." I say. Wow, did I really just blurt that out..? I'd never willingly told anyone bout them before. " They follow me almost everywhere I go and apparently, I'm the only one that sees them..." I mumble the last part before allowing the smile to shine through again.

"So we're stalkers now, are we Lilith..?" I hear Timmy say. I can feel him looming behind me. Please just go away... I don't want to deal with him right now, he's the worst of the three...

I laughed.

"It's better than having four in yer head." I said, tapping my temple. For some reason the voices didn't comment on her. Usually they would evaluate and dissect any girl (and some guys) that I met, chasing them off. It was nice to not have to deal with that this time.

"So, what are your stalkers like? They have to be better than mine." I said, reaching for the fork.

"Well, we're charming and handsome.. Don't forget intelligent.!" Trenton calls over to me. Great, he's here too..

I shrug. "They're kind of.. well.. I don't really know how to describe them.. There's Timmy. He's like their little leader or something. Whatever he says goes. He's blonde and he wears a red cap. Then there's Trenton. He's kind of a moron in that adorable way. He has bleach blonde hair and has a thing for wandering around shirtless. Finally there's Edward. He's the most intelligent out of the three of them... He has brown hair and likes to lecture me about what I've done wrong with my life..." I sigh softly, glancing down again. "Those are my annoying stalkers..."

I hear an indignant cough from behind me. "So, that's what you think of us..? Oh well, at least you called me the leader.." Timmy says. I can almost feel Edwards glaring at him.

"At least I'm the intelligent one.!" He counters.

I sigh again, glancing down before shaking my head. I look up again with a smile. "If you don't mind me asking, what about your personalities..? What are they like..?" I say timidly. I don't want to upset him. I hate upsetting people.

I laugh.

"Well... there's the normal moron, which is pretty much the original us. There's me, the Scottish flirt. Hothead- don't get near him, he's the reason we're dangerous. There's the insecure one, and finally the brave guy. He's pretty smart. We don't really have an order or anything, it's just a random switch. Though Hothead doesn't usually come out unless we're already pissed to some degree." I said, shrugging. "Yours sound more interesting, lass. At least you have something different to look at."

I shrug again. "I suppose so.." I intone softly, giving him another small smile. I've been smiling a lot more than usual today. And to think I usually don't like meeting new people. Maybe it's not so bad after all. Behind me, I hear the three idiots singing. I pause to listen to the words and immediately regret it. I feel my face heat up in another blush as I resist the urge to scream at the three of them. They really are horrible.

I raised an eyebrow.

"What's wrong, miss?"

You know what would be cool?

I don't want to.


If we could like, hear and see her delusions.

Dude, we already are pretty messed up as it is.


Cool it, man.

I felt my nails dig into the table, and looked back up at her.

"You alright?" I asked, my Scottish accent now gone. I was back to my normal self, but she was still the closest thing I had to a friend here.

"I-I'm fine... " I say softly, trying my hardest to ignore the three of them singing. "My three morons are just being... well morons.." I mumble, glancing over my shoulder to see the three of them doing the can-can. I shake my head and turn my attention back to Max. "I'm sorry, don't mind me..." I say, putting another smile on my face. I can still feel the blush burning across my cheeks as the words they were singing seared themselves into my memory. Wonderful. They were never going to let me live this down. Couldn't I have any friends at all..?

I smiled.

"It's not like I can hear them. Even if everyone else wants to. Curiosity's getting the best of them. Tell me, do you believe that your... morons, are real?" He asked cautiously. It was something that he himself thought about all the time. Constantly debating just how real his friends were. Usually that's when Hothead broke something and got his mind off of it.

I absently tapped my chin again as I thought. "I'm not really sure... I know that to everyone else they're not real... but they exist in my reality.." I trailed off, thinking again. "So, I suppose to me they must be real in order to penetrate my reality. Even if they don't exist in anyone elses. " I decide on, nodding my head for emphasis. I can hear the three of them stop singing and give sighs of relief. They hated being told they weren't real. I'd learned that when I was younger. "What about you..?"

I shrugged.

"I don't know anymore. It's not possible for them to be, and yet they force their way into my mind like a needle penetrating skin. Like something real. But at the same time... I don't know. I can't doubt them too much or someone will get hurt." I said. "Sorry, it was kind-of a personal question." I scratched my head, wondering why they weren't yelling at me yet.

I smile again. "It's fine. I don't really mind. It's usually the three of them that throw a fit, not me.... " I glance over my shoulder to see them smiling sheepishly at me. Idiots. They knew what they were doing. Just as I turned to look back at Max, I heard them break out into song again. Wonderful. "Although, occasionally it is me... Otherwise I wouldn't be here, I suppose..."

I shrugged.

"It's fine to get angry." I looked down at the fork in my hand. I suddenly realized why they hadn't been speaking. They didn't want to distract me from unconsciously eating. I laughed out loud at this realization, then finally took the bite.

"As long as you don't take it out on someone who doesn't deserve it." I said.

"Well, I think that everyone so far that has managed to get me angry deserves it..." I mumble. I hear Timmy, Trenton, and Edward agreeing behind me. They must remember what happened to get me here more than I remember. I turn my attention to the food I have yet to touch and begin eating. I'd forgotten just how hungry I'd been.

((Hey, I've gotta go for a while again... I should be back later though, will you still be here..?))

I smiled.

"Lucky." And stuffed my face ungracefully with mashed potatoes and some form of meat.

((Depends... how long will you be gone?))

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