~Welcome to the freak show~Asylum Roleplay

I stared at the ceiling, counting the cracks. I'd been up all night, listening to the jumbled voices. They were only stirred up and active because I had refused to eat for the past two days.

Jump. Do it. There's the window. Come oooon.

There are bars.

Real estate.

Falling's just like flying, only there's a more permanent destination.

Buy a house.

I laughed out loud at the last voice. It was so calm compared to the other ones.

I climbed out of bed again, wandering back over to the bars to my personal prison. "Hello..?" I decide to call again. I didn't care who answered me by this point, I just wanted some contact other than Timmy, Trenton, or Edward.
" O....k.. Umm, I couldn't quite find a suitible punishment for you, kas-, so um, I decided we should probably sedate you a little more often" I knew he hated me, know hed have me even more.. 
(Helena, cyrus will come to you in a min yea?
((Alright ^.^ By this point I'm just trying to keep her active and doing something...))
Max raised his head. He hadn't heard anything, but he thought he did. He stood up and walked to the door, peeking through the bars on the window. Of course he didn't see anything but the empty window of the room across him.

They should be coming soon.

Break out.

Kill them.

I still think you should buy a house.

I'm hungry.

He shut his eyes for a moment, trying to silence himself.

(Do we need more nurses/staff? I'd be glad to make one)
(yes please :) that would be great!)

"W..what!??!" I growled. "NO!! YOU CANT DO THAT!! I WONT LET YOU!!!" With every word, a sharp pain filled my chest. Rob was just standing there telling me i deserved it.. i didnt listen to him.

Ignoring the three idiots talking amongst themselves behind me, I popped my head through the bars as I glanced down the hallway. I sighed softly. Still no one I suppose.

"Face it, sweetheart. You're stuck with us." Timmy intoned behind me. I chose to continue ignoring him because he was getting on my nerves.

((If you want too))
Name: Roxie She doesn't ask the patients to call her "ma'am", just Roxie.

Age: 17

Bio: She herself was admitted once, and knows how terrible it is. She hates this place, but she really just wants to make the patients feel better. She's pretty new, so she's also gullible.

Reason she's here: Nurse

This good?

When Jo's problem was dealt with, I started to go back to what I'd been doing, but there were more calls coming from down the hall so I headed that way. "Lilith?" I walked over to her door and stood nearby, concerned. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face as someone finally came into view. "Nothings wrong.. I was just kind of lonely.." I say, mumbling the last part. I knew I was just a patient and my feelings weren't much thought about, but sometimes I couldn't help but to hope. The small smile was still present on my face as I looked up again. "That and I was worried I was in trouble for sleeping in.."

I shook my head, glanced at the clipboard in my hands and paging through a few papers. "Not today. There's been a little chaos going on so we haven't properly carried out our wake-up calls. Come on," I stepped forward to unlock her door. "Let's get you something to eat and we'll have you back on schedule right quick."

"Hey, Nicol-y or something, was it? Sir?" I asked, coming up behind him. "I have no idea what I'm doing- no one showed me what to do." I said, embarrassed.

My smile grew. I wasn't in trouble, that was good. It was even better that I would get out and away from those three idiots for a little while. "Thank you." I mumbled softly, my hands toying with the hem of my black shirt in a nervous manner as I watched my personal prison being unlocked.
((Nicole? I hope you weren't talking to Nicolai. . . 'Cause he's a dude))


I let her out, closed the door, and led her away with a hand resting lightly at her shoulder. Blacks always had to be carefully monitored. I wouldn't have let her out if I hadn't known I could restrain her alone if necessary. "Don't worry. Everything will be back on schedule later on." Most patients liked the routine of it.

"That's good.." I say softly, glancing around the hallway as I was led. The hand on my shoulder bothered me a bit, but it was a small price to pay for momentary freedom. I could deal with it, I supposed.

I heard footsteps from behind me. "Did you seriously think you were gonna leave us back there..?" I hear Timmy call. I sigh. Great, they followed me.

"Ah, wait one moment, Lilith." I kept the hand in place, but glanced back over my shoulder and smiled a little. "Oh, you must be our new nurse. I can be with you in a moment. For now I have a task to complete that requires a higher experience level." New highers were never allowed to handle blacks. Never.

I paused, turning my head slightly to look at the nurse that had approached. She must be new, that's why she wasn't allowed near me. My blue eyes narrowed slightly in a glare. I wasn't dangerous. At least I didn't think I was dangerous. I was starting to grow agitated. To top it off, I didn't like new people. They made me nervous.

I bit my lip, nodding. I held the clipboard close to me, afraid I would mess something up.

It's pretty obvious that I'm way out of my league here. Yeah, I was at some point walking around as a Red, but I'm fine now.


I kicked the door, grabbing the bars. Suddenly I was angry. Too angry to even form words. I felt a laugh ripping through me.

"Here comes the dark side of the moon. You haven't seen me in a while, have you Max? That's alright, I'm here to get your sorry *ss out of here. You ready?" It was my mouth saying the words, but it was a different side of me. The violent one.

I gave her a little smile and waved her on. "Why don't you go on and go to the break room? I'll meet you there when I'm done. Come on, Lilith," I smiled for her as well and started us walking again. "You must be hungry. Let's get you that breakfast."

A smile instantly lit up my face again. "Alright." I said cheerfully, the new person all but forgotten at the thought of getting something to eat.

"W..what!??!" I growled. "NO!! YOU CANT DO THAT!! I WONT LET YOU!!!" With every word, a sharp pain filled my chest. Rob was just standing there telling me i deserved it.. i didnt listen to him.

I took Lilith to the cafeteria, which was practically empty, and sat her down, letting a guard watch her from a distance so she didn't do anything while I was gone. I brought a tray of food to her and sat next to her for a moment. "I have to help our new nurse get settled. Is it all right if I go for a few minutes to help her? It's okay if it's not. I'll stay if you want me to."

I paused for a moment to think. I really didn't want to be alone again, but I didn't want to be a bother either. "I'll bee fine by myself for a little bit.." I finally mumble, deciding that I can tolerate being by myself for a little bit longer.

((Hey, I've gotta go for a few so I'll just leave her there to eat in the mean time.))

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