~Welcome to the freak show~Asylum Roleplay

"How can i!?" I yelled. "IDIOT!!" i spat. I sort of guess how they wanted it to happen... but no way was i letting them feed me...
((I suppose we should probably discover this before she's killed. . . lol))


I was walking down the hall, checking rooms to make sure everyone was where they were supposed to be, when I heard the screaming. I ran towards it, because what else could one do in an asylum, and had to struggle with my key card before I could throw open Kas's door. "Kas, stop!" I shouted, running in to grab him by the wrists and try to make him let go. "Stop, Kas!" He wasn't one known for listening, so I let go, just long enough to hit the alarm and then go back to make sure he couldn't strangle her to death. "Bring a sedative!" I shouted into the hall, pulling his hands away from her. I didn't want to hurt him, but if he forced me to I'd knock him out the old fashioned way.
I stopped humming for a second. "poor little you, no one there to help you!" I laughed. "Now you know how I feel!" I began humming again. It soon turned into singing, yet it was very quiet and deep. 
(didnt see that, oooooppppsss))))

I screamed, letting go of her.. I turned to nic, growling angrily..... (wb.. oops))

I'd thought I had a good enough grip on him but it wasn't enough. He was surprisingly flexible and managed to kick a foot at Katie (? You guys have no name above your posts so I couldn't remember who it was). I caught Kas by the wrists again, kicking his feet from beneath him and slamming him to the ground where I pinned him with a knee on his chest. "Stop now, Kas. I stay here long enough and you'll suffocate." I would knock him out this way if I had to. Pressing a knee down on his lungs would stop him from breathing.
(sorry ill put a name))


I coughed as i fealt his weight come down on me. My back was hurting from hitting the floor. I looked at him, angrily...

"Get off me!!" I spat, ggoing to punch him.

I shoved his hand back down to the floor, fingers curling white-knuckled around his wrists. "Stay down, Kas!" If he didn't stop before someone else got here I was going to have to suffocate him this way, and believe me it wasn't pleasant for either of us.


I burst into Kasabian's room after hearin the cries of help.

"I've got the needle!" I shouted looking around at the scene frantically.


I groaned. "I've got to pee..." I mumbled for the billionth time today.

"Give it to him!" I snapped back at Alicia, unable to do much more than toss a look over my shoulder at her while I kept Kas stable. "I'll keep him still!"

I growled at him as he heald my wrists down. It didnt help that i wasnt a big fan of being touched either. I keapt struggling.. My cheast was really beginning to ache now.

I screamed out uncontrollably as i fealt the needle peirce my skin.... Soon, everything went black and i lost control of my whole body.

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