welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

Hecter smiled back "would we be eating lunch or dinner, because I have no clue what time it is."

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"Yay almost time to got to sleep" Hecter was happy because today was a long day and couldn't wait to fall asleep.

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guild looked up "I wanna get a feel for what my new him is like then zero can come back" guilds stomach growled "and yes im starved"
"Well if I'm with you at all times that won't happen again" Hecter said with a soft but serious tone.

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Hecter's face turned reder than a tomato eyes widened "w-w-what w-w-was th-that f-for".

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Mitch tagged along behind, trying to ignore the interactions between Hecter and Surota. They still made him sick. To take his mind off the subject, he thought about what he would get. He looked at the sidewalk, just high enough to see the bottom of his friend's feet so he wasn't running into them. Hmm, what should I get? Sushi? Blagh, no. Not seafood. Ooh, I know! General Tso's Chicken, with a side of fried rice -- and of course soy sauce to go with it. I think I left my chopsticks in this pair of pants. Mitch reached into his back pocket and found what he was looking for. They were two authentic chopsticks crafted out of some fancy looking green rock, with Chinese characters inscribed on the sides. They were a little dirty, so he had to wash them before he used them again. He clicked them together twice, enjoying the sound that always accompanied tasty eating for him. He absolutely loved Chinese food. "I could eat Chinese for the rest of my life," he said to himself.

sitting at a Chinese place near school he saw 3 students walk up so he waved and smiled at them "hey you three" sid called out happily
Hecter smiled "hello sir how are you? Hecter found a seat next to sid and sat down.

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Great, another 'friendly' person. That's just what I need. Well, they do seem to like Chinese though, so maybe we'll get along. "Uh, hi. I'm M-Mitch. What's your name?"

"im sid take a seat Mitch surota" sid smiled he enjoyed spending time with his students he looked at Mitch and noticed something was bugging him "you ok Mitch you seem troubled"
Hecter look over at Sid "Hey Sid have you eaten yet, I'm gonna buy us dinner?"

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"Wha… t-troubled? Oh. Nothing really. I mean, I'm having trouble finding a meister… and a purpose. I-I'm sorry. You d-didn't need to know that. Just forget it. I'm just not good at making friends is all." Mitch went to sit down across from Sid, but he slipped over a spot on the floor that had just been mopped. One of the chopsticks he was holding poked him in the eye. "Ow! Dammit!"

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