welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

"I would like to stay here until class is over." She replied. "Because that's the right thing to do"

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"Yeah, thats true. So what are you feeling like? Chicken? Ham? You name it." Jack said casuually as he began to follow Abigail.

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Hecter layed his head down on the desk "wake me up when class is over." He then cloesed his and drifted off.

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"Hmm, that's a good question. I wanna make a special lunch since we did kinda kick Zero's butt. You know kind of like a celebration kind of thing. Break you outta this quiet shell you're stuck in". Abigail looked at him with a teasing grin. "So I pick..hmm...ham. That sound good with you?".

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After to what seemed like hours of sleeping Hecter lifted his head and looked at Surota, "is class over yet."

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Right as he made his comment, the bell rang and everyone started leaving. "Ha great timing." Surota replied as she stood up. "Come on" She said to him and Mitch, fluffing out her skirt.

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Mitch followed them, still feeling out of place. What was his purpose? "Hey guys. I was wondering. What can someone do if they don't have a meister?"
Mitch was unprepared for that question. "Uh, I mean. No, you're not an outcast. I mean, I'm not trying to assume what your life is like. Er, I'm not implying that you have a bad life… or that I have it worse than you. I mean… ugh, there I go again."
"Neither one of you are outcasts, outcasts don't have friends do they? Now how about we go get something to eat because I'm starving, it's on me." Hecter thought it would be a good idea to change the topic to a more happy topic.

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Hecter smiled "ok you can get anything thing you want and as much as you want."

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Hecter looked at Surota with a concerned "how are you?, you feel better now?"

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Hecter smiled again "Surota do you know where the nearest Chinese restaurant is because I know nothing about this city".

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"Wait I just remembered that there's one not that far from the school, it's just a few blocks down from here". Hecter started walk wondering what he would order.

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"Okay, that's fine." She was overjoyed at the fact that she was going out to have fun for the first time with her friends.

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