welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

"N-no, its fine. Im just being a baby over it." He chuckled lightly as he scratched the back of his head.

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"Nah. My tough miester could never be a big baby, I'm just a big jerk. So come on, show off what you can do, if you still want to". She wanted to make amends, so she gave him this.

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Jack decided hed try and lift the mood a bit, so he quickly picked up Abigail and swung her over his shoulder.

"You might be, but I might just be trying to protect my pride from someone who for all I know could steal twice as much food than me." He chuckled heartedly as he continued forward.

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Before she realized what happened, Abigail was thrown over Jack's shoulder. She blinked,"...Jack, what are you doing?!". She wasn't quite sure what to make of the situation.

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"I have no idea, finally opening up to you as a friend? Who knows." Jack said ecstaticly

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Abigail couldn't help but laugh. "So this was your plan? Or are you having fun with how much smaller I am to you?". She laughed again,"where are we going?".

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"I don't care either way I can live with it but I can also live without it so yeah your pick black blood or rogue"

dr stein

"either way both those meisters knew what was going on and both of them kept fighting if lord death saw which yes he was watching he would have put a stop to it but he never showed so next time respect a challenge of a meister and leave the fight be ok"
"I just don't want to lose Zero to that insanity again... or you." Emory said, unsure. She reached out to cling to Guild's arm. "I just don't want to lose either of you, really. And I'm afraid the black blood will take you guys away. But I'm also afraid that trying to get rid of it will also take you from me.... any idea what Zero would want?"
guild sighed "1 im not touchy feeling and 2 ill give you an example of what zero wants do you remember when I came out during the battle well I didn't do that zero did he was afraid you were ganna get hurt and wanted the strength though he didn't know it he was forcing me out he didn't want you to get hurt so do you get what he wants now"
Emory released his arm and took a step back, pushing her hands into her pockets and staring at the ground. This whole situation had knocked her out of character... Connecting with herself and pulling herself back together Emory stood up straight and looked at Guild. "I'm Zero's weapon. It's my job to protect him, not the other way around." Emory said bluntly. "This black blood... it seems to protect him as well... in the end I think it's up to Zero whether he wants to take that risk. If any of the other black bloods also want to take the risk I'm ready to protect them but on the whole it's not my decision to make. I'm a weapon. A tool to be used. I'm nothing more then that." Emory said simply. Having nothing more to say and realizing that she had probably been missing more class (well duh Emory, since the challenge was issued during class it only makes sense that not going there after the battle meant that class was being missed) Emory left the hospital wing.
guild looked emory in the eyes "zero just wants you to be safe that's all he is worried about he activated me without thinking at the 1st thought of you being in danger that's what he wants"
"We're going to go get dinner. Alright, here you go." He put Abigail down and continued walking until he stopped in front of the classroom.

"Oh yeah, thats still going on. Oh well."

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Abigail lightly hit Jack across the chest. "Don't 'oh well', class is important. And I would totally argue about going in if it were not for my stomach growling".

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Hecter looked at Mitch and smiled "I'm sure she'll be fine, if not I'll hear about it later".

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Surota walked back into the room, appearing to be on the verge of crying, and sat into her seat.

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Emory paused to listen to Guild's words. Why did Zero care so much? Sure they were partners... but she hadn't been in any danger... It was Zero who had taken the major damage in the battle. And when he had been seriously knocked down and Jack and Abigail were going to hurt him further... well she had shifted back to human but... Jack and Abigail were reasonable people, weren't they? They wouldn't have attacked her just to get to Zero... Ok, maybe Jack would have but Abigail seemed to actually care so...

Checking the time and seeing that class was still going Emory sighed. She didn't really want to face anyone right now... She turned back to Guild, nodding. "Alright. Did you want to go get something to eat? And uh... when are you going to let Zero come back?" All of her books, all of her reading, all of her schooling... everything she had done- Nothing had prepared her for this sort of situation. And Emory wasn't sure how to cope with it at all. She felt as if Guild was lying about Zero doing it to protect her... but she made a vow that she would toughen up. She would make it so he didn't have to protect her anymore.
"Yeah, but it also doesnt matter. You can read up on soul resonance all you want and learn all there is to know about weapons, meisters, and techniques but I doesnt help if you dont go out there and learn hkw to actually fight. I guess what I mean is learning isnt always 'learning'." He raised a brow at himself, wondering whether or not he worded that right. He shrugged it off.

"Anyways, lets go get that stoma h of yours to shut up." He said casually as he walked away from the classroom

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Hecter looked over at Surota and that she was abiut to and hugged her. "Whats wrong".

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Abigail crossed her arms over her chest,"..that was a really good valid point. I'm actually quite curious as to what ours is. Though, I'm not entirely sure we're ready for it yet. No offence to you of course". Hoping she didn't make him mad again, Abigail turned and started walking. "Yea food sounds awesome right now. Besides, you need to eat too Jack". She looked over her shoulder to if he followed.

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Mitch put his hand on Surota's shoulder, trying to comfort her. "Is everything alright? Or am I going to have to punch someone." Surota was his friend, he wasn't going to stand by while someone made her cry.
"I'm fine. It's just that all I'm trying to do is protect people from getting hurt, and all I am is reprimanded for caring!" She wiped her eyes, sucking in any tears that were going to fall.

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"It's ok, would you like to home now or would you like to stay at school."

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Hecter looked at Mitch and chuckled "our dorm bud where else would I be talking about".

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"Oh, right. You guys got that now. Well, see you around then." Mitch looked back to his desk, realizing he didn't have anything for his class.

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