welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

When Hecter touched Mitch, he jumped, but reluctantly accepted the help. Sitting in the bed, he was beginning to think Hecter wasn't such a bad guy. But then Hecter continued with his conversation from earlier. He just didn't get it did he? Mitch wasn't sick, it was the conversation making him sick. As Hecter hugged Surota again, Mitch rolled over, back toward them, trying to hide the confused tears rolling down his eyes. Why did it hurt?
Hecter smiled and whispered "it's ok now like I said earlier I'll make sure you won't regret anything any more so please no more crying please".

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Hecter let out a slight chuckle "Don't try to hard because im here to help."

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"I wonder how Mitch is doing" She asked as she pulled Hecter by his hand into the room. "How do you feel, Mitch? Is your stomach alright?"

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Mitch continued to shiver and cry softly, trying to hide his now audible sniffles. You shouldn't be crying Mitch, she's better off with Hecter anyway. I just wish I could have had a little more time to spend with the only girl that ever talked to me as a friend. Now I'll just be the third wheel between meister and weapon. "They'll just look down on me as a dependent now. I'm the tag-along. The group joke. The wannabe, and I'll never be able to call Hecter a true friend I think. How could I? What am I even doing here? I don't have a meister! I don't have a point! (Literally… he's a blunt weapon xD )" As Mitch thought, he hadn't realized that he had started speaking out loud. Very lightly at first, but then getting louder. Until he was crying, clenching his fists and punching his pillow. When he realized that he wasn't just thinking what he felt, he abruptly stopped and stayed frozen, staring blankly at his pillow. Tears still fell freely out of his eyes. Mitch wanted to shoot himself.
Realizing that he hadn't heard her question, but she heard what Mitch had said, Surota was disappointed in herself. "D-do you really feel that way, Mitch? I-I'm sorry for being such a terrible friend..."

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Hecter sat down next to Mitch "I'm sorry Mitch for being such a terrible friend, im sorry for causing you any problems, I really am, is there anything I could do to make it up to you?"

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When Surota said that to him, Mitch twitched, his hand slipping off the side of the bed and sending him sprawling on the floor. He slowly pushed his back against the bed and stared at his feet. Well, it's all out now. You really did it this time Mitch. I'm getting out of here. "My stomach's fine. I-you're not t-terrible friends-s S-s-suh. Uh… I-I t-take good care of h-her Hec- *hic* I'm sorry! Waaaahaaaahaaa!" With that, Mitch tried to push past them, hopping to just run. But he tripped on the doorframe on his way out. Why are you so damn clumsy Mitch!
Surota rushed over to him, offering him a hand. "I-I'm sorry, please don't leave.."

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Hecter walked over and smiled "don't leave now Mitch please hang out with us your not hindering anything"

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Mitch wiped his eyes. His cheeks were blazing red and shiny because of sweat and tears. He took Surota's hand, but then backed away against the far wall outside. "B-but Hector likes you, and y-you're his meister. I'll just be in the way. I-I'm always in the way." Mitch let his head hang down. "At least th-that's what the lady at the orphanage said. I'll just die alone she said. Cold and alone, in a box where nobody cares. M-my parents didn't care. My a-adoptive parents j-just wanted another J-japanese kid. N-not hindering anything? I'm a wreck, I've humiliated myself and now you guys are missing class. Just stop caring, like everybody else does." Mitch sniffled, then whispered one more thing, "It'll hurt less that way."
After a bit of waiting Jack sighed and said, "Well it looks like he's not here Abby. Lets head out, I can show you how to get some 'free' bread, that sound fun?"

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Surota felt bad for Mitch. "Mitch, stop. Just, stop. We care because we're your friends. That's why we've been here for you."

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Mitch was surprised. His head shot up, wide eyed yet still a little red. He sniffled, "Y-you don't really mean that. Do you?" He smiled at the word friends, wiped his nose on his sleeve, then took a few steps forward, relaxing a bit. "Friends? Yeah. I'm sorry you had to see that. I guess I'm just not used to having friends. I was… well, still am a little confused about the whole situation. But it makes me feel a lot better hearing you say that. T-thank you."
"You know me, I would say it if I didn't mean it." She gave him a hug. "You need that to feel better." She smiled at him.

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When Surota hugged Mitch, he stood stiff, as before. He was like standing like a cross, arms stuck out horizontally. He had just hung himself, and she was hugging him anyway. Finally, Mitch accepted the hug, letting the last few tears of sorrow escape. He sniffled again, besides, he didn't want to leave a ball of snot on her shoulder. He hoped that Hecter was okay with this. He had been torn because he liked the guy, but he also liked Surota and was feeling jealous. Much good that did him.
Hecter smiled walk over wrapped his arms around both of them to join in on the hugging.

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Hecter realized its been a while since they left class "hey what time is it".

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When Hector hugged them, Mitch twitched, but then accepted it. They were friends. "Thirty minutes ago? Sorry for wasting your guys' time with all this. I really am."
Hecter chuckled a bit "yeah but we should probably head back unless class is over".

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Surota started walking towards the class. "Well they aren't going to wait for us, are they"

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