welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

Hecter followed as they walked to class then tapped Surota's shoulder and asked "can you please stay out of trouble from now on until we have a reason to cause a problem". then he smiled.

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Mitch followed behind Hecter and Surota, scuffing his feet on the ground. He looked out windows as he passed by them. How would he ever prove himself to be worth anything? What was his purpose here? As they neared the classroom, Mitch asked, "Hey, do you guys know what we're doing today?"
"Soul transfer? Sounds dangerous." Mitch followed them into the classroom and took his seat, waiting for class to begin.
Hecter saw that his and Surota's seat was open so he walked over, sat down, and kayed his head down.

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Hecter looked up at Surota and smiled "nothing just can't wait to go home and sleep in my own bed".

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"To me our dorm is home for me because it's the only place I can call home." Hecter said as he rested his chin on his arm.

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Hecter looked up at Surota with a devilish grin, "Hey Surota what would you do if I told you that I loved you".

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Surota turned instantly red, being shocked at his question. "Oh, uh.. I-I I-'m n-not sure..T-that's an interesting q-question." She cupped her hands around her face in an attempt to cover up her tomato-red cheeks.
Hecter fell to the ground laughing he could barely breathe "gotcha" he finally managed to say between gasps for air.

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Still blushing, she punched him in the stomach, hard. "I hate you!" She turned away pouting, with hints of sadness and disappointment evident in her expression.
When Mitch heard Hecter's question, his face turned as red as Surota's. He had no clue why, but he felt really torn by this event. Mitch was completely lost and confused. When she punched him, he was put in even more shock. He put his hands over his ears and closed his eyes. He was shivering a little as he wished he had never got involved with people. He wanted to go back to normal, where nobody saw his pain and nobody bothered him. Caring about others had proven only to be a double-edged sword, which was sword of ironic. Swords.

((OOC: I'm sorry, I had to.))
Now gasping for air from the punch Hecter realized that making it into a joke had hurt Surota so he hugged her and whispered into her so only she could hear him "im sorry that I hurt you I didn't know turning my confession into a joke would upset you, if it helps I did mean what I said though."

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Mitch cracked his eyes open slightly, hoping the situation was over, but it wasn't. He caught Hecter hugging Surota again. Was he whispering something to her? Mitch was feeling sick. Suddenly, he felt a burning sensation in his stomach. Then he threw up. He couldn't help it, he had just been too rattled by this whole situation. He clutched his stomach and continued to shake, waiting for the inevitable jeers and laughter.
Hecter quickly stood up and grabbed Mitch's arm "we should take you to the infirmary so you can get something for your stomach".

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Hecter, Mitch, and Surota made to the infirmary, Hecter found a spare bed and had Mitch lay down, "Mitch you rest for a bit ok and if anybody gives you a hard time about this let me and Surota know ok". Hecter then turned to Surota "are you still mad at me?"

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"I-I just don't understand how someone could love a monster like me..." She gave him a sad look, then walked out of the room.
Hecter ran after Surota grabbed her shoulder spun her around hugged her "your not a monster and no matter how crazy you get or how busserk you may go I'm you weapon your my miester I'll always be there for you".

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After trying her best to hold her emotions in, Surota had finally cracked, as she was full of trapped and caged up feelings from troubles years before, ones she always pushed away and locked up to the back of her mind. She hugged him tight as tears started to fall from her ice-blue eyes, dampening his shoulder.

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