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Emory scratched the back of her neck before looking at her hands, wondering if she had become invisible. She supposed it wouldn't be a first. She headed back to Zero's side, taking the chair she had vacated earlier. Well, she had at least learned Surota's name... she attempted to file that away for later. And the guy who's attention she had failed at getting was named Mitch.

Crossing her arms over her knees and resting her head on them she looked at Zero. "So you don't remember anything? What am I gonna do if it happens again, then? You might actually kill someone..." The last part was more Emory musing out loud.
Surota smiled. "Haha, yeah, there's was a hell of a fight that I was a part of" She placed a hand on her head again. "Ow ow ow..."

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Hecter look at Surota and said, "I told you to lay down and rest you can talk but you must stop moving around so much".

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"But-" Surota knew there was no sense in arguing, so she did was Hector said and layed back down. "I don't remember anything, honestly"

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zero tried to remember really hard he closed his eyes hard trying to remember then suddenly hid hair turn black and guild opend his eyes "wow this is a lot easier now"
Surota shot straight up from laying down. "No, Mitch! If anything, I hurt him more than he hurt me; leave him alone." The wrappings on her left arm caught on the railings of the bed and were pulled off, revealing a long, deep, vertical cut on her arm.

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"Oh… sorry" said Mitch, lowering his head. This is why he never talked to anybody, all it turned into was drama. "I guess I'll just get out of your hair then. Nobody seems to want me around." Mitch felt his eyes getting heavy and watery.
Hecter looked at Surota and said "Surota it's fine you didn't hurt me". then he looked at Mitch and said "I didn't hurt her she is my miester".

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"What the heck do you want? Give Zero back you jerk!" Emory snarled, jumping to her feet. She glared down, feeling the change in Zero's soul to know that he wasn't in control anymore.
Hecter stood up a d patted him on the back and said "stay its ok she's just a little upset and not at you".

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"Good. I want to give you a headache you monster. Give me back my Meister. Why are you even here?!" Emory asked, grasping Guild's forearm and staring down at him hard. What if this became a more common thing? What if Guild took over permanently? It scared Emory... and she blamed Lord Death for making them bring the black blood out in Zero to begin with.
Surota ignored their arguing and stared at her arm. There was a long cut, about the length of her forearm. It appeared to go almost 3 inches deep. She looked at Hector. "When did I do this? Ugh!"

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Emory sighed, crouching down and resting her forehead on Guild's arm. "I was afraid of that." She said softly. She had been, too. When people went through things that were truly traumatic they would push it all to a box in their mind and create almost a new persona to keep the trauma at bay. Of course that might not be what had happened here but... "Well Guild, I don't know if you know this but I'm Emory. I was Zero's weapon. I don't suppose he'll be coming back?"
"Y-you want me to stay?! Uh… okay, thanks. You're Hector ri… Surota! Okay, I'm not going to start blaming anybody again, but please tell me what I missed."
Hecter looked back at Surota and said "that is what you did when you got a tad bit out of control". Hecter relieved the nurse didn't stitch up the wound, "Surota do you mind if I stitch your cut".

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guild looked at emory "oh I know I can see whats happening and zero will come back I just know you have questions that you may want to know the answer for"
"You seriously took control just to answer some questions?" Emory asked, feeling confused. "I just... want to know who you are, I suppose. I want to know... if you take over and get your body back completely if I'll be left without a meister... and what will happen to Zero if you do."
Mitch gagged when Hector suggested the idea. "Uh, are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, the nurse would probably be better at it."
Hecter looked at Mitch and said "it's ok I've had advanced medical training".

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Hecter look back at Surota and asked "would you like the nurse or me to stitch your arm?"

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guild sighed "well for one thing I don't take control it just kind of happens when ever he gets closing to remembering what happened and I thought what the heck answer your questions while I have the time well for your 1st question my name is guild I was abducted when I was young from my parents and tested on with black blood I was the 1st so I was project zero I was called that a lot more then my real name hence zero thinking its his name and as for that parent killing that was really 2 witches arguing about what test to do next on me actually my parents should be in London right now if they haven't moved and for resonating you should know by now even if the personalities change the soul does not I could resonate with you easy"

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