welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

Mitch woke up and looked around. Was he really out for that long? Had no one come down that hall? Or had they just not cared… like usual? Mitch slowly got up and looked at his watch. Great, it's broken. Had it only been a few minutes? Or had he missed the class? Had it been a few days? He couldn't tell. He started to wander the halls, looking for someone to talk to. On his way, he tried to brush out his hair, he thought it was a little messy. Finally he found someone, so he called out "Hey, could you help me?"
Hecter woke up to see Surota looking at him, he grabbed his notepad from his pocket and wrote "you lost a lot of blood and collapsed so I picked you up and carried you here".

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Hecter changed to a new page and wrote "I don't really know but you were fighting with zero and you cut yourself and made the cut deeper at the end." Then Hecter said with a soft tone "I thought I told you no fighting I was really worried about you." and hugged her firmly.

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"Clue me in next time. That's all I ask, okay?". She looked over at him with a small smile.

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Surota's eyes widened. "When did I-? She then sat up and put her head in her hands. "Ugh everything hurts..."

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As they walked Abigail's stomach growled. "Ugh, all that fighting has made me starved. Maybe we should go see if lord death will pay us now".

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Mitch couldn't find anyone, so he continued on. He thought he saw Surota on the floor, so he called out, "Hey Surota! I'm really sorry for…" Then he noticed Hector was hugging her. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything." He started walking away, scratching the back of his neck and staring at his shoes.
"He so better pay us or I'm gonna go all weapon killer on him". She groaned as her stomach growled again.

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"You know... I don't really know what black blood is. It made you three go insane. None of you seemed to feel pain... and you could make your blood into weapons. You were cruel, heartless, and had an insane laugh... and all of you enjoyed causing each other pain." Emory said. She heard someone's voice out in the hallway so she headed out to see someone wandering the halls. Turning back to Zero she said: "I'll be right back. Maybe you can remember something about it....? Or maybe... maybe you shouldn't because then you're not you." Emory said before heading out into the hallway and talking to the boy.

"Hey, are you alright? You seem lost."
[QUOTE="Michael Dineen]Mitch couldn't find anyone, so he continued on. He thought he saw Surota on the floor, so he called out, "Hey Surota! I'm really sorry for…" Then he noticed Hector was hugging her. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything." He started walking away, scratching the back of his neck and staring at his shoes.

(OOC: Hector and I are in the nurse's office)

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Hecter backed up giving surota some room "you need to lay down and rest Surota you are in no shape to be moving".

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Mitch couldn't find anyone, so he continued on. He thought he saw Surota in the nurse's office, so he called out, "Hey Surota! I'm really sorry for…" Then he noticed Hector was hugging her. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything." He started walking away, scratching the back of his neck and staring at his shoes.
"Surota? So that's that girl's name... I had been wondering. Who are you?" Emory asked, feeling a little annoyed at being annoyed but brushing it aside. She crossed her arms. She was glad Zero was awake and wondered if she should really be absent from his side. He obviously was at a loss for what was going on... and she should be helping him but she hated being lost herself, or alone, and so figured she'd attempt to lend a hand.
Hecter remembered about the black blood. "Oh I just remembered Surota that you said your blood was black and after that you kinda went crazy."

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Surota was shocked, then disappointed in herself. "I thought I could control myself better than that.." She frowned. She then noticed that Mitch was briefly in the doorway. "Mitch!" She yelled, hoping he would hear her.

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RubyRose said:
"Surota? So that's that girl's name... I had been wondering. Who are you?" Emory asked, feeling a little annoyed at being annoyed but brushing it aside. She crossed her arms. She was glad Zero was awake and wondered if she should really be absent from his side. He obviously was at a loss for what was going on... and she should be helping him but she hated being lost herself, or alone, and so figured she'd attempt to lend a hand.
(OOC: who was that "Who are you" for, I'm confused)

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Mitch shoved his hands in his pockets and approached them timidly. "Sorry for missing our meeting. I ran into a door and got knocked out. But nobody stinking woke me! They just let me sit there. Sorry about that."
Hecter grabbed his notepad and wrote "it's ok we ran into a few problems ourselves". and showed Mitch.

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