welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

Hecter jumped up, ran out the dorm, and ran as quickly as he could towards the school.

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Emory noticed that all three of the people with black blood were also meisters. She wondered if it was linked. Partially afraid and just wanting to make sure that she didn't have black blood she half formed into the axe and then touched the tip with her finger. Seeing the red liquid well out she let out a sigh of relief but... well Jack's blood had been red as well. She decided it would be best to just watch at this point. She didn't have anything else to comment on.
When Hecter got there he saw Surota standing in the battle zone, he ran to her tapped her shoulder and transformed into his weapon form.

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guild smiled jack was du.... wait a sec a female black blood that claims to be an original no it cant be its her son has to be now that I look at him I see that he has her face guild got rid of his blood sword and slowly walked up to jack there was only one way to tell "strike me hurt me make me bleed" he looked up his eyes deadly serious "cut my bloody head off"
Surota started laughing maniacally as the blood from the tiny cut on her arm wouldn't stop flowing out of her forearm. "Hehehe let's see where this goes" She whispered as her pupils became dialated and madness set in and Hector appeared in her hand, making her thrust her arm out, cutting Zero's abdomen.

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guild took the blow but it didn't penetrate his skin do to the fact that his blood had hardend he didn't waste time and punched her in the gut with all he got "go to sleep you will have your chance" he said as he continued to jack
Abigail tried to change back but couldn't. Jack's blood had invaded her mind. Her killing instincts were heightened. She grinned a toothy grin again and licked her lips. "Come Jack, let's do what he says. I wanna see him bleed. I wanna be covered in his blood. Come on, what are you waiting for".

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She was pushed backwards, but the blow didn't seem to phase Surota. "Hehehe was that supposed to hurt?"

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guild stopped and looked at her a deadly pissed looked in his eyes he was going for as much blood as he could get "what did I say little girl if you wait I will return and fight if you don't well I know the one way to kill any black blood and well I will be forced to kill you"
Jack looked at zero and lifted Abigail, then struck down on Zeros sholder solidly with the blade. He fluently followed suit and landed the other blade right into Zeros stomach, he then made the black blood covering Abigail move over and cover Zeros neck and turned the blood into a hand that began to strangle Zero.

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Hecter was furious when he heard what Guild said "YOU LAY ONE HAND ON MY MIESTER I WILL RIP YOU TO SHREDS" yelled Hecter.

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"Everyone's gone mad." Emory whispered. "Is that what the black blood does? Will Zero turn back to normal, Lord Death? Or... am I going to be left without a meister?" She watched as the unrecognized girl and her weapon, as well as Jack and Abigail, faced off with Zero on his own. Blows had landed on all of them and none of them even seemed phased... like they weren't human but actually some form of battle robot. It was wrong and it was unnatural and Emory just wanted things to make sense again.
Jack brought Zero closer to him, face to face.

"That is something you do not deserve to know, you weak and pathetic waste of space." He said quietly as he put zero back down a distance away.

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"they will be fine you have nothing to worry about" 
"let me guess Amanda" guild smiled
Jack made a buzzing sound. "Wrong, guess again!" He chuckled. He hated that he had black blokd. This was actually the first time he had ever used it. He didnt feel any different, he was just really annoyed.

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"really then lets test something" guild blinked his eyes and all the black blood around him disappeared he smiled as he hit the ground "will you look at that" he sighed "its time this ended" guild closed his eyes and his hair turned back to blonde and he fell to the ground conches
Surota then widened the cut in her arm with Hector blade and dipped her fingers in the gash. "hehe it's so pretty" She said as she whipped her hand out and the blood flew off her fingers, turning into bloody spears and piercing into Zero. "Hehehe, let me finish him"

(OOC: please stop godmodding by not being hurt from our attacks; it's really annoying.

@deathfox6 )

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Seeing Zero drop to the ground had Emory turning and sprinting from Lord Death's office, anxious to see if her meister was alright... to see if Zero would come back now. She knew how to prevent this from happening in the future... she just had to make sure that Zero never was put into serious danger again.

"Zero!" Emory said, dropping to his side but afraid to touch him due to the black blood that seemed to be splattered all over him thanks to himself, Jack, and the other girl.
Jack walked towards the other girl.

"Leave him be now, theres no point in beating him further." He said blandly

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Surota then walked over to Zero with wobbly, unbalanced movements, as if her legs were about to collapse. She then raised her blade and pointed it right above Zero, hesitating after hearing what Jack had said, regaining some sanity. "Aww, why not? It's fun!"

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"Don't you dare touch him." Emory snapped, getting to her feet and glaring at the girl. She glanced at the girls weapon, ready to protect Zero if it was needed.

"Everyone is still alive, if that's what you're asking." Emory replied, looking down at Zero.
dr stein

stein walked up and picked zero up "should probably get him to a hospital ill be back later" stein walked off hold zero in his arms

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