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Hecter grabbed the hand that Surota was holding the knife and shook his head in disapproval.

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Abigail kept a careful eye on on Surota. She didn't trust that the girl wouldn't try to attack her miester again. "Jack, I hate yo admit but I think this fight is over". She looked over her shoulder at him.

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as people talked my hair slowly turned black I fought it as much as I could but in the end the black blood had ahold of me "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" zero laughed uncontrollably and insanely his eyes dead set on jack "oh this is going to be FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" zero began to laugh again as he took the wound on his shoulder and push his hand further into it until my hand was inside my body completely still laughing I pulled out a blade made of my black blood "JACK ITS SHOW TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Jack chuckled. "See? Told you all he still had some fight in him! Well then, bitch, lets dance! Abby? If you would?" He said with a gleam in his eye.

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Abigail looked at Zero with wide smile. "It appears I was wrong. Looks like we finally get a real fight". She changed and landed in Jack's hands. "You better not hold back partner".

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"give my your best shot you weak untrained simpleton" zero laughed insanely again madness in his eyes
Surota calmed down a bit and looked at Hector. "I'm starting to hate this Jack guy. He's going to make me snap someday and there's going to be a murder party and I'll have no regrets." She smirked.

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Jack slowly reached behind him with Abigail and put a small cut in his back. He looked over his shoulder and saw a small trail of red course down his spine.

"Well I may be a simpleton, but that doesnt mean I cant still teach you your place." He jumped back a few feet and stood at the ready.

"Now I get paid, so do your worst pretty boy." He said.

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Hecter grabbed his notepad wrote "would you like to find our house now." and showed Surota.

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"Yes, because if I have to keep watching this, I'm gonna lose it" She started walking away from the battle.
Abigail was taken aback when Jack used her to cut himself. His blood was warm as it dripped off the tip of her blade. "Jack what are you doing?", she thought to herself.

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Hecter smiled as they walked away from the battle. He stopped and hugged Surota and whispered into her ear "I happy that you didn't fight today". and then he continued walking.

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He grabbed his notepad and wrote "because you are my miester and more importantly you are my one and only friend".

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"Oh, uh, thanks" Surota's words froze up on her. 'That's really the best I could respond? why won't my words work?' She thought to herself.

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Surota looked at the note. "Uh, turn this corner" She went around the corner and saw a door with a number on it and checked the number on the paper. "Room 8, right here"

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Hecter smiled, he was happy to finally lay down in his own bed.

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Emory had been ready to protect Zero if Jack had come at him again but upon hearing her Meister speak she turned back to him. He... he didn't look like himself and as he spoke further she noticed his voice wasn't right either. He just... he felt wrong.

"Zero?" Emory knew that it would be stupid of her to change into her weapon form. And on top of that it looked like he didn't even need a weapon.
"Well then we're going to be here a while." Jack said as he crouched down.

"And Abby, I was seeing if I had black blood too. Seems to be a pretty contagious illness. Glad im not a weakling like that." He said plainly.

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zero smirked at emory "im sorry but my name isn't zero that was just my testing number in the labs I was project zero no my name is guild the original black blood"
Surota opened the door to the room, revealing the dorm's fully furbished contents: a full sized living room, a kitchen and a two-person bedroom. "Woah, it's like a mini house!"

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guild looked at jack again and smiled "to afraid to take the first strike wussy" guild disappeared and then re appeared behind jack slashing his sword up his back
The expression on... Zero/Guild's face made Emory feel a little nauseous and she couldn't help feeling teary eyed. "So... well why are you like this now? Is Zero like... when you're repressing your memories?"

Emory realized that now wasn't the time for questions but... the only way to defeat something was to understand it. So... well she really didn't want Jack to have to kill her meister so she was attempting to see just how deep into this they were. "Guild... who are you exactly?"

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