welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

(OOC: Jack is chest up, his back is towards the ground. That comes into play here in a second.)

Jack leaned back and swung his legs up, sending him into another backflip while his body still moved forward. He planted his feet on zeros back and launched himself forward while zero went in the opposite direction.

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zero flipped himself back onto his feel when he was kicked and landed smoothly he looked up at jack ready for his next attack
zero zig zaged toward jack and banked right and side swung straight at the side of jack
Jack blocked the blow with Abigail and countered by spinning her as they made contact. He then swung her straight up towards zeros chest again.

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as jack jumped back zero flung himself forward and swung emory to the other side this time
Jack continued from his handspring and bent into a 'bridge' he swung his right leg up while doing so and landed a kick to zeros stomach.

Jack was pissed at the cut on his forehead he now had.

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Jack approached slowly, swinging Abigail back and forth.

"What do yiu think, Abby? Do we finish him now or let him grovel a bit more? And what about you miss battle axe? Whats your opinion on this?" He stopped a fet feet away from zero and popped his knuckles a few times.

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Abigail grinned a toothy grin. "I like hurting him. Seeing his blood makes me smile". Being back into a fight after 3 years, Abigail was slipping back into her weapon killing instincts. Her normal calm visage, slipped and her blood happy side came sliding through little by little.

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"And what about you, Emory? You pissed that im kicking your meisters ass? Bet you wanna punch me in the face, dont you?" Jack asked cockily.

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Emory was seething. She morphed back into her human form, standing protectively in front of Zero. "That's enough, Jack. It's been a good battle.... but speaking of groveling and kicking a man when he's down is not ok. You challenged him and you won... let's leave it at that." Emory said, barely keeping her anger in check. She could feel her eyes begin to sting as she turned to Zero. You're never supposed to turn your back on an enemy... but despite Jack's and Abigail's cruel words Emory trusted them to have proper battle manners. "Are you ok, Zero?" Emory asked, kneeling at his side.
Surota gave an evil smile after watching their battle. "I can't wait to fight like that, watch my opponent's blood spill." Her chaotic smile stretched across her entire face. "and finally kill them and bathe in their blood."

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Hecter looked at Surota and gave out a slight after he heard what she said. Hecter grabbed his notepad and wrote "I agree".

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Jack slumped his shoulders.

"Aww, come on, cant be over yet, he still gotta have SOME fight in him. " he said as he put on a fake, whiny tone

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Madness set a fire in her as her black blood surged through her veins. "Leave him the hell alone!" Surota yelled, bulleting towards Jack, with a closed fist. "I've got black blood too, so don't you want to fight me?" She screamed with a psychotic look in her eyes.

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Jack lokked over as she ran at him and seethed, "You idiot, im getting paid for this! Its a job thag lord death requested."

He waited until she was cmose before sending an uppercut straight at her chin.

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After Jack had hit the girl,Abigail changed back and stood in front of him with her arms out wide, shielding him. She looked to the girl,"stop. We are not purposely attacking him. We are doing this for a reason. Zero is a dangerous person. I will engage with you if you come near my miester again".

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Hecter ran to Surota's side and helped her to her feet. He then stepped between Surota and Jack's weapon prepaired to fight if need be.

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After hitting the ground, hard, Surota slowly got up and spit out blood. "Oh, he's dangerous? Really? How many people has he killed? Has he slaughtered anyone? Hmm?" She started to laugh. "Well I have! I've killed many innocent people because I'M THE ONE WHO'S DANGEROUS. That's even the meaning of my name! "Slaughter"! I kill people for the fun of it! I find pleasure in torturing and watching blood spill and soil my hands, so who's the one that's dangerous, huh?" A wretched, chaotic smile spanned across the entirety of her face, as if madness was consuming her. "Sometimes I can't even control myself; I'm utterly crazy at times!" She screened as she let out a maniacal laughter.

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Instead of waiting for Hector to transform, she pulled a crimson-stained ballistic knife out of her right boot, waiting for a fight. Her face held a psychotic look. "Then you, sir, is the one who should be slayed. Ready when you are." She smiled.

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"No thhanks but as you can see ive got a job to finish." He said as he turned toward zero.

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