welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

Emory was getting caught up in the energy and excitement of the battle... even though neither had landed a hit yet. She didn't know about Zero's choice to be the first to attack... she had thought it proper manners for the one who initiated the challenge to go first but well- he was the meister. All Emory had to do is trust in his battle instinct and be the strongest weapon she could. She kept herself relaxed as she and Zero headed straight for Abigail and Jack.
Jack rolled out of the way just in time and lunged at him sending a diagnol swipe towards his chest.

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zero stepped back and planted emory in the ground allowing her to catch jack swing on the inner blade zero then jumped up and kicked jack in the chest with both feet while using emory to keep him from falling to the ground
Jack used the force of the kick to turn himself into a backlflip, landing softly but still wwith a bit of a ruffle in his shirt.

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Abigail's ears rang as she clashed against Emory. It's been awhile since she's had that feeling. She grinned as her miester swung her with complete smoothness.

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"Thats a nice smile, im gonna enjoy knocking every tooth out of it." Jack said happily

Jack stood at the ready, weapon in hand.

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zero waited for the next attack mean while trying to figure out exactly what to do next
The battle seemed to be more of a dance to Emory. A competition to see who could break past the other's barriers but one with such class and style. Emory flinched a little as she clashed against Abigail, having never hit another weapon so hard before, but upon realizing she was still intact smiled. In a way this was kind of fun... though Emory was still rooting for Zero to crush Jack at this point. "When we're finished with you a gap toothed smile will be the least of your worries!" Emory shouted back. Most of the things she said sounded so much better in her head....
Jack took a deep breath and let his body relax. He looked at zero and beckoned him with his middle finger.

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Abigail smirked at Jack's motion. "Oh I hardly think we're going to be the ones worrying about that".

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"smooth" he said as he ducked down going for a lower attack but when zero got up close he strike upward towards jacks chest
zero was to late to block it and got a slash up the shoulder he jumped back and looked at jack my black blood dripping from the wound I got back into my fighting stance not even noticing my blood is black
"Zero! Are you alright?!" Emory asked as she tried to get a sense of how serious the wound was. It was strange because it didn't seem like Zero's soul was registering as much pain as it should have... and... as Lord Death said Zero's blood was black. What did that even mean? First and foremost at Emory's mind was that someone had been able to land a hit past her, though.
Abigail grinned wide again as she sliced through Zero's flesh. "Nice move Jack. I knew you'd make a great partner".

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"im fine it doesn't hurt to much so..." he finaly looked sat the wound and he froze "b-b-black blood???"
Jack smirked and seized his chance and used the remaining momentum from his swipe and spun into a kick, it lands right in the center of zeros face.

He felt a few teeth crack.

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zero with all his might tried to stay up and composed he rotated himself off oh jacks gut and elbowed him in the stoumich
Jack felt the blow, but since his body was pretty much limp, the muscles formed around his elbow to dissipate the blow so it didnt hurt that much.

Jack reached out and grabbed zero behind the neck, he brought him in quickly and landed his knee right into zeros chest.

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"AAAAHHHH!" zero exclaimed

Dr Stein

"jack is going to need to do something worst if he is going to got that black blood to activate"


"this may take longer then I thought"
Jack spun Abigail overhead to get ready to attack.

When he did he sent one of Abigails blades into the ground and launched himself at zero, pulling Abigail out of the ground in the process.

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he grabbed emory and quickly jumped up into the air and landing on jacks back with the blade of my ax pointed down into him
Abigail gritted her teeth as Jack grinded her into the hard ground. It most definitely had been a long time since she's felt that.

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Emory felt rather useless... only useful in amplifying her meister's soul but unable to help in any other way in the battle. It bothered her... but he seemed to be holding his own for the most part- even though Jack had landed the hardest hit so far. Emory felt more of a spectator in this battle than she felt really a part of it. The only difference is that she could feel the blows.

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