welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]


"well you can do it at anytime so long as you tell dr stain to over view every thing"
Jack yurned and walked away.

"Will do. Now lets get to class, dont need to be tardy over something so small." He said as he waved a hand behind him to lord death.

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Abigail gave death a small bow. "Thank you Sir". She spin on her heel and followed Jack out the door. She nudged him and grinned,"..so looks like we get to have some fun after school".

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"That we do." Jack said with a grin as he entered the classroom and took his spot from yesterday.

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he saw that almost everyone was here as dr stain saw jack and Abigail walked in he smiled after a little while the bell rang and he looked up at the class "hello students today we will be discussing the theory of soul wave transfer does anyone know what that is"
As they entered, Abigail figured that she would sit by her miester, naturally. She kicked her feet up in the desk as always and pulled out a pen cap, chewing on it like normal.

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'I think when you transfer your soul wavelength to another meister?' Surota thought, head in her hands, when she realized that someone was missing. "Hey, Hector, it's 10, I wonder where Mitch is?" She whispered to him.
Hecter shrugged grabbed his notepad from his pocket and wrote "maybe he's in the main hall.

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Surota froze as she had a sudden realization as she remembered the note. "Oh, shit, that's right. Maybe he'll figure it out that it's class time."
dr stain

"very good now can you tell me what would happen if you did this and why its still a theory"
Emory listened quietly. She felt like she knew the answer but she wasn't sure so she didn't speak up, afraid of answering wrong in front of the class.
"Because theres no evidence to prove it but also no evidence to disprove it, therefore its still under research and is to be determined." Jack answered, slightly annoyed that he had to speak up for class to continue.

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dr stain

"good you see soul transfer is when the 2 meisters that are doing it become so in sink that they can combine their weapons making the ultimate weapon though only one of the meisters can use it once the weapons have merged but the meister that doesn't fight isn't just sitting back his job is to keep transferring his soul wave length to the other meister"
Emory scribbled down notes on what Dr. Stain was saying, finding some interest in what's being said but not particularly liking the idea of it at all. At least if she was understanding what the professor was saying, that is.
A grin spread across his face.

"Can I have a sparing match with ghe kid in here named Zero?" He asked happily

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zero eyes widen he looked up and saw jack had asked he soon smiling this was a great chance to see just how good he could be I looked at emory nodding to her to see if she was cool with it

Dr. Stain

"hhhmmm well I guess if mister zero was ok with it then I can permit it" stain said smiling "emory zero???"
Emory looked over at Jack, eyes widening a little. She glanced back over at Zero, resisting the urge to bite her lower lip. She forced herself to smile and nod. She had faith in Zero after all... and this would be a good chance to test their partnership. Emory reached over to grasp Zero's forearm in an attempt to say 'I accept whatever you wish to do.'
"Yeah, ok." Emory whispered, her heart pounding in fear. She had faith in Zero. Nothing bad would happen. Emory continued to repeat that in her head, afraid to even consider the alternative even though in a lot of ways it seemed more likely. "I trust you to do your best, Zero." Emory said cheerfully albeit quietly. She wasn't going to expect Zero to win or lose, just that he would work hard and take care of the both of them to the best of his ability.
Emory faced Dr. Stain a moment before standing and facing Jack, a smile in place despite her fears. "We accept your challenge, Jack." Emory said enthusiastically. "We'll do our best. You do your best too, ok?" Emory said, unsure what else to say but feeling like she was supposed to say something else... it felt right, anyway. Emory reached over to grasp Zero's hand. "Do we need to leave right now, Professor?"

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