welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

Abigail followed Jack out the door and down the steps. "So what should we do once we get there? Should we go find him...or talk to lord death?".

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zero smiled "well online gaming is why I started strategizing it makes the game a lot more fun but it also helps with real world battles"


"hhmm well you see we don't have dorms but the school supply's homes" death handed them a peace of paper with there new address on it
Jack thought for a moment.

"I think we shoukd just go on with our day as normal but afterwards is when we challenge him, that sound alright? But then again maybe we should run our plan through with lord death." He scratched the back of his head as they walked.

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"T-thanks." She took the paper and motioned for Hector to follow, as she walked out the door.

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After thinking for a good while, Mitch finally made his decision. Looking down to the crumpled Hawkeye for inspiration, he looked to the door, a fire in his eye. If she wants to hurt me, she's already succeeded. But if she doesn't, then I can't waste the only friendship I've got. So what if she's got a different weapon. Perhaps Hector is a nice guy, but either way, I won't let that destroy my first friendship. I don't care if I'm the third wheel. At least I'm something to someone. Mitch whipped open his door and waltzed down the halls with new vigor. He needed to find Surota. He thought he heard her voice, so he followed it. As he turned a corner, he buried his face in someone's back. It was Jack. Within seconds, Mitch went from courage to cowardice as he stood, cringing in embarrassment.
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"Have you had to battle in real life before?" Emory asked curiously, looking up at Zero. "Also, class should be starting soon, right? I should probably change back now..." Emory added, feeling rather sad about it but knowing that she needed to either way. She couldn't take notes in weapon form afterall.
Hecter quickly bowed his head towards Lord Death and turned to go catch up with Surota.

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Abigail entwined her fingers behind her head as they walked. "Well I figure we could let death know what we plan to do and then after school we can do our battle?".

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Surota looked at the black wristwatch and her left wrist. "Hmm, it's 9:05am, and I wrote for Mitch to meet us in the main hall at 10:00, do you know what time class starts, Hector?"

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"That sounds goo-" he said until he got bumped in the back by someone. Jack slowly turned around to see some guy looking all scared.

"Watch where the hell youre going and get your head out of your ass." He seethed at the guy, he then turned around and continued.

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Abigail frowned at the guy and then shrugged as she continued the walk with Jack. "Well looks like that's the plan then".

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"That it does. So lets get headed to lord deaths room and talk this over with him real quick." He said as he turned a corner into another hall.

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Emory paled. It seemed like she kept asking the wrong questions... kept poking at the wrong places. "Oh." She mumbled, unsure of herself once more. She shook it off- she would again just have to be more careful. "Well I'm glad that you know how to fight, Zero... because all I'm really good at is being a weapon. I can't really wild myself after all. But could you imagine? I meean... I guess I've known of a few weapons that only partially change and fight like that but it's not fun without a meister."
Abigail nodded and moved her hands to stiff them into her pockets. "Wonder if he'll approve? I mean he did send us on this mission with a single order. You would think he'd be okay with everything else".

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Mitch stood, bones rattling. Wait, he had morphed into his trisection staff and fell to the floor, that was the rattling sound. He turned back to human and stood there in silence. Is that it? Left in the dust? Cast off as an afterthought? Mitch knelt to the ground. It was all too much. He was never going to find an open meister that would accept him. My friendships would never go anywhere and I would definitely die alone, living in a box. Mitch continued to wallow in his own sorrow, grabbing his knees and trying to hide the tears of confusion and uncertainty.
Jack chuckled, "Fair enough. Thats exsctly what he said after all."

His brain was still thinking through last minute adjustments to the plan, just to be sure.

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I looked at her and sighed "please stop I don't care if you ask touchy questions because as a weapon and meister we are to know as much as possible about each other if you ask something little it means you find out something small but if you ask a deep question it may just bring us closer as partners" zero looked emory in the eyes "so do not hold back what ever you want to know I will answer truthfully and happily "
Emory blushed and glanced away. He saw through her so easily, it was so disconcerting. She wasn't used having to face the things that made her uncomfortable. Biting her lip she nodded... Zero was right of course but Emory didn't want to dredge up any pain for him. Shoving her hands into her pockets she kept her gaze fixed on the ground except for the moments she glanced over at Zero. "I just... don't want to make you sad. Like there are times to be sad and I'll never hold it against you when you are and I'll even try to cheer you up and everything but I don't want to be the reason you're sad..."
"emory the only thing you make me is happy really im sad because of my past but that is behind me now yes I worry ill snap like I did yes I fought in orphanage but you have to remember that I feel safe around you so please don't hold back if you want to know I will answer"
Emory smiled and bumped her should playfully against Zero's. She was beginning to really gain confidence in their partnership and it was truly a fantastic feeling. "I'm really glad to hear that. I uh... well... how long were you in an orphanage? Why did the other kids pick on you?" Emory asked, finally giving in to her curiosity.
"10 years probably hard to remember really" zero said smiling now happy she's finally trying to know who he really is
"Do you remember anything about your parents? I mean... you know, before you blacked out?" Emory asked... she felt like she was crossing over a line but he was smiling and Emory wanted him to continue smiling... so she tried to think of more questions that would possibly tell her more about her partner.
"well the most I remember is that my parents whore long white coats mom was wearing a odd hat with a point on it dad was pretty big but that's just what I saw before the black out any thing before that is long gone" he started walking down the down the hall "btw we should probably get to class"

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