welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

Abigail yawned as she made her a bowl of cereal. "Yes actually I can. If it's a particularly strong blow, I can actually feel that. But like I said, it has to be a really strong blow". She took a bite and chewed sleepily.

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Surota took him and went outside Mitch's dorm, slowly and carefully closing the door behind her. Still amazed at resonating with a long sword, she observed her weapon, from the tip of the blade to the end of the hilt. She then stuck the sword out in front of her and noticed something. "Woah, Hector, I can see you in the blade, can you see me too?" Surota held Hector's weapon form in front of her, amazed at her discovery.

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"Oh, thats cool, I guess." Jack ran his hands through his hair for a moment but then got up when the coffee was done. He came back witb two mugs full and placed them on the table.

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Surota smiled back at him and started practicing strokes again. "I-I'm guessing that's a yes." Each sword stroke was all power and precision, showing that Surota has obviously used a weapon before.

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Abigail took her mug and took a careful sip. "Thank you, Jack". She went back to eating them stopped and got serious. "So...you really ready to go through with this?".

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Jack looked into his coffee as he answered.

"Yeah, its an order and I have to go through with it and apparently its for the good of the academy so I cant really say no. Plus we'll be getting 15% more cash for 10 jobs so thats extra motivation. Only bad side I can see to this is making someone cry." He smirked at the end of that and took a sip if his coffee, he hafnt added anyyhing to it yet.

"Gah, this is bitter! How dl people drink this?!" He asked as he tried to get the taste out of his mouth.

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"Hey Hector, do you want to explore around the school a bit, because it's kinda early so no one is really up yet? Plus we could learn where things are at this huge school." She said as she let him turn back into his human form.

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Thesquaidsy said:
Jack looked into his coffee as he answered.
"Yeah, its an order and I have to go through with it and apparently its for the good of the academy so I cant really say no. Plus we'll be getting 15% more cash for 10 jobs so thats extra motivation. Only bad side I can see to this is making someone cry." He smirked at the end of that and took a sip if his coffee, he hafnt added anyyhing to it yet.

"Gah, this is bitter! How dl people drink this?!" He asked as he tried to get the taste out of his mouth.

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(OOC: All those spelling mistakes tho xD )

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Abigail took another drink from hers and grinned. "You're just a wimp", she teased. "Add some milk to it. It'll make it taste better".

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Jack took her advice and tried it again, it had become bearable.

"So since you asked, I might as well ask back. Are you sure about this?" He continued drinking his coffee.

(Also yeah I hate the spelling on my phone, its keys are just so tiny! Haha, switching to pc now though ^-^)

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Abigail sighed,"Yes. I go where my miester goes. As lame as that may sound, those are my duties as a weapon. I know I'm entilted to my opinion and such, but in the end I follow you". She took another drink of her coffee. "I Just don't want her to be angry at us. I mean I've been trying to think of a way to help her through this, once the battle is over of course". Abigail cupped her hands around the mug and brought her knees to her chest. "But this must be done so, so be it".
"Let me see your notepad." She said as she opened to a new page and started writing in a very neat cursive:

'To Mitch,

Hector and I left your dorm early because we wanted to explore the school,
get our own dorms, and do some weapon practice. We will be wandering the school by the time you get up, so meet us in the main hall of the school around 10:00am for the morning classes. Oh, and since Hector and I are partners now, we will be living in the same dorm, so we won't be sharing yours anymore.


She finished off her signature with a cute little heart next to her name: part of her written signature. She took the note off of the notepad and stuck it on Mitch's desk in his room, where he would easily see it.
Emory smiled and released the breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. "Thanks Zero." Emory said. She kept her observance up- it was her job to protect Zero after all... And she knew that there weren't any dangers in the area but it was good practice for later. "So you said earlier that you wanted to pair up with another team? Did you have any in mind? Because I know several weapons that I found could really help us out... and well I mean Meisters as well but like.... I dunno, I connect better with other weapons in a way I guess except for the connection I share with you of course."
"well im not sure but there was this guy just punching a tree yesterday he seemed nice but I don't think I wouldn't be able to talk to him" zero blushed "so would you mind talking to him" zero sighed
Abigail quirked a brow at him as she felt she may have said something wrong. She knew she should've kept that whole worrying about the other miesters feelings, to herself. "Look Jack, I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't worry about our opponents feeling but...I dunno how to explain it. I'm...sorry Jack". She looked down into her mug and awaited what was to come next.

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Hecter was curious so he grabbed the notepad and and wrote " where are we going first".

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"Sure!" Emory said enthusiastically. "I don't suppose you caught a name??" She asked after a moment, not knowing any guys to have been punching trees... she probably just hadn't noticed. "You know Zero, I don't understand why you can't talk to people. I mean you talk to me and you're a lot of fun to talk to!!" Emory said before considering that it might not have to do with an issue of shyness at all. Emory liked talking to people as long as they didn't think she was stupid... she wouldn't mind being that bridge to helping Zero make more friends.
Surota thought for a moment. "I guess for now, let's just explore" She said as she grabbed Hector's hand and started pulling him down the hall.
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I stop for a sec my hair coving my eyes "its because I don't want to black out like I did with my parents I talk to you because you make me feel safe" he started walking again

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