welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

"Yeah? That's great!" Emory said, following Zero's lead as they headed out. She snagged her backpack and then got the door for Zero. "You know, I'm really excited for today! I'm looking forward to getting to know you better and being able to be your partner!" Emory said... having just about forgotten about the battle that she would have to take part in later on.
Jack woke up again and decided to make himself some breakfast. He got a bowl of cereal and ate it silently in the kitchen, rethinking his battle plan one more time.

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"I hope we can make some friends if we team up with other teams our missions a lot easier and apparently even if you team up it doesn't dock your pay well so long as the are only 2 meisters and 2 weapons" zero walked out the door smiling telling today was a good day
"So if there are three meisters and 4 weapons then the pay would be split?" Emory asked curiously as she shut the door and skipped over to where Zero was, walking energetically at his side. "I really like the idea of making friends though. I mean, I've got your back and you've got mine but it's nice to know that there's someone who can actually protect your back- you know?"
"course 2 fighters are always better then one" for a quick moment my hair turns black again then back to blond I stop dead in my tracks looking up as though I was trying to make something out in the sky in a deep thought
Emory noticed a darkening color out of the corner of her eye but when she turned to look Zero looked normal. "Two are almost always better then one. Two ice creams. Two people. Two hours. Two is like really always better then one." Emory chattered away cheerfully.
I opend my eyes smiling might as well try to remember it later "true true enough oh hey we have some time maybe we can get some practice in"
"Sounds good to me." Emory replied, grinning. Truthfully she really loved being in weapon form... it just felt right. But she had never really been able to stay in it long because... well she hadn't had a purpose or anyone to wield her so it had been a waste to change... but now she had a partner. She just couldn't get over that fact as many times a she repeated it to herself. Not waiting for him to say anything else Emory grabbed his hand and after a gentle squeeze she morphed.
zero grasped emory firm and twirled her around getting a feel for using an ax he took on to it very fast lets try some around the body moves zero thought trying it out again learning quickly "wow this is easier then I thought"
"Yeah? That makes me really happy!" Emory cheered happily, focusing in on syncing her soul with Zero's. She had always thought all the spinning and swishing would make her dizzy or nauseous but she felt completely at ease strangely. "We make a really good team, Zero. I'm ready to go on a mission right now!" Emory said, in a way feeding off of the connection between her and Zero and building her confidence with the strength she felt from him. He had seemed shy and fragile at first but Zero had a large amount of inner strength. It amazed Emory... and made her feel the connection between them strengthen further.
After poorly sleeping last night, Surota woke up, somewhat exhausted because of how late her, Hector, and Mitch had stayed up. She yawned and got up and went over to Mitch and Hector. "Mitch, Hector, it's morning" She said as she nudged both of them. "We have our first lesson today, and me and Hector have to get our dorm...get uuuup.."

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"how do you feel emory" asked zero looking at the blade of the ax he was holding surprised to see that he could see emory inside the blade
Abigail groaned as she finally woke up from the sun shining through the window. She rolled over and yawned looking around. She lazily sat up and stretched. Abigail walked down to the kitchen and have Jack a lazy wave as she went off to make coffee. She walked over to the table and laid her head on it as she waited for it to finish brewing.

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Jack got up and got an extra bowl, cereal, and the milk. "Here, eat up. You need something other than coffee to get through today." He said as he set the supplies in front of her and sat back down.

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"I feel great!!" Emory replied, throwing her hands up ... well throwing her hands up in a way. She didn't have physical arms to throw up but she had a sort of mind palace that she was in while battling. She looked out her surroundings... though she didn't really see so much as she sensed her surroundings. "It's the best feeling in the world." She added a little more seriously. "What about you Zero? How are you feeling?"
Hecter felt something nudging him and when he opened his, he saw Surota standing over him. Hecter looked at her, smiled, and stood up to stretch.

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Surota got up and brushed her hair with her fingers. "Since we're partners now, I think we get to share a dorm. We'll have to talk to Lord Death for that, I think."

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Abigail lifted her head up to look at him. "I know, we need to kick Zero's ass. Can I have a minute before I put something solid in my stomach?".

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"I can feel my soul wave length become 100 times more powerful and it seems I can channel it threw you if I want more of a powerful strike it feels amazing like when im holding you I have nothing to fear" zero smiled then sighed "but we should probably get to school now though"
She tied her silvery blonde hair into a braid with a light blue hair tie that matched her ice blue eyes. "I feel bad for Mitch though, because he was my first friend, and vice versa, and I couldn't even resonate with him. We even felt like close friends, like we could resonate, but... We didn't..."

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"Well..if it's not too much longer can we stay like this just a little longer?" Emory implored, meaning for them to head to school but allow her to stay in her weapon form. "I'm not too heavy, right? I mean, I don't want to be troublesome but I also don't want to lose this connection." Emory said, happy that Zero felt so safe with her. It brought a bit of a nagging feeling to the back of her mind but she ignored it.
Jack leaned back in the chair and yawned as he said, "Sure, whatever floats your boat. Just gotta make sure you dont cramp up in weapon form because your hungry. Or, actually, can you even feel anything in weapon form?" He looked at her quizically.

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Hecter grabbed the pencil and pad the he used the day before and wrote sorry on one of the pieces of papers.

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"You know what, Hector, while Mitch's sleeping, I kinda want to practice you in your weapon form...is that okay?"

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