welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

Surota then sat in a chair in the room again, and being short, her feet still dangled. "Sir, w-would you like anything else?" She then tried to pick up conversation with the man, only to become nervous and shy again.

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Hector looked at the girl and almost chuckled at her feet not touching the floor. He answered her question by pretending to write on his hand.

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Surota became red because of his notice of her height. "I'm sorry I'm short!" She then noticed the man pretended to write on his hand. "What are you doing?"
Surota looked at his hands, trying to understand what he was doing. "Oh! Do you want paper?"
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Surota tapped around her body and then noticed a note pad on the nurse's counter. She grabbed it and a pencil and handed it to the man.

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He took the paper and wrote on it for a minute. When he was done he turned the notepad around and showed it to them.

It read:

Hello, my name is Hector, I am a weapon student here at the DWMA. I showed up in town a day late after getting a ride here. I hadnt eaten in 2 days so thank you for the food. I dont talk much but Im friendly, so dont take my lack of ccommunication as me not liking you. Are either of you a meister? I dont have one yet so I figured id ask.

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Surota reads the note. "I-I'm Surota and this is Mitch" She says while pointing to the man with her. "I'm a meister and he's a weapon. Uh, we just got here today too, uh, late, if I might add, so we missed a day of instruction, probably. Also, I don't have a weapon, so what kind of weapon are you?"

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Hector wrote on the pad again and showed that it said, 'let me show you.'

He put the pad down and raised his arms above his head, closed his eyes and changed into his weapon form.

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Surota was shocked at first because he changed with no warning, but she used her quick instinct and caught him. "Wow, a long sword!" She seemed surprised and had a look like this was the weapon she wanted.

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Since Hector was in his weapon form and he couldnt use the note pad he decided he had to speak but he was going to keep it at a minimum.

"Didnt drop, we resonate. " he said plainly

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Mitch stood there in silence. Surota had mentioned something about liking sharp things. He felt a little jealous, he didn't want to share his first real friend, but it looked like the situation was out of his hands. He let his head droop as he hung back, not knowing what to say to the man.
Surota seemed confused. "Resonate? What's that?" After saying that, she couldn't help but notice Mitch's disappointment, which made her feel bad that she couldn't resonate with him.
Mitch went and slouched back into the chair. He had taken the back seat. Nothing ever went right for him, except when he was actually able to engage his brain. He wasn't feeling so hot about his weapon form either. Would things ever work out for him? I guess it's selfish to want someone all to yourself Mitch, but why do I feel that way? Yet he didn't understand what the man was talking about. "What do you mean by resonate?"
Hector was slightly suprised that they didnt know about resonating.

He said ,"Meister is only able to use weapon they resonate with."

He hated having to talk so much, at all as a matter of fact.

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"Oh… sorry. I didn't know." Mitch sniffled slightly but hoped they couldn't here him. No one had resonated with him. But who had given him a chance? Anyways, who would want to resonate with his weapon anyway. It was a stupid blunt weapon that nobody seemed to like. He stared at his feet. It just isn't fair.
Although marveling at Hector's weapon form, Surota felt bad for making him talk, when he obviously hated it, but honestly, she liked to hear Hector's voice. "Uh, you can turn back to human form if you really don't like talking that much..."

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"I guess I'll just get out of your hair then. Unless you guys need anything" Mitch stood to leave and headed toward the door.
Feeling kind of sad that she was ignoring Mitch, Surota remembered how late it was. "Uh, Hector, do you know if you already have a d-dorm?"

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"I don't know where mine is either, so we're going to have to stay with Mitch, I guess."

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Mitch shoved his hands in his pockets, deliberately slouching this time, and started heading out of the room. However, he stopped in his tracks when he heard Surota say they would stay in his room for the night. Oh no you don't! He can't just waltz in here, steal my friend, take over my room and just expect me to take it all nice and dandy like that! No way, there is no way I'm letting him in my room! Mitch imagined himself flailing his arms in the air, stamping his feet, and letting off steam. That made him feel better. He hadn't said that out loud though, had he? No, they hadn't reacted at all. But he did need to say something. "Uh… okay." Mitch surprised himself. Okay?! OKAY!! What are you thinking? I mean… it's not like he did anything to you. But still! No! You're an idiot Mitch. Without looking back, Mitch just continued toward his room, staring at his feet. He assumed they would follow. Mitch felt like the third wheel in this friendship, and he only knew them for a day. This had not started as good as he had hoped after all.

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