welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

Mitch smiled back. Alright, she smiled, at least it didn't turn out as bad as it could have. "Oh… I bet she really loves you. Where is she though?"
"Right now, we are staying in a temporary foster home. Honestly, she's the reason I joined this school, because she said I can get really scary when I get protective, so she wanted for me to learn how to control that "scaryness". Sometimes me being overprotective has gotten out of hand."

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Mitch stepped away and pulled over a chair. "I guess that makes sense, but you shouldn't feel bad about that. You're just trying to protect your sister." Mitch shrugged, "And hey, if you ever need any help with that, you can always call me up. I may not be much as far as coordination goes, but when it comes to fighting, that's a different story. And you're not scary, you're beautiful… I mean nice. Not that you're not beautiful… or not nice. No, you're not not nice, you're nice. I mean, er…" Mitch could feel his face beginning to blush. There he went again, speaking before he had thought his words through. He desperately looked for a way out. Then he noticed his fridge, "Thirsty?" Real smart playoff man, you are just smooth as rocks.
Mitch grabbed two water bottles out of his fridge and handed one to Surota. Then he sat down next to her, staring at his feet. "I'm sorry for that. I'm just not used to a girl actually talking to me. Most of them just laugh or shy away. Thanks for talking to me, it means a lot. If you don't want to talk anymore, I can understand."
She smiled. "I think it's fun to talk to you. I don't know why someone wouldn't want to"

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Mitch felt his cheeks becoming even more red. "I guess I just scare most people away with my clumsiness. Well, and I'm pretty shy. You don't know how nerve-wracking it is trying to talk to you. But I enjoy it too. So… what type of weapon will you be looking for?"
Hector walked through the streets of death city, tired and hungry. He stumbled for a while more until he found the DWMA, he barely made his way inside and down a series of hallways. But finally his body gave out and he fell to the floor with a loud thud just outside of what he thought woukd be a dorm considering the numbers on the door and he passed into unconsciousness.

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"Hmm...I like to see blood, so something with a-" Surota is interrupted with a loud thud that made her jump a little. "Holy shit, what was that?" She jumps up and immediately gets into defense mode. "it came from outside, let's go!" She says as she rushes to the door.

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Mitch leapt out of his seat, frightened. "What if it's an administrator? What if we're not supposed to be in my room together? We could get in trouble." But it was too late. As Surota opened the door, Mitch's brain kicked in again. He grabbed his trisection staff from under his bed and whipped it up in a defensive stance. "Who is it?"
Surota walked out into the hall to see a black figure in the hallway, on the ground. She pulled a knife out of her pocket just in case it was needed, because of her lack of a Weapon.

((OOC: In Soul Eater, the person is literally the weapon, so instead of having the staff, you ARE the staff.))

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Hector heard a voice off in the distance but could only respond with a soft groan.

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Thinking that this is the best method to wake an unconscious person, Surota slaps him in the face.

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Mitch had moved in cautiously closer to the man to see if he was alright, but the Surota just slapped him. This startled Mitch a bit. "What was that for? Can't you tell he's in pain already?"
Mitch's voice made Surota jump a little bit. "Umm...to wake him up? I don't know? I'm not usually around people, so I don't have to deal with ones that aren't conscious!"

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"Well, neither have I but… do you think it'll work?" said Mitch tentatively. He didn't want to hurt his new friend's feelings. He was pretty sure it was safe to say she was his closest friend even though he had only known her for part of a day.
Mitch shrugged, then smacked the two ends of his trisection staff in front of the guy's face, making a loud cracking sound. "Maybe we should get the nurse. Do you know where the Nurse's office is?"
Surota shrugs. "I didn't even know where this school was, so how the hell do you think I would know where the nurse's office is!?"

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Hector was able to heat a loud crack in front of him and did the only thing he could and reached for it. His arm didnt move much but he hoped it was enough.

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Mitch laughed sheepishly, "Oh, right. Sorry." Mitch clenched his eyes shut, trying to concentrate. "Is he doing anything yet?" Right as he asked the question, he felt something hit his staff. He looked up and just caught the movement of the man. "I think I remember where the nurse's office is. So what should we do, carry him there?"
Mitch was surprised by Surota's strength. He threw his staff back into his room, closed the door and rushed over to help her. "This way, down the hall. It's not that far." Mitch led them to the Nurse's office and set the man on the table. Then the nurse started patching the man up. "He should be alright from here Surota. Do you want to stay for a little bit, or go back?"
Surota looked slightly concerned at the man before her. "let's stay for a few minutes."

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