welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

"Alright. That's great, thanks Zero!" Emory said, shrugging off her negative emotions. She'd allow them to simmer later... she'd allow herself to worry about tomorrow when it came. For now it was time to live in the moment- to be happy that she had found her partner and even though she wouldn't be able to live with her dad she would be living close by. Emory headed out the door, shivering at the chill that had set into the air, before going to the next door and knocking on it. It wasn't too long before a tall, bespectacled man was opening the door.
zero looked up at the man and smiled "after noon" he said zero didn't know what to think of him sence he was a horrable judge of character so he just smiled and tried to be nice
Jack patted the top of her head and said, "Im sure there was a reason, youre not the type of person to just let someone die. And if youre worried about that happening to me then get that thought out of there right now. Im staying around, whether you like it or not. But its getting late and we got a Zeros ass to kick tommorow so you should get some rest."

He put on a big cheesy grin

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"Emory!" The man said, sweeping her into a hug. He looked over her shoulder at Zero.

"This is my Meister, dad. Zero. Zero, this is my dad... you can call him Don though because I don't think either of you would appreciate calling him Dad." Emory said, laughing nervously. "Uh... well... Dad, we're here because I need some of my stuff because I won't be living with you anymore..."

"What?!" Don replied, eyes widening as he stared at her. He glared at Zero for a moment before he gained control of his emotions. "I expect a full explanation of whats going on. But later. Have you two eaten dinner yet?"
Abigail couldn't help but to smile and laugh. "Yup, then we'll be the top team". She gave him a cheesy grin back before getting up and going to her room. Before she got all the way up the stairs, she looked back and said,"...night partner", and continued up the stairs to sleep.

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zero stood by he really was nice that's good as soon as emory told him about not living here he could help but think she could have fraised that better but what did he know when don asked if they had eaten zero shook his head "hadn't had time lord death wanted to talk to emory and I wouldn't eat till she got back to our house and we got her stuff there" as soon as zero stop talking he realized that he pretty much just told him that that emory and him were living together this was not going to end well
Jack replied with the same phrase as her and layed down on the couch since his room didnt have a bed yet.

"Cant wait for tommorow, its gonna be mighty fun." He said to himself before yawning and falkkng asleep almost immediately.

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Abigail changed into pjs and slipped into bed. Burrowing under the blankets, Abigail quickly fell asleep.

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Jack dreamed of his parents that night, of when he was a child.

He had visions of the times they played and then it changed tk when they fell ill, blisters and sores everywhere. They coughed up blood as well.

Jack bolted up in the middle of the night without any noise, a cold sweat overtaking his body as he panted in fear.

"What the fuck.." he muttered to himself.

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Abigail tossed and turned in her sleep but it was nothing new. She'd begin to sweat and then she'd get cold, and back to sweating. It was nothing she wasn't really uses to.

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Jack tried going back to sleep a few times wifh no success and decided he would think his plan through again.

After about another hour, Jack had revised the plan 5 times and decided that was enough thought for the evening and layed back down to sleep.

He still couldnt. 'Black blood' was stuck in his head, the hell did it do to make someone so strong?

Either way, a lot of it is going to be spilled.

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Mitch was surprised. His eyes widened at the thought, "Oh… well, please don't try to slaughter me okay?" He gave a queazy laugh, then continued, "I mean... I wouldn't want to hurt you. Er, not that I would try to hurt you, but…" Just stop babbling would you Mitch? He shook his head to get rid of the jitters, but it didn't help much. "I thought it sounded Japanese. My parents were Japanese. They called me Ugiyoshi, but I prefer just Ugi, or Mitch. I don't remember what it meant though," Mitch felt silly for not knowing the meaning of his own name, so he gave a tentative shrug. Dangit, why are you always forgetting things Mitch?
Abigail rolled over and noticed her partner was frazzled about something. She sat up stretched. Feeling thirsty anyway, she got up and walked down the stairs. She leaned against the wall by the couch and looked over at Jack. "So what's up?". She folded her arms over her chest.

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Jack was statled when she spoke since he was deep in thought.

"Oh, nothing much, just still kinda curious about what makes black blood so special or even what it is. You have any clue?" He asked while yawning

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Surota smiled at him being flustered. She had to look up at him because of their greatly differing heights. While walking, she noticed the dark sky. "Hey Mitch, I didn't notice earlier, but it's getting kinda dark, are you sure you know where the school is?" There was a worried tone in her voice.
Mitch snapped his head up to the sky, then shot Surota an apologetic look. "I'm really sorry… It should be just around this corner… no, I mean that one. Dah! I must have taken a wrong turn," said Mitch, smacking himself in the forehead. Alright Mitch, enough goofing around, find the school for her. Once Mitch was able to engage his mind, he was suddenly super perceptive. "I know my mistake, here, it's right down this street." Mitch led her up to a large building and opened the door for her. He could finally relax. He reached up and scratched his neck again, "Come on in… sorry about that. I guess I'm not the best at remembering things," Mitch let out an embarrassed laugh.
Surota giggles and thanks him. She stops, after entering, and thinks for a moment. "Hmm...we came here late, and there's no one here... " She paces around while thinking. "I heard there was dorms for the students, so where there's dorms, there must be some kind of administrator somewhere" She starts walking, half-expecting Mitch to follow.
Abigail nudge his legs to move them and sat down. "Well if he was an experiment then maybe it's used like a defensive measure. You know kind of like his blood is a shield built into him".

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Mitch stood outside the door for a moment, still thinking over his clumsiness. Then he realized Surota was going deeper into the building. He had nothing better to do, and she didn't seem to know where she was going. Not like he'd be much help, but the company would be nice. Realizing he was still standing, Mitch tripped after her, "Hey, wait up. Where are you going?"
Surota kept fast walking through the halls. "Like I said, looking for admins so we could at least have a place to sleep tonight since we made it all the way over here."
Mitch let out another giggle, smiling nervously and wringing his shivering hands behind his back. "Oh, right. Sorry about that. You'd probably have been better off without me. I know we're getting to the dorms… but I can't even remember which way my room is." I've never been this forgetful! Is it just the fact that I'm talking to someone? God, you're a nervous wreck! What's the big deal? You're just talking to someone. People do it all the time right? Anyways, how did language even get invented? Looking at a door in front of him, Mitch asked, "Could that be an administrator's room? I think it is. Should we knock?"
Jack nodded and chuckled, "That coukd be it, but man that sounds ironic. Im thinking its a spell of some sort, considering that lord death mentioned witches, and this spell probably allows the user to do who knows what." He leaned his head back and sighed.

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When Mitch saw Surota put her hands up to fight, he put his own hands up beside his head and stepped away from her, "Hey, what's that for? I-I thought we were friends? I mean… not friends, but getting along. Uh, not that we're not friends, but I don't want to fight you." As Mitch backed away, he tripped and hit his head on the door behind him, making a loud knocking sound.

((OOC: He just misunderstood what Surota was doing. He thought she wanted to hurt him.))
She had a shocked look on her face as she went over to him. "I wasn't doing that because of you! It's juts an instinct I have because I didn't know what was going to be behind the door. Jeez, are you alright?" She offered him her hand.
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