welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

"Sounds good, never had one before. So give me the money and ill go get that done." He said as he held out his hand.

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Abigail reached into her back pocket and pulled out some money. "There, that should cover it". She walked up the stairs to the front door and turned around,"...Jack... be careful, alright?".

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Jack waved his hand casually as hd walked away.

"Yeah, sure. Il be fine, Ive been on these streets longer than anyone else so dont worry."

He put his hands behind his head and looked at the sunset as he walked away.

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Abigail oddly felt that was somewhat very true. Sighing, she walked into the house and grabbed all the things she needed for a shower and got in. After her shower, Abigail walked into the living room and laid on the couch tired. She eventually fell asleep.

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When jack got back, Abigail was fast asleep on the couch. He decided to wake her up so she could eat.

"Hey, wake up, I got the food so lets do the sensible thing and eat it." He said as he nudged her shoulder a few times.

The burgers smelled tempting.

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Abigail groaned and rubbed her eyes, flipping into her back so she could sit up. "Mmm, those either smell really good or I'm really freaking hungry. Thanks Jack".

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zero looked up trying to remember what just happened "yeah im fine just had a weird nightmare about people doing these odd tests on me with some sort of black stuff but im sure im ok" zero smiled not knowing what he just said zero yawned and stood up "come on lets go get your stuff before its to late"
"No problem, here ya go." He handed her the burger then sat down next to her.

He took a bite out of the burger and his eyes shot open.

"Damn this is good!" He said as he took two more bites.

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When Mitch heard the girls name, his interest was sparked. "Is that Japanese?" he asked, bringing his head up to look her in the eyes. He started to feel more comfortable now that his mind was going off the fact that he was talking to someone. They took the first turn he had talked about.
Abigail giggled and said,"welcome to the real world Jack. I think you'll like it here". She grinned and then took another bite of her burger.

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Jack finished his burger and yawned.

"I think I just found my new favorite food. Definately beats day old bread." He rested his head on the back of the couch and sighed in enjoyment.

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Abigail laughed,"just wait til you've eaten my food. Not to gloat or anything but, I'm pretty good at cooking". Abigail laid back down on the couch and looked at Jack. "You need a shower, you like hell".

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Jack looked at himself and confirmed her statement.

"Yeah, not able fo wash off very much with cold river water and no soap." He chuckled at this a bit and stood up. "Alright, time to see how a shower feels. Tonights just chalked full of new experiences." Jack turned around and headed for the bathroom.

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Abigail shook her head as she watched him walk away. She looked up at the ceiling and entwined her fingers and laid them on her stomach. She blinked and got lost in thoughts about her dead miester.

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Surota smiled at the fact that Mitch knew the nationality of her name. "Y-yes, it is...it means 'slaughter' "

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Jack washed every inch of his body.

Chunks of dirt that had long ago become a part of him fell off and Jack loved it. His skin was still tan as before when he got out.

"I am definately doing that daily." He said to himself as he stretched. He put his clothes back on and went downstairs.

"What are you thinking about? Your stare right now is as blank as ive ever seen on someone." He said to his weapon with an eyebrow raised.

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Jack's voice snapped Abigail back to reality and she blinked a few times. Having her eyes open that long without blink made out take a minute for her eyes to focus. She looked over at Jack,"... feel better?". She sat back up to give him room to sit down.

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Jack sat down and replied, "Yeah, but what were you thinking about just now?"

He ran his hands through his hair and enjoyed how it was clean for once.

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Abigail sighed,"...just stuff. My previous DWMA life I guess you could say". She brought her knees up to her chin and looked across at the wall, hoping he would leave the questions at that.
"Could you explain a little more? Im not sure what your talking about. Is it about your last meister dying?" He asked scratching his head.

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Abigail jerked her head in his direction,"... how do you know about that? No one's supposed to know!".

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"Well no offense but it was kind of obvious when you said that your last meister wasnt here anymore. A weapon and meister are bonded for life. The only way that can stop is if their souls stopped resonating, which Ive never heard of, or one of the two dies. I put together the pieces and thats the conclusion I came up with." He said bluntly, he turned his head to make eye contact.

"You can talk to me about anything, thats kinda what im here for. You know that right?" He asked softly.

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Abigail nodded and rested her chin on her knees. "It was two years ago. His...his family still hates me. They blame me for what happened and well, I blame myself too". She closed her eyes and sighed.

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"Right. Thanks Zero... I mean, well are you coming with me? Because you don't have to... but I'd like to introduce you to my dad. I'm sure he'd appreciate meeting my meister. But I'll totally understand if you don't want to." Emory said, feeling her tongue continuing to form words even after she felt she should stop talking. She began to head to the door, wondering if Zero was having a dream of memories. She wanted to question him on it but was afraid that would give too much away so... she let it go for now. She'd ask him more after the battle tomorrow.
zero looked at her ask she seemed trouble 'whats bothering her sigh ill ask when we get back' zero thought following emory "im all done with my packing so even if I didn't want to meet him I should meet him not saying I don't want to meet him im sure hes a nice guy" said zero opening the door for emory

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