welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

Mitch rubbed the back of his head and shrugged, giving her a beaming smile as he reached for her hand and stood up. He brushed out his clothes, then looked back to her. "Sorry. I guess I just had that slaughter idea stuck in my head. Yeah I'm fine. Thanks." Then Mitch looked back to the door quizzically, "You think that would be considered a knock? I mean, it seemed pretty loud to me."
She instantly frowned at his comment of her name. "Maybe I shouldn't have told you what it meant then if I'm just going to seem like a threat..."
Mitch shrugged innocently, "No, it wasn't you. My mind just likes to play weird tricks on me. It was more the idea of slaughter that had me on edge. I'm not scared of you… I mean, not that I wouldn't be if you wanted to scare me. I mean, you seem like a nice person. I'm sorry for being so scattered. I guess that's why I like it here. When I go into training and start using my weapon, it's like I gain a whole new focus and my brain and body actually work the way I want them to." Mitch trailed off, looking up to the ceiling, imagining himself doing tricks with his fiery trisection staff.
Surota smiled at his constant rambling, and knocked on the door once more. "I guess no one is answering because it's so late after hours."
Thinking about training had engaged Mitch's mind again. He looked down the hall with a fiery glint in his eye, "I remember where my room is!" then he looked back to Surota sadly, still thinking of solutions. "I'm not sure what else to do. The time went by so fast. I mean, you could always sleep in my room tonight. I can just sleep on the floor or something. But you probably want your own room don't you?"

((OOC: I'll be gone for a bit, I have to go to train martial arts.))
"Yes, of course I would like my own room, but I'll just have to apply for one, I guess." She started walking down the hall again with him, heading for Mitch's room. "And I could spend the night in your room, I guess, as long as you don't mind"
Abigail brought her knees to her chin again. "Well in that case, it seems we have one hell of a task ahead of us,partner". She nudged his leg and looked at him.

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He looked back at her and replied, "That we do, but I got a good feeling about it. Hope that chick doesnt get too pissed when her meisters in the infirmary because of us." He put on a cocky smile and lightly punched her arm.

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Abigail laughed and pushed him over. "Yea as long as you keep that cockyness about you and we can kick anyone's butt. It also helps you have a badass weapon like me".

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Jack sat himself back up while he laughed.

"That I do." He agreed after he stopped laughing.

But then Jacks face went blank.

"You nervous about tommorow?" He asked seriously.

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Abigail sobered up as well. "A bit. I just don't want a repeat of three years ago, is all".

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Jack took a deep breath and then turned to Abigail.

"Things may happen tommorow that we cannot prevent, but that is not one of them. I will not die, ive got too much left to do in this life before I can even consider letting that happen." He put a hand on her shoulder to show he was serious.

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"Well if we come out on top tomorrow, which I'm starting to feel like we will, then you get to teach me how to get your confidence. She gave him a small smile.

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Jack smiled back and said, "Simple, live in the now and tomorrow, thats where I get my confidence."

Jack went and leaned his head back again and put his hands behind it, just staring at the ceiling.
Mitch was caught off guard when she accepted his offer. He was simply surprised because he usually scared people off in the first five minutes. Now this girl was going to sleep in his room? Maybe branching out isn't such a bad idea after all. But you better not make this uncomfortable Mitch, you got it? Or you'll end up scaring her away for good. "Really? Uh, no I don't mind. You can come if you want." said Mitch finally, scratching the back of his neck again. What are you thinking Mitch? You're sure to mess this up… calm down. It's not like you're sleeping together or anything. You're just offering a girl a place to sleep at night. You just met her man, it's not going to be a problem. Don't make it a problem. Mitch took in a deep breath, nodded, then opened the door to his room. "It's a little messy, I hope you don't mind." Mitch looked around his room. His dirty clothes were shoved in a corner, stuff was spilling out of his closet, and there was a stack of magazines on his dresser. Mitch's pupils dilated as he noticed the magazines. He thought he had put those away! Dammit Mitch! Idiot! She's sure to think you're weird now! Mitch pushed passed her and snatched the stack of magazines. "Uh, let me get this stuff out of your way."
"Living in the now,huh. Sure guess I could give that a shot. Thank you Jack". She poked him in the side and gave him a genuine smile.

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"No problem, now *yawn* you should probably get back to sleep. I know we both need it a lot." He started to fall asleep righ there on the couch in his rested position.

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She looked around his room, at all the stuff. "Oh, I don't mind the clutter. It makes it feel like home..." Surota's words became a low mumble as a frown dragged across her face.

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Abigail stood and giggled as she looked down at Jack, who had pretty much fallen asleep sitting up. Shaking her head, she leaned him over and covered him up. Taking a deep breath, she walked back up stairs and laid back down, falling asleep after a few minutes.

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Mitch looked back to Surota. He could tell exactly what she was thinking. You thought you'd mess it up by letting her see. Oh no, this is much worse. Now she thinks you're a pervert too. He went to explain, but the only word that came out of his mouth was, "What?"
She looked at him with sadness. "No, it's not you, Mitch. It's my past. Living at my house...when I used to, I mean.. My parents had a cluttered house... Then they kicked my sister and I out.." A tear formed in her eyes. "So now, for about 2 years now, my younger sister and I have been living homeless, and your room just... Reminds me of how I used to live: happy."

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Mitch was stunned. It wasn't the magazines she had frowned about. Now he felt bad, as if he had something to do with it. Against his better judgement, Mitch set down his stack of comic books, a guilty pleasure of his that most people made fun of, and walked over to her. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't know. Come on in and sit down, I'll clean this stuff up right away then if that'll make you feel better." Mitch hesitated for a moment, then tried to comfort her, putting his arm around her.
Her body went stiff at the thought of someone giving her affection, especially a man she barely knew. She relaxed her body and hugged him. "Thanks Mitch for trying to help. And it's not your fault, so you don't need to fix anything"

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When she hugged him, Mitch returned the stiffness. He seemed like a crossing guard, arms pointing wide in both directions. Then he almost melted to the floor. But he caught himself before he knocked Surota over and gave her a big hug, he was really just trying to get his balance, but that's not what it felt like. He had only just met her, but she had shown him so much kindness. Now the best he could do was return it. She made him feel so welcome, even though she was the new girl. He needed to return the favor. "Oh, well, don't sweat it. It's the least I can do for someone as nice as you. Uh, may I ask what happened to your sister?" As soon ask Mitch asked the question, he winced. Dammit Mitch, always asking the wrong questions. Who knows what happened to her sister, it might make her cry more. You are so smooth Mitch.
She pulled her arms away and smiled. "Oh, her name is Mariko, and I have sworn on my life to protect her!"

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