welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

"Okay, that's fine by me," said Mitch, slouching into a chair. "Unless of course if you want me out of your hair. I don't want to be a bother."
"You think so?" asks Mitch, looking up to her with a genuine smile. "Thanks. I rather like spending time with you. So, you never answered my last question."
"Oh, yeah, like I was saying, I would want something with a blade because it spills blood" Surota smiles.

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Mitch winces at the thought of blood. He never really much cared for seeing it. "I see, well, blades are cool. But I like my trisection staff, I just like it's versatility."
Surota sits in a seat in the nurse's office with her feet dangling. "Can I tell you something?"

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"Well..." She frowns. "Remember how my name means "slaughter"? Well...that's exactly what I do... That's what I meant by me being scary, earlier...Please don't hate me; I just get really protective of the people I love, and sometimes I just can't control myself when it comes to torturing or hurting people..." A tear drops from her eyes. "I hope this doesn't make me lose my first friend..."

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"How can I hate you? I mean, you've been so nice to me. No, I don't hate you. But I mean, you're not going to slaughter me are you?" Mitch shied away a little.
Hector slowly gained consciousness and sat up with an ache in his side. He looked around and saw that he was in the infirmary and that there were two people to his right. He looked at them and nodded before he turned and tried to sit up.

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(Ooc: sorry, hannibal is busy right now so hes been sending messages over fb and ive just been relaying them on his account, hehe, akward.)

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Surota was shocked by his question. "What! No, never! Why would you even ask-" She was interrupted by the man regaining consciousness. "Look, Mitch, he's up"

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((OOC: I'm going to hit the hay for tonight, but I'll be back tomorrow.)) 
Mitch blushed as she said that. He didn't mean to make her angry. It was a silly question anyway. Then he looked back to the guy. "Hi. Who are you?"
Hectorblooked at the two ofnthem in silence for a moment until his stomach let out a long and noisy growl. He placed a hand on his stomach, got up and went out the door in search of food.

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Surota instantly shot up and grabbed his shoulders. "You aren't going anywhere" She looks at Mitch. "Do you have any food in your room?"

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Mitch stood slowly. Looking sheepishly at the guy. He really wanted to continue talking to Surota, but he knew that was just selfish. He didn't want to be selfish, but this guy was interrupting his first real conversation. You might as well play along Mitch, you have a better chance of continuing this friendship. You've never been this selfish before. Mitch scratched his head, thinking. "Uh, I should… if I haven't eaten it all already. Why?"
Surota's voice became incredibly sardonic. "Hmm, his stomach growled...maybe he passed out from lack of food?"

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"Oh… yeah. Sorry. Let's go see if I have food." Mitch let his head sink down, now she did think he was stupid. It was bound to happen sooner or later.
"Oh, um… okay. I'll be right back then." Mitch hurried to his room, grabbed a part of a pizza from earlier. He microwaved it, then hurried back to the infirmary, getting lost twice before finding his way. He finally found his way and brought the food in, handing it to the guy. "Does this work Surota?"
She looked behind herself to see Mitch come back in the room. "Yeah, it does." Surota directs her attention to the guy again. "We brought you food so you can eat here"

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"Yeah, here you go." Mitch had been planning to eat that for breakfast, but he couldn't let this guy starve. "So? How's it been going while I was gone?"
Mitch looked back to the man. Oh come on, get over it man. You've made a new friend, but she won't be for much longer if you neglect this other guy. You're already probably annoying her. "How are you feeling sir?" he asked. Then he turned back to Surota and shrugged. What were they supposed to do?
Hector looked at the man who had brought him pizza and nodded, his way of saying thanks and silently began eating the pizza.

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