welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

In her mind Emory scratched at the back of her head nervously, face flushing red with shame. She felt horrible for asking now... but now she knew not to touch on that subject again. A small smile played across her lips. She was glad that Zero felt safe around her... and that she could be trusted by him. "I'll protect you from blacking out, Zero... I'll always be here for you." Emory said, knowing she was going out on a limb with her words.
Jack raised a brow."Why are you sorry? Youre free to think how you think, no one can control that and yeah I dont like socializing with those other than who I have to but I still care about how people feel... to a certain degree."

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zero smiled at her "oh and the guys name I cant remember exactly but I think I heard someone call him jack"
"Oh Jack! I didn't know he punches trees. He paired up with Abigail... I think she's really awesome!" Emory said brightly. Speaking of them brought what Lord Death asked of them rushing back to Emory's mind. She wondered if Zero would still want to be friends with him... once it was all over. She tried to ignore her sudden sadness, not wanting to give away Lord Death's plan in case that ruined everything. "She's one of the weapons I bet I could work well with... I mean... like I think she and I could be good friends and Jack seems to be cool. Even though he sleeps all the time. I kind of find those kinds of people annoying but if it's Abigails partner and you like him then maybe it'll be ok."
Abigail let out a small chuckle. "Somehow I knew you would say that". She took a last drink, it was beginning to get cold. "Well partner, we need to get our lazy butts dressed SBD headed to the academy". She grinned.

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"yeah maybe" zero walked into the school looking into the school "looks like there isn't many people here yet what do you think we should do"
Hecter thought it might be a good idea to see Lord Death so he wrote in his notepad and showed Surota to see how she felt about it.

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Jack groaned and got up, already dressed since they were his only clothes.

"Alright, get dressed and what not, ill be waiting."

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"I don't think you will have to find my room" death said coming from out of no where behind hector and surota
Hecter realized that he had no clue at all and shrugged. He then wrote down wondering if they should ask someone.

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"I don't know, really. Usually I tend to study and what not when I'm early... but since school had just started there's nothing to study and I've finished all the books on my reading list. I'm gonna have to find more at some point..." Emory mused, rubbing at her chin. She looked out at the world around them, smiling inspite of herself. "Do you read much Zero? What are some of your hobbies?"
"I read but I also watch movies and play online games aaaand its odd I know but I like thinking battle strategies its interesting once you get into it" zero said walking around trying to think of what he remembered when his hair turned black and then forgot when back to blond
Abigail jumped up and ran up to change. She chose something simple. A black tank,jeans and her converse. She bounded down the stairs and into the living room. "Alright partner, ready to go?".

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all death did was stop her punch with his big goofy hand and said "hello surota and you must be hector"
Surota was surprised at his quick instincts. "H-how do you know my name!?"

(OOC: that hand description xD )

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death looked at her "Im death the one you were looking for so do you have any questions for me"
Starting to become shy again, Surota tried her best to ask. "Uh- Well me a-and Hector are p-partners now, and w-we were wondering where o-our dorm was"

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Mitch climbed out of the shower and started drying off. He spent an annoyingly particular amount of time on his hair, which was messy and hard to control. He wrapped a towel around himself and stepped outside the room. As he walked passed his desk, a drop of water from a spike of his hair dropped. It had landed on the heart that Surota had drawn, distorting the image. When he heard the noise, he looked at the note and read it, just now realizing that his room was empty. Then he looked next to Surota's signature. Is that a gun? What was that for? What did I do to make her hate me? That doesn't make sense. Or… maybe that's just a blotch of water, I can't tell. Mitch looked around his room. Because of the cleaning he did the night before and the brightness of the sun the room felt completely empty. Or was it more than that, making Mitch feel shallow or empty inside? What should I do? What if Surota wants to hurt me? I shouldn't go meet them then. But if that was just water, then I should go. Mitch stared at his hands. What was this feeling that was bugging him so?
Emory was a little surprised... battle strategy as a hobby? It made her strangely happy... that gave their partnership a leg up over others. She felt a strange... almost 'glitch' in the connection between her and Zero. She glanced at him worriedly but pushed it away. There was no way things would get between them, right? They could make it past whatever this black blood was. "That's fantastic Zero! What kind of movies do you like? My dad got me hooked on cartoons... and I mean not like little kid cartoons or anything, just whatever is animated. It just... it has a cooler feel to me then movies with actors and real people. Do your online games take a lot of strategy?"

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