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Dr. Stain

dr. stain smiled at the fact that he would finaly see a black blood fight "ok then lets go outside to see this battle" dr stain said rolling out the door
(OOC: Okay, this is really bothering me, it's Dr. StEin, not StAin)

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Abigail looked over at Jack surprised that he said something in front of the whole class. She took her feet off the desk and sat up straight. "So we're doing this now?".

She had to admit now that the time was upon them, her anticipation grew. She looked to Jack. "Are we ready partner?".

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Jack looked over at her with a smile.

"Of course we are!" He said cheerfully

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Emory followed close on her partner's heels, wanting to take his hand but refraining. He was her meister, not her babysitter... Even though she knew she didn't need looking out for... it still would have been nice. The situation terrified her more then it excited her. Things could go so terribly wrong... and she'd have to make sure to change out of her weapon form if Zero lost control. 'Please Zero, don't lose control. Whatever the black blood is... you can control it...' Emory thought to herself. "Where will we be battling? I'd hate to accidentally destroy any piece of school property."
Abigail nodded and took a deep breath before standing. "I guess it's now or never", she idly thought. She sincerely hoped Stein would step in before it got too far. She wouldn't hold back but at the same time, she didn't want to seriously hurt him.

Abigail extended her hand out to Jack as she plastered what she hoped was a confident smile. "Well partner, let's go show them why we'll be the best".

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dr stein

"oh don't worry everything will be ok"


zero looked at emory and held out his hand
"if it makes you feel better you can change"
Emory smiled at Zero gratefully before taking his hand. Just as long as she and Zero weren't made to pay off the damage done... ti would all be alright. Or at least she hoped so. She changed into her weapon form, feeling her soul resonate strongly with Zero's and feeling a little more at peace. Things would work out alright... they were partners. They could do this. "Thanks Zero." Emory said gratefully. She was ready for this. Or... well she felt more ready then she had previously at any rate.
zero walked out of the school and took his stop at the front of the school waiting for jack
Abigail quickly followed. She shoved her hands into her pockets and lowered her head. She stared at the ground as they walked, going over the battle plan in her head over and over. She looked up at the back of Jack's head and whispered to herself,"..don't die on me,Jack". Abigail lowered her head back down and followed them out.

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Jack looked behind himself and saw Abigail looking down.

"We'll be fine, if thats what youre worried about." He put a hand on top of her head and ruffled her hair as the walked.

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Abigail looked at Jack from under his hand and scrunched her nose. "Jack, I'm not a child, I'm your partner. Please refrain from doing that so much". She gave him a sheepish smile.

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He put his hand in his pocket.

"Whatever, guess you have a point there." He said casually as the exited they front entrance to the school.

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Emory was buzzing with energy at this point. She was ready for this... she trusted Zero. She had faith in their partnership... She faced Jack and Abigail as well, taking a deep breath and calming herself while she waited for them to be ready for the battle.
Butterflies grew in Abigail's stomach as they came to the front of the school. She looked at Zero and then at Emory, giving them both a slight nod. She looked over at Jack. "So this is it huh? Let's make a promise to come out on top". She held out her pinky and have him a cheesy grin.

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Jack stuck out his pinky too and said, "You think I had any other plans?"

He looked at zero and yelled, "I have one rule... dont cry too much!" He cracked his neck and smiled.

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"Why you... We'll see who's crying after this!!!!" Emory shouted, angry that Jack would come into this with such an attitude. Zero and she would show him! He was lucky that Emory thought his partner was awesome or she'd have told Zero to annihilate him! Ok... well actually probably not annihilate but definitely but the boy in his place. Respect was as important in battle as strategy... someone with no respect for their opponent did not deserve to win.
Abigail grinned widely and changed into her weapon form. "Alright Jack, let's take him down".

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Jack caught Abigail and sphn her around a few times.

He was now silent as he waited.

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zero didn't waste any time he flung himself into the air coming down on a sweet path at jack
Abigail tensed as she got ready to come to blows with Emory. "We got this Jack", she grinned and waited.

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