welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

Hecter walked throught the door and saw a well organized house.

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Hecter tapped Surota's shoulder and showing her the notepad that said "would you like to take a shower now or later?"

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She ventured into the room to notice that there was suitcases in the corners. "Our stuff is already here?"

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"Oh, Umm, later" She blushed a little. 'Why would he ask that?' She thought to herself.

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spiret walked into the room where hector was "lord death asked me to bring in your stuff make it easier on you"
Jack rolled forwars as the sword barely cut his back. He turned around and stood.

"No, I just play it smart. I prefer to fight sith my head, then my weapon. And really? Wussy? Is that your worst? Dissaponting." Jack stood in a casual battle stance again and slowly approached.

"Whatever, but now that youve irritated me im not going to let anything slide."

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Not seeing Spirit walk into the room, she jumped at the sound of his voice. "Oh, uh thanks."

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Hecter wrote "if thats the case then I'll take one now." he walked over to his suit case opened it and grabbed a towel and a change of clothes and headed towards the bathroom.

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Realizing this really was past words... and at a loss of what to do Emory just moved out of the battle zone. She watched from the edge of the battle, feeling like she should be doing something but... what if, now that the black blood had been released, Emory's partner Zero was actually no longer existent. Because it was obvious that this person -Guild- he was definitely not Zero. Emory wondered if their souls would even work together or if they would clash.
guild smiled "good because this maybe over now" guild snapped his fingers and some of his own black blood that he was able to get into his body through the cut on his back that he inflicted on jack turns into spikes and stabbed jack repeatable from the inside
Hecter turned the shower on then got in and began washing his hair, after five minutes Hecter turned off the water, dried himself off, got dress, walked to his bed and flopped down.

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"Uh, Spirit, tell Hector that I went to the school and that I'll be back soon." She said as she rushed out of the dorm, running towards the school. She arrived at the school to see Jack being utterly taken over by Zero's insanity. Although she really disliked Jack, she felt the need to protect him, because he was in pain, and still a human being that needed help. She then ran right in front if him, and turned to Zero. "That's enough! Leave him alone!" She screamed. "You're going to kill him!"

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guild smiled at this girl telling him to stop and laughed at the pain he was inflicting
Abigail screamed as Jack was being pierced. "Jack! Jack, answer me!". No this wasn't happening again. She wasn't going to lose another miester.

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Emory watched on in horror before turning and running in the direction of Lord Death's office. It was obvious this was way out of their control at this point. Even if Jack did recover from that attack... he was going to be weakened. Sprinting all the way there she pounded on the office door. "Lord Death!!"
Heading into the room with Death's permission Emory realized she didn't really know what to do from here. Ask for Lord Death to fix him? Ask for his help in destroying Zero/Guild?

"Zero... he lost control. And it... it looks like Jack is losing. I can't do anything without a meister... Please, you've got to help. Zero might kill Jack if you don't... or Jack might recover and kill Zero! Surely you have the power to fix that... ?"

"well I would under ordinary circumstances but well just watch here with me and see what happens"
Emory looked at Lord Death curiously. She could trust him, right? Deciding she really didn't have a choice Emory nodded and moved to Lord Death's side to watch.
Unafraid, Surota stood right in front of Zero and pulled the knife out of her boot again and slit her arm, spilling her own black blood, making her hands shaky at the sight of her dark, bodily liquid. She then tried her best to suppress the smile that tried to stretch across her face. "Zero, Guild, whatever! Listen to me!" She said as she sliced his arm as an attempt to get his attention. "You have to stop! You don't want to end up like me, full of regret from all the people you'll kill, like I have! I've spent my entire life in isolation so I wouldn't hurt anyone! I don't want you going down that path!"

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the knife didn't even pierce guilds skin and he smiled "you think I regret killing im the original black blood I am number zero the very 1st how over many you killed ive probably massacred 10 times that and don't regret a single cut"
Hecter sat up and saw Spirit in front of him so Hecter grabbed his notepad and wrote "what do you and sir".

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Jack didnt scream, he didnt move. He just stood there as the spikes attacked his insides.

Then, he started laughing. Lightly at first but after a minute he was almost in stitches.

"God you really fell for it! I cant believe that you actually tried that! Heres a little secret for you, zero or guild or whatever the hell your name is. Youre not the first black blood, youre just the first recorded case. My mother was one of three others who had it originally, my father was normal. So to sum it up, im half black blood. But wait, theres more! Since I have regular blood with white blood cells that, mixed with the magic from my black blood, can change any of your black blood that enters my body into my own, of course it takes a bit. But details, details. Now for the fun part."

He stopped holding his blood back and let it cover both of his arms completely.

"Oh, and Abigail, just trust me with this." He said as he made more of his black blood cover her weapon form completely, making the double scythe twice as big. He swung it around a few times and smiled wickedly.

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"Lord Death, this is becoming insane. Does everyone have black blood?" Emory asked, turning to look at him before looking back to Jack, Abigail, Zero, and a girl she didn't know.

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