welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

Hecter smiled caught up with them "l wonder how much longer till schools over, Im tired.

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Surota put her arms behind her head. "God, so am I. It's been a hell of a long day."

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"Haha, no, we can't ditch class, even if we are tired." She said to Hecter, reaching out for his hand and intertwining her fingers with his.

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"Well that's not good either." She walked into class, letting go of Hecter's hand and going to her seat.

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Hecter groaned and followed after her and sat down next to her.

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dr Stain

as the 3 kids walked into class he sighed "miss surota if you please I have a few choice words for you about your actions in the battle from earlier"


guild sighed
"there is but its very painful and you could loose me or zero in the process" guild stood up "and I would need the equipment from the lab I was in its probably destroyed but I can fix but" he sighed again "but most of all we would be going rogue against death academy because the lab is over flowed with agents from the school making sure no one goes near the sight even us we would have to incapacitate all of them lock them up while their down and get to work A.S.A.P because as soon as we get there more will be on there way and im sure you know that this isn't a 1 person job so here's what I say get all the meisters with black blood that want to get rid of it and ask for their help but I have one question are you willing to take that chance to save zero from having black blood"
Hecter stood up "Sir she wasn't alone I was part of the fight also I am her weapon so she shouldn't take all the blame ".

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She smiled at Hecter. "Heh, you know I could have made a weapon right? So I still could have kicked Zero's ass without a long sword."

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"Huh, what, why?" She didn't like being called out of class, especially by a teacher. 'Am I in trouble? I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!' She screamed inside her head.

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Abigail scrunched her nose up and frowned. "No way around it huh?". She shrugged and shoved her hands in her pocket. "Yea fine, whatever".

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dr stein

"its about your actions in the battle I would like to speak with you about what you did out there"
"B-but, fine." She walked out of the room, a bit afraid, and went into the hall.

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Jack smiled.

"Dont worry, itll be fun! You might learn a thing or two." He said jokingly as he lighly punched Abigails shoulder.

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Mitch looked back worriedly. What now? Always drama. Where there's people there's drama. "Is she okay H-Hecter?" He asked shyly.

((OOC: I'm going to hit the hay for tonight.))
Abigail chuckled,"pfft, bet I'm better at it then you are. Get your ass handed to you by a girl, and not just any girl but your weapon". She was purely joking of course.

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dr stein

"1st that was a match between 2 meisters and there weapons you had no business intervening"
"I-I'm sorry, but if I hadn't interrupted, Zero would have killed Jack! Did you want to have that?"

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Jacks face washed over with a small frown.

"I doubt that with every fiber of my being." He said seriously

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"Your my meister, Guild. The decision is ultimately up to you... if you want to live with the black blood then you are free to... and I'll do my best to keep you from hurting anyone in the future. If you want to get rid of it yet take all those chances... I'll support you to the best of my abilities." Emory replied, getting to her feet and standing at Guild's side.
Abigail stopped chuckling and looked over at him. "Jack it was only a joke. I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it". She signed and berated herself for being stupid.

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