welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]


"no I haven't thank you and really mitch??? I thought both of you were surotas weapons you 2 hang around her a lot"
Hecter looked around at everyone "I guess everyone make your orders and I'll get the bill for us."

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Halfway pushed up from the floor, Mitch looked to Sid. "Did you say both? I didn't know that was allowed. I only tagged along with Surota and Hecter because they put up with me, and wouldn't let me run away."
Mitch stood up and rubbed his neck. "Yeah… but. But Surota said she preferred a sharp weapon. That's why Hecter became her weapon even though I met her first." Mitch sat at the table with his arms crossed. He was almost reluctant to accept what Sid had said, because he was afraid it wouldn't work. Then he would just be left with more pain.
Hecter smiled "I thought you two knew that already." Hecter turned toward the chef "uh sir I would liked the biggest plate of rice and curry please!!!"

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Surota was disappointed in herself. "I'm sorry okay!? I just couldn't resonate with you Mitch, it's not my fault!"

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Hecter looked at Mitch "all you two have to do is match wavelengths its really simple".

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"Just what I said Sid. It doesn't work. Please don't try and give me false hopes, and be honest Hecter. Does it look like I know anything. I haven't really learned or done anything so far at this school. Whatever matching wavelengths is, Surota must have tried. She said she couldn't do it." Mitch let his head droop. He really didn't want to talk about this.

"what about hector and mitch if you can resonate you can perform a soul combine it will basically do the same think as a soul transfer just not make it over powered rather able it will just make you a medium weapon between you 2 like a sword staff or something like that"
"Really? No, you're lying. That cam't be true. I refuse to accept it. You're just trying to make me feel bad just like everybody else I know."

"I was never a man to tell a lie mitch hell give it a shot im sure it will work hectors soul seems to be very excepting"
Surota put her elbow on the table, raising her forearm to examine her scar. "If you haven't noticed, Mitch doesn't like to accept the facts, or matter of fact, doesn't believe them."

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Mitch leaned away from Surota defensively. "Hey, I accept facts! It's just that I'm not used to people telling me the truth about things. So I don't know who I can trust. Being too trusting just gets you hurt."

((OOC: I'm hitting the hay for tonight. Have a good night everyone!))
"Heh, if anything, I'm pretty sure I'm the one who can't trust or be trusted."

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Emory nodded. "Thought so. Come on, there's a great little burger joint that my dad takes me to a lot. Unless you would prefer a cooked meal.. or something healthier. I mean, I kind of know how to cook. Usually I'd just suggest you do it but you don't seem to be feeling all that well... I mean... with the fight and all. I'm pretty sure you know what I mean."
Emory, beginning to regain a bit of her spunky personality, gave Guild a thumbs up and a grin. The day had exhausted her and robbed her of her usual enthusiasm.... but not completely. "Alright! Great! It's not far from the school." Emory said happily, folding her hands behind her back and walking with a spring in her step. She led him to the burger joint, pointing out random things that caught her attention along the way. "Hey Guild, did you see that bird?! Wasn't it cool?" or "Guild! Guild! Look at that shiny thing! What is it?" or "Man the Sun and Moon are so cool! Don't you think so?"
"Because I could honestly snap at any moment and kill everyone here, but for some reason, you two still want to hang out with me...I don't understand it..." She had a sad tone in her voice.

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(OOC: sorry, didnt get ang notifications on this yesterday, hehe.)

Jack nodded in agreement and after they walked a bit more he stopped around the corner from a butcher shop and saw an amazing ham hanging on a hook out front. A grin spread across his face as he turned to Abigail.

"Ill meet you at the house,, ill be there very soon so get the oven started. Alright?" He turned his attention back to the store front and focused.

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Hecter looked at Surota and smiled "I will be your friend no matter what happens and I'll help you stay under control, now what would you like to eat?"

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