Welcome to the Academy [Inactive]

As soon as the professor uttered the first syllable of "dismissed," Dray was standing with her messenger bag slung over one shoulder. Saria unnerved her far more than the others she'd seen in class. This wasn't anything like public school. This wasn't anything like she'd ever experienced. Everyone she had come across thus far made her want to retreat to the comfort of solitude just to manage to process it all.

She glanced up to notice Aedon's invitation to join him after class in the form of a wave. She tucked a few dark strands of hair behind her ear, the shorter locks cascading back in front of one eye as they refused to be handled. With a down-turned gaze, she offered a small nod to Aedon in response and accepted the invite. Solitude wouldn't provide her with answers.
Aedon smiled and jumped out of his desk. This might turn out to be a good day after all, he thought, I get to show off my knowledge. "Come on guys, I'll show you where the cafeteria is."
Saria got dissappointed knowing she messed up really bad and nodded at the professors request with a frown and walked next to him 
Professor Follplume paced down the hall with his arms behind his back, staying silent for a long while. Then he finally looked down to the kids following him, "Do either of you know why this school was founded?"
Saria mind was blank and just stares into space she look at Isaac curiously and thought for a moment thinking what's his problem and smiled thinking she's not alone
Teir had heard Follpume's question, his eyes flashed and he knew this was where it started, he sighed, and approached quietly on the group, saying just loud enough, "To teach us to fight."
"There's no teaching in fighting. Watch," said Isaac as he threw a tennis ball sized Shadow Ball at Teir. He laughed as it connected with his face. It wasn't a strong strike, it just stung its target a bit.
Professor Follplume shook his head sadly. "To teach us to fight what?" he asked the new student.

Aedon looked to Dray to see if she was coming. "So, did you have any other questions?"
Saria puffed her cheeks as she saw what Isaac did she looked away snaps her fingers making dark needle pinch Isaac arm making her giggle
Teir frowned, his head tilting to the side as the ball came at him, he felt the orb pass by him and he muttered, "It wont matter... Once our current enemies are dead..." He straightened his head up, and looked to Follplume, "We'll be soldiers, or worse, at that point." He sighed, and resigned himself, "But I'd say the darkness, or... well... those consumed by it's embrace?" He posed it more as a question, then an actual answer.
"You all have much to learn." The professor opened a door and pointed to a man siting at a desk. "This is the headmaster, Doctor Krebsbach. Perhaps he can help you out more. All I'll say is that you are here to learn how to protect people from evil. Doctor Krebsbach, these three students have been touched by the darkness…"

Mad Doctor Krebsbach nodded, still looking at an invention of his. "Let them in. We'll have a little talk about it shall we?"
Saria covers her face as it stung a little and glared at Isaac as she pointed her hand at him but made a fire explosion exploding at her.she looked confused and shook her head pushing Isaac making it look like she did something
Teir frowned, there was always at least one, an Antagonist, someone who started things, then helped them escalate, he took several steps, then unleashed his abilities, he negated everything, emotion simply vanished, there was no feeling, and then, he released regret from himself, it would radiate out from him. He shuddered and his powers convulsed in on him, it would brush each of them, they would feel every bit of regret they ever had, all at once, he muttered, "But damn... It never does work quite right..."
Dray shrugged at Aedon hesitantly. Of course she had questions, but she was unsure of even where to begin. "What happens if someone finds dark energy? You had mentioned it in the note and said I needed to be cautious." She looked up at the redhead briefly.
Mad Doctor Krebsbach swiveled on his chair and looked at the quarreling kids. His glasses flashed, as if to show his anger. Suddenly, with a loud, booming voice that seemed to come from the depths of the earth, he said, "ENOUGH!"

Aedon scratched his neck nervously. He had hoped to keep away from the whole darkness thing for a little while. But with all the events that happened, it was inevitable. Finally, he sighed and said, "Well you see, dark energy is very easy to use, and does not require a special channeler to use. That's why there are so many dark necromancers. However, the one who utilizes it is being selfish, they are absorbing the energy without tracking where it came from. You are a beginning channeler at the moment, but you will soon learn that energy can't be created. It comes from somewhere. The job of a channeler is to find safe caches of energy that does not bring harm to others. Lightning storms happen because of dark transference. People lose their souls because of dark transference. Well, that's just a basic idea anyway. I hope I didn't confuse you," finished Aedon. Giving Dray an awkward smile. That's what he understood at least, he had never actually taken the classes at the school yet. He just knew what he learned from his parents.
Her eyes grew wider as Aedon further explained the dangers of dark energy. There were two students utilizing that energy, and it made them all the more unsettling. "Where does the dark energy come from? It has to come from somewhere, or else you can't channel it, right?"
Aedon started walking toward the cafeteria, hoping that Dray would follow as he talked. "Where? Well, it comes from anywhere. In most cases it is taken from the same places channelers draw from. However, they do not concentrate on the point of origin, so it could come from anywhere, even a person's own life-force. Anywhere there is energy, energy transfer can happen, but there will always be effects. Channelers train to draw energy from safe pockets in the universe, dark necromancers do no such thing."
Saria jumped from the doctors yell and her light green eyes and quivered getting afraid and ran to a random area not caring where she goes as long she is away from the angry doctor making bad memories return to her mind
As Saria tries to scurry away, the Mad Doctor uses energy to stretch his arm, going past the other students and grabbing the back of her collar. Then, in a strangely different, yet really cheery voice, he squeaks, "Where do you think you're going? You weren't at fault. But it is important you all understand the reason we brought you here. The energy transfer you are using is very dangerous and potentially harmful to others. Do you understand?"
Mad Doctor Krebsbach's voice changed to almost the sound of a spring, then warped into the sound of a creaking tree as he continued, "No need to be scared dear. Though I may be intimidating, I am here to help you in any way I can. You three students will have the hardest time here, learning how to control your energy and take it from safe places. I'm here to help. I'm not the bad guy you know."
Saria squealed and wailed around making fire flares sparked all around and a darkness swirling around her she was too afraid she tried to fight back

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