Welcome to the Academy [Inactive]

Tier shuddered as he watched the Doctor's display of power, he was shocked, the man was manipulating his own matter, extending his own form, disregarding the principles of mass and the physics involved, as though it was nothing... He paused and gasped. The Mad Doctor wasn't ignoring them, wasn't disregarding them, He was a master at the arts, he KNEW what he was doing, Teir's eyes widened as he looked at the Doctors change, he steps forward, his eyes flashing hungrily, his own powers were almost always out of his control, and this man, this Mad Doctor Krebsbach, He could use those powers effortlessly, Teir's eyes were fixated on him, his energies radiating out as he stepped before the man, just to his right side, he said firmly, nearly begging, "Please, Teach me, Teach me to control this power!" he stood there, shivering, knowing it was learn, or be consumed by the power within him, and something told him that being consumed was going to be a much easier route then learning, but what choice did he really have?
Mad Doctor Krebsbach put a hand up, his voice still changing into weird tones as usual, "Woah, woah. Slow down. I'll teach you how to use positive energy. I'll teach you how to channel. The power you use now is called dark energy. It is a lot easier to use, but without the channeling, you don't know where the energy is coming from. By using it, you very well could be drawing the life force out of the person next to you. That is the cost of dark energy."
Dray followed somewhat a half step behind Aedon. "I'd rather like to doubt dark energy could come from people. I was thinking there'd be more of a science behind it. Like they were taking the energy from dark matter or something. But if dark energy could be harnessed from people, wouldn't that make the practice of using such energy more... I don't know, illegal?" She bit at her lower lip with the thought and readjusted the strap of her messenger bag. "Those kids from class are being told not to use it, right?"
Aedon stopped for a second. She had just added dark matter into the discussion. That was something he didn't know much about. "Well, if I remember right, dark matter is another part of the picture. My granddad was talking about it, I remember. But that's for higher level dark necromancers. If I understand it right, that wouldn't just affect our universe, but other universes as well. But I know almost nothing about that. I'm just the family Rottweiler. I know how to fight them off."

Aedon let his head drop a little, he was enjoying being the smart one. But now he looked like doofus, babbling on about random stuff. "Anyway, yeah. Using dark energy in any form isn't allowed. But there's really no method of enforcement, and before this school, there weren't many who knew about the positive sides of energy. We're really the only defense."
The use of dark matter was foreboding to Dray. She had studied intro to physics back at public school and was captivated by the very brief discussion about black holes. It was a tangent the teacher ran off on from a chain of topics originating from physics in movies. "It sounds like we're going to be trained to go up against some pretty heavy stuff," Dray thought out loud. "If our classmates are using dark energy, does that affect our safety here? Are they potential enemies?"
Aedon looked back to Dray sadly. "If my grandpa can't set 'em straight, that may very well be. I know we're at a school, but we're here learning how to be guardians of transference. If that's just by learning what's safe to do, or by learning how to combat the darkness, that's what we're here for."
"I don't know if I'm cut out for that," Dray responded solemnly. "I mean, I guess of they're bad enough then it's okay because we are doing good, but then again how do you define what is 'bad enough,' you know?" She paced to where she was now walking alongside the redhead. "Why do you know so much about all this, anyway?"
Aedon smiled. That's the question he wanted to hear. Now he could brag a little. "Don't you know who I am? I'm the grandson of Mad Doctor Krebsbach! I'm the heir to the Krebsbach line. One day, this whole school will be mine. With all that responsibility riding on me, I have to know this stuff." Then he stopped and scratched his head nervously. "As for the level of badness. Isn't it bad enough that lives are at steak every moment it is used? We have no way of knowing where the dark energy is coming from, no matter how powerful."
Dray gave Aedon a sidelong glance before looking away with a roll of her eyes. She was never particularly fond of boastful egoes, and seeing the supposedly infamous grandson of the owner of the academy flaunt lowered her view of the redhead. Due to this, she completely ignored his statement so as to not feed the ego further. "If enough concentration is put into it, a channeler surely could figure out the origins of any energy, correct? The same would have to apply with dark energy. It can't just manifest from nothing. Energy isn't created from nothing." She pauses, her steps slowing momentarily with it as her eyes narrow. "Does anyone do any research like that? Maybe instead of fighting dark energy users we can potentially stop it all at the source. It could save more lives."
"No, no, no. Dark energy doesn't come from somewhere else. The basic energy is the same that we use, except they skip the channeling step. Thus there's no control point, the energy could come from anywhere," Aedon said. He rubbed his head, starting to doubt himself.
((Do us a favor, if you can Celtic, Summarize whats going on per characters, I cant follow who's where and whats going on anymore, I understand Aedon and Dray are talking, but where are they in relation to the Doctor and the others, And where is everyone else situated at? I'm totally lost so I'm a bit hesitant to post until I know where my character is and who's around him.))
((Aedon and Dray are heading to the cafeteria. You are with the doctor. No one else has replied, so I'm just assuming they stopped posting.))
"Ah," Dray said as she nodded slowly in understanding. She couldn't mask the disappointment and concern she felt, and found herself looking behind her back in the direction of their classroom. "So we'll have to keep an eye on those guys from class." She turned back around to face forward and fell quiet as she followed Aedon to the cafeteria.
Aedon nodded in agreement. "You up for it? They want me to be active in their… healing I guess you could call it. But you're not required to."
Her brow furrowed, and she looked back up at the redhead. "Up for... what exactly?" She asked in confusion. "I don't know anything about therapy."
"I guess I'm asking if you're willing to be friends with them. I can handle all of the intricate stuff, it'd just be nice to know someone has my back."
"Oh, uh, sure. I guess," Dray said with a shrug. She'd never been opposed to making new friends, though it took a little time for her. Befriending those students using dark energy might take her a bit more time. She was somewhat afraid of them.
She followed after Aedon more quickly. His steady pace didn't quite match up with the length of her legs. "I can pay for my lunch, it's fine."
"You find paying for someone's meal fun?" She couldn't figure this guy out. He was a little more strange than she was used to interacting with back at her public school. It was difficult to tell when he would be serious and when he would break into jest. It made her wonder if his boasting were either in seriousness or as a playful joke,
Aedon smiled, "Dray, I get everything for free here. You didn't actually think I was going to pay money for an extra meal did you? I've got a business to save up for."
Her lips pursed to a thin line. She should have known it was some form of ego boost and not an actual gesture of kindness. Regardless, she couldn't refuse a free meal, especially when the meal is literally free. "Thank you for the meal," she said, and smiled back politely.
"No problem, really, it's the least I could do for the help," he said with a proud smile. Then he tried to think of some small talk. When he wasn't talking about himself, or something he knew, he wasn't good at the whole social thing. "Uh… so you're a channeler huh?"

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