Welcome to the Academy [Inactive]

Professor Follplume gave her an unamused look. She'll never last, he thought. Professor Follplume was prone to judging, but he had judged Aedon the same way, so in the end his thoughts on that didn't hold much merit. "Welcome. Remember class starts promptly at eight, not eight o five. There's one desk left," he said, pointing to a desk right next to Dray. When he looked at Dray, he gave her a sour look. "If you wish to work with your hands, you can go apply for a janitorial position here at the school. I hear it pays well," he said, looking back to the board.

Aedon pushed his pencil forward lazily. Then looked back to Dray to see her reaction.
Dray slumped back in her seat. Janitors were always underrated despite what they're put through. At least the job paid well. She wondered if she'd enjoy mopping floors and cleaning toilets. She's not getting paid currently, so taking up a janitorial position would be an upgrade. Though if she were a janitor, she would not have time for class.

Hesitantly she raised her hand, her eyes avoiding contact with Aedon. "Excuse me, professor. How exactly do we make our pencils move without our hands?"
Aedon snickered into his sleeve, accidentally letting out a little snot. He quickly whipped his nose and tried to hide it. Then he whispered to himself, "And I thought she was crafty."

Professor Follplume let his head drop before turning to face Dray. "The first step is to put your pencil down. Now, look at your pencil. Open your mind the universe. Then wrap your consciousness around the pencil and push it. You know janitors also get one free meal a day. Doctor Mad is nice to them like that." Then the professor turned around to see if the other student was going to sit down.
Saria sat down at the empty seat and looked around and sat there like an innocent child she puts her hands on her lap and made a flare as she jumped and fell back on her chair 
(Yes sorry for not being descriptive enough)
Dray frowned at the response, lowering her hand and situating her pen on her paper's center. She wanted to ignore Aedon's snickers and the tone of her professor's voice. She looked around the room at everyone present and felt like she wasn't in the right place. Everyone was either cold, lifeless, or an ass. Her bright eyes looked over as the girl took a seat next to her, and she offered a hesitant smile in her direction, unsure of what to make of her mishap.

"Are you alright?" she whispered to Saria.
Professor Follplume spun around with a spark in his eye. Aedon twitched at the sound but didn't turn around yet. Fire is my thing! Don't they know that! Idiots!

"Can you do that again?" asked the professor sternly. A slight hint of fear in his eyes.

"Yo prof, it's just fire, what's the big deal," responded Aedon, trying to draw attention away. Now she's going to be known for fire if the professor makes a big deal of it. Dammit.

The professor cast yet another angry glare and Aedon, but didn't respond, waiting to see what Saria would do. The tension in the room rose dramatically.
Saria looked at the girl and smiled nodding her head and grabbing her hand as she stood up and fixed her clothes and her pink hair 
Saria looks at the professor and her smile fell as she shakes her head not wanting to go out of control and destroy everything
Dray watched the new girl for a moment, but then turned her attention back to her pen. Opening her mind to the universe sounded hoaky and more based on the imagination. Her stare bore into the pen as if her life depended on it, creating a sense of tunnel vision. She focused on the pen so completely that she began to understand its complexities and inner workings. She felt her mind grasp the pen in all its facets and suddenly the pen moved ever so slightly, as if an invisible force had flicked it lightly. It was enough movement for her focus to falter as her mind turned to amazement. Did she do that, or was it the slope of the desk? She turned her notebook ninety degrees and stared at the pen once again.
Bored... So bored, thought Isaac. Bored, bored, bored, bored, BORED! He snapped his fingers and filled the room with darkness. He waited, listening to multiple screams, before returning the room to normal. Still bored!
The professor frowned and squinted his eyes suspiciously. He attempted to read the expression on Saria's face. However, his efforts were in vain, so he decided on another course of action.

"I'd like to speak to you after class. Do you understand?" asked the professor. Yet before Saria could answer, he cast another glare at Aedon, "Right after I speak to Aedon that is."

Aedon just nodded with a little smirk. "At least she's not stealing my thunder… I mean… fire," he whispered to himself. Then he opened his eyes and looked up to the professor, "Let's get going teach. These guys are just on fire…" At that moment the lights went out. It was only for a brief moment, but long enough to set everyone on edge.

Professor Follplume glared all around the room, ending his cycle at Isaac. "I'd like to see you after class as well. For now, I would like you all to stop performing transferences. Class is almost over and there are a few other ideas I wish to discuss."

The room briefly went dark, and her focus yet again disappeared. She looked over at the source and then to the professor as she awaited his droll. Surely the professor took note of that disruption. She wondered if she could project her thoughts to Isaac, or if it was just a thing with Aedon.
CelticHero37 updated Welcome to the Academy with a new update entry:

Using Energy

I don't know if I was as clear about this before so I'm just going to put this out there:
Yes, both channelers and practitioners can use energy transfer without a partner, but it is much less effective for channelers and can make practitioners really tired. Now, for the people who have dark energy as part of their emphasis, this is understandable why they can do these things so easily. I just want to clarify this for you. Using the dark energy is easier and more efficient, but it slowly...
Read the rest of this update entry...
Saria nodded at the instructor as the room went dark Saria flinched and ducked down covering her head as she slowly starts absorbing the darkness making her tear up and grind her teeth she pulled on her hair
Professor Follplume gave Saria a stern look, "I would have to ask you to stop what you're doing Miss Saria. Don't worry, you're not in trouble for that. There are just a few things we need to discuss." The fear on the professor's face was now plainly visible.

Aedon popped a peak back to see what all the attention was about. Then his jaw dropped. He couldn't see, so much as feel the dark energy increasing in the room. Even though he hand never officially been enrolled in the school before, Aedon had learned the important stuff. He had dealt with dark energy transfer a few times before. He was a Krebsbach after all. For the first time all class, Aedon didn't have anything stupid to say. He knew this was serious business.
Dray shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she took note of the professor's fear, only growing moreso as she noticed Aedon's reaction. Cleaning toilets sounded like a safer job than dealing with her peers. Why was she even in this place? She was nowhere near as adept as her classmates and only carried a very basic understanding into what she could do. She bit at her lower lip, her eyes falling back to the abandoned letter on the floor just behind Aedon. Maybe she could make it move like the pen, only closer to the redhead.

Just as before, she focused herself into tunnel vision. Nothing mattered but the folded letter on the floor. Her mind was far too busy thinking about dark energy and sitting next to a girl that was pulling on her hair. She just couldn't focus well enough, and slumped back in frustration. She still wanted the answer to her question. Or questions. At this point, she couldn't even remember if she asked more than one question. She had so many rattling around in her brain.

Hey, she thought towards Aedon. Sorry for doing this again. I wrote back. The letter is behind you.
When Dray contacted Aedon again, he practically leapt out of his chair. He had been so engrossed in the prospect of a dark energy transfer that the new noise had taken him off guard. Realizing what had happened, Aedon put his hand to his mouth and tried to pass it off as a really dramatic hiccup. To be honest, this wasn't actually that far from the truth.

Aedon reached a shivering hand behind him, and grabbed the paper to read it. Then he started writing on the paper quickly, wanting to get his attention back to the darkness.

"My name's Aedon. Yeah, it's all you. That's exactly what we'll be learning about, it's impressive that you figured out how to do that stuff already. Don't let all this action mislead you, they have reasons behind them. Most students don't master moving a pencil until the two week mark. Let alone projecting your mind into another. Even though it's possible to read minds, I couldn't possibly do it. All that mental stuff is for channelers anyway. I on the other hand concentrate on the matter. Anyways, if you want to meet us for lunch after this, I could go more into detail about it."

Then Aedon tossed the letter back to Dray. Nobody was really paying attention to them anymore, so it wasn't a big deal. Aedon then returned his gaze to the new girl, going back to seriousness.
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Saria look at the professor as she knew he doesn't know that dark energy messes with her even if she uses fire/darkness she tries to hold it in and put her hands down
Professor Follplume nodded, then went on teaching a few more things. Finally he said, "I think that will be all for today. If you check your syllabus, it says that we will be studying basic partitioning. Yet I have decided to push up part of the lesson on dark energy for tomorrow, so you won't have any reading homework for today. Are there any questions?"

Aedon was annoyed at first, for he was looking forward to the partitioner training. Yet, when he heard there was no homework for the night, it calmed him down a little.

((OOC: I'll be gone for a few hours. But it's alright if you guys keep posting. Just don't be expecting replies from me right away. This'll give some people the chance to catch up as well. P.S. I'm really having fun with this guys, thanks!))
The paper crashed onto her notebook, and she quickly slammed her hand on top of it before it could get away. She unfolded it as quietly as she could, eager to read her answer. She frowned somewhat at the response. Judging by what Aedon had written, Dray was just as odd as the rest of the lot. It at least gave her common ground to relate to the others. She folded the paper back and placed it in the sleeve of her notebook before packing it away. She never posed any questions to a teacher if class was being dismissed. She glanced back up at Aedon who seemed transfixed on Saria. The uncomfortable feeling only increased, and she longed to be dismissed. Dray contemplated on continuing her inquiries at lunch with the redhead, but she felt that would be far too imposing. Perhaps her professors will discuss it at some point so she wouldn't feel like she was bothering anyone.
Saria sighs and stands up as she quietly tried to sneak out of the classroom embarrass from her actions she quietly tries to walk out and puts her hood on
Professor Follplume puts out a hand toward the door. The door comes flying to a close, making only a light sound. Almost no one noticed. It wasn't the professors goal to make a scene, but he didn't want this girl wandering off. Not yet at least.
Saria jumped and turned as she looks at the professor and smiled as she waved as she was worried about what he's gonna say or do so she looked around and smiled as she went around and started cleaning 
0.0 silence)
"If there aren't any other questions… then class is dismissed." The professor approached Aedon quickly and whispered in his ear. "Keep an eye on this new fire girl. She's could be dangerous. Anyways, you're a fire guy yourself, aren't you Mr. Krebsbach?" Then the professor walked over to Saria, and waved for Isaac to come. "Let's take a walk, shall we?"

Aedon nodded at the response. Then he got out of his desk, looking to see if Koemi would follow him. Then he tried to wave at Dray too, trying to get her attention.
Arriving at the academy Teir glanced at the paperwork he had in his hands, muttering, "Okay... Here..? Right?" He glanced around, looking for some sort of authority, or staff, or anything, but then, with a shrug, he began to wander the halls, looking about for anyone at all. "I'll find someone eventually I guess..." He would be a new student there, he paused, thinking out loud, "Somewhere I can learn to control this accursed power."

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