Welcome to the Academy [Inactive]

Dray walked towards the building at a steady pace, her eyes locked on the group in her way. She took a moment to look for other options in her route and debated on the worth of doing so. After all, she didn't really know exactly where she needed to go. Her eyes made their way back to the group, taking note of the four of them carefully as her approach slowed to a halt just outside the tense gathering.

"Excuse me," she began softly, hesitancy evident. She wasn't being shy so much as unsure she shouldn't be interrupting.
Koemi, gaze still cold and serious, pushed his arm away, but started down the hall towards her classroom without another word spoken. Yet, inside she was smiling; while the girl did prefer compliments on her maturity, compliments on her intelligence were still quite pleasing to her. It gave her reassurance that her efforts to be these things that she strived for -Smart, mature, wise.-, were not in vain. Then, she felt the static conducted possibly through the air, and more vividly through Aedon, though it was still a faint shock. She cast a cold glance back to Alex and Jordon. But, instead of saying anything, she just turned back around, and continued heading down the hall. Until she noticed Dray. "Hello. Do you need something?" Koemi greeted, then inquired, tone keeping emotionless.
Aedon spun around, gathering energy in his hand and converting it to heat energy. Then, as fire was beginning to form in his palm and he was ready to strike Alex, a new girl walked up and said, 'Excuse me,'

Aedon froze, staring at the new girl awkwardly. The fire in his hand died. "What do you want? Does it look like I'm a walking map of the grounds?" In actuality, he was probably the closest to that since he had grown up at the school. Then Koemi stepped forward, ignoring Aedon's rudeness.
She shifted her weight from one foot to another and adjusted the strap of her messenger bag. It felt so heavy now and she just wanted to go sit down in class. The tone in everyone's voice was unwelcoming and she began to regret instigating interaction, but she masked it with a small smile.

"Sorry," she said, her eyes fixing on Aedon. She thought it odd how he assumed what she was going to ask, albeit correct. Perhaps he had mind reading capabilities. "Things looked pretty tense. Good thing it dissolved, right?" Her eyes glanced down the hall and then to Koemi. She took note of the lack of emotion portrayed and thought about sociopaths and if they could function at this academy. "Anyway, I'm just looking for the right class for first years."
"I believe it would be that way." Koemi stated, pointing in the direction she believed such a classroom to be. Then she turned, beginning down the hall again. We're all going to be late if we don't hurry. She acknowledged in her mind, glancing to the nearest clock and recalling when class started.
Aedon nodded. "That's right Koemi. I think class is about to start. But don't worry, you're with me. I'm sure Professor Follplume won't mind." added Aedon as he walked toward the classroom.
"Thanks," Dray said more quietly, and chose to follow after the pair to insure she made it to the right location. She acted like she was in no hurry, her heels scuffing the floor rhythmically. Her eyes looked about the hallway as if in a museum, taking in the sights, or lack there of. So far she's the odd man out. She needed a practitioner.
Koemi gave a sigh, but since she did need a practitioner, she said nothing in objection, and simply followed after. She seemed to take no notice of Dray, or at least she didn't care that the girl was following. Upon entering, she found her desk, and took her seat, awaiting class to begin.

(Are the classes skipped in the rp, or are they roleplayed through? I've never done a roleplay in a sort of school or academy, I'm almost ways just doing animal rps or Medieval fantasy rp.)
Alex started walking to the classroom while thinking 'If all the pairs have that kind of teamwork we'll have no trouble'
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Aedon walked into the room and the professor gave him an annoyed look. "You won't be getting any special treatment Mr. Krebsbach, I hope you understand that." Aedon just brushed his hair back and responded, "Hah, I don't need special treatment. I already know everything you have to teach." He walked over and sat down, waving Koemi over.
Dray slipped past the two, slinking to the back of the room to take her seat. She set her messenger bag on her desk and glanced up at Aedon before sitting. She felt rather silly for what she was contemplating, and tried to occupy herself with removing her notebook and pen. Her eyes moved back up to stare at the cocky redhead, her dark bangs falling over one eye. Can you hear me? she thought as she watched him, testing out her theory on mind reading. It was a ridiculous notion, but she definitely had to make sure just in case.
Aedon and a few of the classmates around him jumped. Aedon put his hands over his ears. "Would you stop yelling? Of course we can hear you! Attention hog. Where are you?" Aedon looked to the person next to him angrily, raising a fist threateningly. "Don't be yelling in my ear! Got it?"

Someone in front of Aedon looked up and said, "Dude, calm down, nobody was yelling," This led to a longer argument between Aedon and the two other boys. They continued bickering back and forth for a short time, but finally it died down. Aedon slouched in his chair and folded his arms across his chest.
Dray jumped in her seat and quickly looked down at her notebook. She rigidly flipped over to the first blank page she could find and began writing her name and date to make herself look occupied while Aedon bickered with one of his closer peers. While looking down at her paper, she wondered if the guy could hear her thoughts when she isn't looking at him. I'm sorry if I was loud, she thought in a whisper, or was at least trying to think in a whisper. She paused to gauge Aedon's reaction, the ink from her pen bleeding in a dot after the last number of the year.
Isaac chucked his bag down and sat back, his notebook on the desk in front of him. He looked around at the bickering students known to him as 'classmates'. Such insolence, he thought, as he awaited the start of the lesson.
Aedon smiled a little and looked to the guy next to him. "Thank you. But, you might want to work on your voice, you sound like a girl." This resulted in another round of bickering.
Laughter burst from her lips faster than she could think to prevent it. Dray covered her mouth with her free hand and then pushed her hair away from her face as she calmed. She tried her best not to think in an internal monologue, but rather in bursts of knowing. Aedon sabotaged her privacy, and likely everyone else's at the Academy as well. He didn't appear to even know what he was doing. The idea of informing him was a debate that caused her to tap the end of her pen against the opened page of her notebook.

You're actually reading my thoughts, she thought to Aedon still in a whisper, but she kept her eyes down. Is there any way you could maybe...not? It's an invasion of privacy.

Then another concept occurred to her. Perhaps if she did not think and not direct her thinking towards Aedon, he would not hear her. She felt silly once again as she tried to close out everyone around her in her mind and thought, Pickles.
( Again, I've been missing the alerts... Why does the alert thingy not seem to track them all? )

Koemi was looking at her paper, expression thoroughly irritated. Have these beings nothing better to do than be annoying today? Can they not be quiet already? As particularly loud shouts rose, the girl even came to silently grit her teeth. She then heard Aedon's insult to another, and became curious. Why do human beings think it is an insult to 'Throw like a girl,' or 'Sound like a girl?' What's wrong with being feminine?... It's not an insult if a girl is told she talks like a boy. And, the statement is either neutral or offensive when a girl is told she 'throws like a girl'... Koemi pondered, but didn't really care what people thought of her, so she wasn't really offended by this view of society. Although, she knew a few others who would be.
Aedon turned around, trying to locate the culprit. "You're the one projecting your thoughts. If you learned that technique, how did you not know you were using it?"

Professor Follplume took a step forward and cleared his throat, casting another look of disapproval at Aedon. Then he began, "Welcome to the Channeler-Practitioner Academy. My name is Professor Follplume, and I will be your instructor on Basic Transference. This is a two hour course with required hands-on activities outside of class. Outside of your normal liberal arts classes, this will be your only course. Once you have passed this class, you may sign up for as many Transference classes as you can handle. Now, let us begin. I will start with a question… can anyone offer a definition to Transference?"

Aedon folded his arms and laughed to himself. That's simple, he thought. But he decided to give other students a chance to humiliate themselves.

((OOC: We won't need rp through every class, but there are a few things I want to establish in this one.))
She finally looked up as the professor began his introduction to the class. She didn't know the answer to the professor's question, but she had finally found the answer to her own. Just don't think towards Aedon. Ever. But something bothered her about his comment. As her attention waned from the professor, she noticed Isaac and studied him for a moment. She wished it were more obvious as to whether a person were a channeler or a practitioner.

What is the definition of Transference? The question presented by the professor rang in her ears, repeated in his voice as if in a loop. Her lips pursed and she found herself looking at the back of Aedon's head.

I was just testing it out to see if you could mind read, she explained in her thoughts towards Aedon. Sorry for bothering you. It won't happen again.

She slumped in her seat with embarrassment and wrote down the word "Transference" in her notebook.
Aedon heard the voice in his head again. He pulled out a piece of paper and started writing. "Hey Kid, you need to learn to control the energy. It needs to be more concentrated. Right now everyone near me can hear your voice. It just takes practice. Be careful trying out new things like that, because you may stumble across some dark energy. But no need to apologize, that's actually cool that you figured it out. Good job. :) " Aedon folded the paper and slowly set it on the floor. Still looking up at the teacher, he concentrated a small stream of energy to the paper. The paper slid across the floor and stopped right next to Dray's desk.

Professor Follplume noticed Aedon's little stunt, but ignored it to congratulate the other student. "That will be an accurate enough definition for this course. Are you sure you haven't already taken this class sir?" Finished the professor with a little smile. "Transference is the movement and control of energy. I'm sure you've learned before that your bodies are made up of individual living cells. Well, the universe is made up of many living things as well. By concentrating on this oneness of the universe, we can control the energy. We can do almost anything with this energy, but in order to use it, we must also understand it. For example, I could convert a piece of lead to gold. But I would first need to understand their makeup. Also, matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed. You can only draw from energy that exists. I'd like you all to try now. Look at your pencils and write this information in your notebook… without using your hands."
Saria was wondering around the place lost as she peeks around she was really scared being there as she jumps hearing voices of people that were in the building
Professor Follplume waits, giving his students a chance to try it out. As he's waiting, he looks out into the hall and notices someone outside. "Are you looking for Basic Transference?"
As the piece of paper skidded to a halt next to her on the floor, Dray felt she couldn't sink further in her seat. He knew. He knew it was her. She began to write down the approved and refined definition given by the professor as her foot slowly moved out to grab the paper with the sole of her Chuck. She slid the paper closer to her and leaned down to pick it up just in time for the professor to suggest writing without hands.

She awkwardly set her pen down on her notebook and stared at it while unfolding the paper in her hands. She felt like even if she gave the pen her full attention, she'd never be able to make it move on her own. The idea was just as ridiculous as mind reading. Though, if mind reading was something that one could do, perhaps telekinesis wasn't too far fetched.

But her attention was pulled away from the task as she read the letter from under her desk. After reading it fully, her eyes quickly jolted upward to look at those around Aedon. They heard her, too? That didn't seem possible to her at all unless he was a loud speaker. She wanted to ask him more questions since he appeared to be far more knowledgeable, but she couldn't bring herself to think in monologue. Instead, she took her pen slowly from atop her notebook and wrote on her lap.

"My name is Dray. So this isn't you with the ability to mind read. This is part of what we are and why we're here?

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