Welcome to the Academy [Inactive]

She nodded her head somewhat, a few more strands of her asymmetrical bob flowing in front of her face. She pushed it back with a curl of her delicate fingers. "Yeah," she said, though she couldn't ever remember ever stating that she was. "How can you tell?"
"Uh… I could tell by the manner of questions you were asking. It… it was just a guess. Haha, so I was right as usual," he scratched the back of his neck nervously, then smiled as he tried to make himself smile as usual. In reality, he had checked a list of applied channelers when he had come in earlier to see if any fit. He thought he remembered her from that. In fact, she was one of the students he was looking into.
"My questions," she said almost to herself as she reflected on their conversation. Aedon was acting weird and his smile didn't really look natural. She didn't press the issue, however.
"Do you like it?" she asked as she finally looked back up at him. "I'm guessing you've done some stuff with a channeler, right? Given who you are..." She assumed, which was always in her nature, that because of who his family is he would have been thrown into the life at an early age.
Aedon frowned and stared at the tray he had just gotten. He took a long pause, remembering something from his past. This was the first time he hadn't been up to talking about himself, "Yeah, something like that," He started walking to a table. Something was obviously bothering him.
She stared down at her own tray. Resting atop its pale blue surface was a plate partitioned into three sections. She had chosen an apple, what appeared to be a chicken sandwich, steamed broccoli, and off to the side balanced a bottled water. Dray could tell she hit a mark she shouldn't have, and elected to change the subject. "What do you like outside of all this mess?" she asked as she followed him to a table. She took a seat opposite of him for better ease in conversation.
Aedon sat for a moment, just stirring the soup he had gotten. Dray asked him something, but he didn't really catch onto it at first. What are you doing? How could you even think to replace him? Aedon shook his head, trying to clear it. You need to graduate man, get ahold of yourself. "What do I do?" he began wearily, "Oh, well… I'm trying to develop a business where channelers can recycle energy. I don't know, just wanted to do something good for the world I guess. Oh, and I can play guitar too. Other than that, I'm usually pretty busy dealing with family stuff. Heh, going to school here is actually kind of relaxing. I don't have to be looking behind my back all the time. Not like it'd matter." As he neared the end of what he said, he tried to give Dray a smile again. He tried to sound all cocky and seem like his normal self, but he just didn't quite pull it off this time.
Dray began to twist the stem off of her apple as she listened to Aedon's answer. Despite her efforts to bring the conversation to something he'd feel a little more comfortable in, he gave his unnatural smile to mask his true feelings. Something bruised him emotionally, and she couldn't really tell what it was aside from whatever he had to watch his back for. Biting her lower lip, she contemplated how to continue. "The guitar is pretty cool," she said. "I tried to learn it once, but I couldn't stretch out my fingers enough to get a lot of the chords." She held out her hand between them and extended her fingers apart in demonstration. Her hand was small, and the fingers wouldn't spread far enough apart to even hit an octave on a piano from pinky to thumb.
Aedon smiled a little more innocently. "Really? I bet you'd be fantastic if you could though. Maybe I should play for you some time." Then he put his hands on his head, "I'm sorry about that back there. I just opened up some old memories is all."
Teir shivered and stood solidly still, He looked at the Mad Doctor without an ounce of fear, but at the same time the look on his face would be pleading, not to spare him any punishment, but one of nearly begging for help,"I don't... try to use it the wrong way, I know... I know it takes life force from people... I've already killed so many... when this... curse woke up inside me, What can I do though? How do I control this? It's always there, like something on my back, I came here because I want to learn to use it without hurting people, or to lock it away... I can barely keep it subdued now..." It was true, his energies were flaring back up again, if Mad Doctor Krebsbach could sense energy, he'd see it rebuilding, readying itself to lash out again, with or without the consent of its young user, it wasn't that the power was malicious, It just sensed Teir's fear, his anxiety, and it wanted to protect him, by any means necessary.
The Mad Doctor put a hand on Teir's shoulder, one side of his glasses flashed as he looked deep into the kid's eyes. "Son, you have entered into the madness. The dark energy has begun to take control. You have used it so much that true evil has begun to wrap around your soul. Now don't be frightened, this does not make you evil. But now it builds off your fear. Come, sit down, please," he offered some chairs for the kids to sit in. "What you have Teir… is called madness. If you've ever wondered about my name, this is why."
Teir shrugged, and blinked several times, sitting down, he looked the Mad Doctor in the face, and asked him honestly, "Who... Are you?" He'd not been introduced to the man yet, so he had no clue who he was addressing. Teir frowned and rubbed his forehead with a sigh.
The Mad Doctor smiled. The smile held a certain sort of madness in it. His room was only lit with candles, so his face was also shadowed in a way that made him seem evil. Yet in the smile there was something else, a knowing, a kindness that surpassed the evil feeling. Then, in an unexpectedly high pitched voice, he said, "I'm Mad Doctor Krebsbach, I founded this school."
Teir was unaffected by the revelation, he simply said, "Ah... I see..." He paused for a moment, and then asked, "What come's now then Doctor?" His eyes dark eye's seemed to have lost emotion, the dark energies in him were calming now, his body shuddering less, "How do I keep this power locked away..?"
"Now I am going to tell you a secret from the very beginning of time itself… fear is a lie. That fear you feel that builds the darkness inside you, it is a lie. For many people who have not formed a conscience, fear is a necessary lie to keep them in check. However, fear only manifests things that aren't a reality. This dark energy doesn't actually come until you make it exist through your fear. Accept the energy flow as part of you, and it will quiet down. All you are fearing is yourself."
CelticHero37 said:
Aedon smiled a little more innocently. "Really? I bet you'd be fantastic if you could though. Maybe I should play for you some time." Then he put his hands on his head, "I'm sorry about that back there. I just opened up some old memories is all."
She brought her hand back down in her lap and shrugged. "It's alright if you're alright," Dray said as she picked up her sandwich. "Do you want to talk about it?" She was never one to want to talk about herself to near strangers, but not everyone was like her in that regard. She wanted to show Aedon that she was open to his venting should he feel the need.
Aedon shivered at the thought of sharing his feelings. He hadn't told anyone, but no one had ever asked. He knew it would hurt. Yet it was for that very reason that he wanted to let it out. He let his spoon slip deeper in his soup as he finally accepted the reality and began recounting it with his eyes closed. "I was granted a channeler once, even though I hadn't attended the school. His name was Rory," he opened his watery eyes and smiled a little, "He was more than just a channeler… he was a pal. Heh, Rory and I would be everywhere from the skateparks to the fishing ponds all in one day. Even when I made stupid decisions, Rory was right there with me ready to pull me out of the fire… fire. We were prophesied to become the saviors of the world because our minimal training proved so effective. Yet, one night, there was a gathering of dark necromancers. Rory and I were called take them out." Aedon started speeding up, wanting the moment to be over already, "When we attacked, everything fell into place. We had defeated all but one of the dark necromancers." Then he started to tear up and raise his voice, "And me, being so fricking hotheaded! Rushed in too early, thinking I could take him on myself. I would have been killed if it weren't for him. He as a channeler, used a powerful practitioner attack by drawing from his own life force. He was able to obliterate the dark necromancer. But the sacrifice was his life." he bowed his head and whispered, "That channeler was my twin brother." Then he sat in silence.
Teir frowned slightly, trying to grasp the idea, he asked calmly, "So if I abandon fear, If I focus the energies only from within myself, then would it be safe? If I used my own energies, would I be able to safely use the magic within me? Is that what your saying?" He peered at the Mad Doctor curiously, speculatively, almost hungry for knowledge now.
The Mad Doctor cocked his head slightly. "Not quite. If you abandon fear, the energies will no longer consume you. Thus, you will be in control and can learn to properly channel positive energy instead."
Teir nodded several times, "I see... I see... Abandon it..." He stroked his chin in speculation then looked at the Kresbach, "How?" He asked, a look of genuine, honest, curiosity on his face.
Doctor Krebsbach smiled, "At this moment, the dark energies control you because of the fear. Once you realize that this is all inside of yourself, then you can fix it. What you really fear is the growing fear within you. But it is a cycle that must be stopped. You are in control Their, you just have to realize it."
Teir was confused, it made a sort of sick sense to him, and he muttered, "Well I've always been afraid of the power within me... but when you say it like that... I... Guess it makes sense." He repeated the words in his head, "What you really fear is the growing fear within you." until it started sinking in. He looked to the Doctor and sighed, "I think this will take some time... but... I think I understand the basic concept... sort of... I suppose there are other steps to this training that I'm going to need though right?"
Mad Doctor Krebsbach gave a wry smile, nodded and turned back to his desk. He began tinkering with another object when he asked, "Are there any further questions then?
CelticHero37 said:
Aedon shivered at the thought of sharing his feelings. He hadn't told anyone, but no one had ever asked. He knew it would hurt. Yet it was for that very reason that he wanted to let it out. He let his spoon slip deeper in his soup as he finally accepted the reality and began recounting it with his eyes closed. "I was granted a channeler once, even though I hadn't attended the school. His name was Rory," he opened his watery eyes and smiled a little, "He was more than just a channeler… he was a pal. Heh, Rory and I would be everywhere from the skateparks to the fishing ponds all in one day. Even when I made stupid decisions, Rory was right there with me ready to pull me out of the fire… fire. We were prophesied to become the saviors of the world because our minimal training proved so effective. Yet, one night, there was a gathering of dark necromancers. Rory and I were called take them out." Aedon started speeding up, wanting the moment to be over already, "When we attacked, everything fell into place. We had defeated all but one of the dark necromancers." Then he started to tear up and raise his voice, "And me, being so fricking hotheaded! Rushed in too early, thinking I could take him on myself. I would have been killed if it weren't for him. He as a channeler, used a powerful practitioner attack by drawing from his own life force. He was able to obliterate the dark necromancer. But the sacrifice was his life." he bowed his head and whispered, "That channeler was my twin brother." Then he sat in silence.
Part way through Aedon's story, she found she had stopped chewing on her small bite of sandwich. She almost even forgot to breath from the magnitude of what Aedon had suffered. Finally, as his story came to a close, she brought herself to finish off the bite with a hard swallow. "Prophecy," Dray spoke thoughtfully. "I'm so sorry you were subjected to that. It's ridiculous to put kids through that kind of thing, right? Prophecy or no. Your...your grandfather didn't put you two up to that, did he?" The thought of family putting family in danger was a foreign concept, but his grandfather held the cult title of "Mad Doctor." Anything could be possible with that man.

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