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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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“Well, I haven’t eaten for a while, so this food smells like heaven.” She took advantage of Jay moving away to take her place in the kitchen. “So help me help you. How can I speed up the process of food-getting?” Her cloak dissolved and reformed into a maid outfit and apron. She pulled a wicked looking knife from somewhere and it promptly morphed into a wooden spoon.

@Flame Demon
She pouts a little dissapointed she wasn't using her apron. She proceeded to go and set the table, setting it instantly by breaking down the silverware and plates then reforming them as the same on the table.

@Flame Demon
Jay starts getting annoyed "Can you not use your powers for everything?" she asks and after a short while she finishes cooking after putting an egg through the salad. Leo appears in the main hall and heads to the dining room "I'm glad I'm just a replacement teacher, I don't have to check homework" he says and sighs.

@Yaoke Saint
"How can I resist? It's just so much fun. But I'll try to hold back." She turns to Jay's dad, not remembering she is still in the maids outfit. "Why's that, I rather enjoy grading homework. You just put a D there, an A here, and an F everywhere else. It's so fun to see the shock on their faces when they see it!" She frowns. "Though I got fired rather quickly with that method..."

@Flame Demon
Jay puts the food in on the table and she sweatdrops "Your outfit" she mumbles qs she sits down. Leo sits down as well and he says "I dpn't intent to get fired", he liked the job, but he was looking for something else to do.

@Yaoke Saint
She giggles nervously. Not the best first impression. Or second impression. Or is it the third impression by now? She "accidentally" knocks her fork off the table, and crouches below the table to retrieve it. When she gets back up, she is wearing her usual cloak with the hood down. "Bon appetite!" She looks nervously at Jay's dad. She leans over to Jay and whispers: "Do you say something before eating, like a demonic chant to the denizens of the underworld?"

@Flame Demon
Jay shakes her head and she says "Nope, we din't don't says anything", she statyd putting some food on her plate "Go on and eat before it gets cold".

@Yaoke Saint
Name: Aratorio Lasarius

Class: No class

Currently/Location: Moka's Dorm

Interaction: Moka

Tag: @sprouhtt

Aratorio would look away somewhat unsure if he should say it. "My family.. is all dead.. killed.. murdered... wiped out.. just because people had feared our family's abilities.." A single tear would fall from his eye and he would look down.
Name: Aiko

Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina

The male crosses his arms "Juniper? Ah having such a power it's logical for you to have a mentor for the control" He floats a few feet nearing the ground as he tapped his chin "Who is this Juniper? Is she a teacher or someone you brought in personally?" The boy is quite nosy, but of course he would be, he's meeting another goddess in his life.
Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: No class

Currently/Location: Her dorm

Interaction: Aratorio

Tag: @Arubion Sivart

Moka stood there as an earie darkness filled the room from what he had said,"I'm sorry," Moka walked over to him and sat back down. She shifted her hand towards his and put it on top,"I didn't mean to ask," she said to him. She was very shocked and felt bad for asking him because now she probably made him bring up a painful memory.
Flecker said:
Name: Aiko
Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina

The male crosses his arms "Juniper? Ah having such a power it's logical for you to have a mentor for the control" He floats a few feet nearing the ground as he tapped his chin "Who is this Juniper? Is she a teacher or someone you brought in personally?" The boy is quite nosy, but of course he would be, he's meeting another goddess in his life.
Klef busts out laughing. "Juniper's a guy..." She chuckled, kicking around the pebbles on the ground. "Well, he pretty much raised me on his own since I was 8. He's also the English teacher now, we were kind of tight on money believe it or not and teaching here pays well if you think about all the other benefits." Klef told him.
Name: Aiko

Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina

"O-oh, sorry about that" The young student adds after noticing his missed guess "Well uhh Juniper can be masculine too!" He chuckles attempting to hide his shame "I was expecting, I don't know something like Robert? Brad? Chad? But I guess it's quite different for gods huh?" A glance to his side revealed that the sun is getting lower and lower with darkness started to come in, they've spent quite awhile in the forest and he's of course still hungry for more cheese. He then lifts his wrist and takes a look at his watch, the clock struck dinner time and a beeping alarm came from the thing "Well look at the time!" A gleeful smile accompanied his excited comment.
Flecker said:
Name: Aiko
Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina

"O-oh, sorry about that" The young student adds after noticing his missed guess "Well uhh Juniper can be masculine too!" He chuckles attempting to hide his shame "I was expecting, I don't know something like Robert? Brad? Chad? But I guess it's quite different for gods huh?" A glance to his side revealed that the sun is getting lower and lower with darkness started to come in, they've spent quite awhile in the forest and he's of course still hungry for more cheese. He then lifts his wrist and takes a look at his watch, the clock struck dinner time and a beeping alarm came from the thing "Well look at the time!" A gleeful smile accompanied his excited comment.
"It's fine, he kind of looks like a girl anyways...Juniper's not even his real name." She chuckled, looking at the sun setting, it became apparent that she had wasted almost half the day in the forest. Klef tilted her head, unsure of why Akio's watch was beeping. "Huh? What time is it and why do you need an alarm to tell you when it is?" She asked curiously, staring at the male's watch.
Name: Aiko

Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina

The young male was excited in his own world, in fact he's so excited that he forgot how to turn off the watch "Just like this and like this and.." Speaking to himself in moments like these is the thing that calmed him down, after a few tapping and poking around the beeping noises is gone "Oh! Why it's dinner time Klef! There'll be lots of cheese! Feta, Gouda, Cheddar, Swiss, Cubed cheese and those good stuff! Isn't it brilliant?!"
Flecker said:
Name: Aiko
Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina

The young male was excited in his own world, in fact he's so excited that he forgot how to turn off the watch "Just like this and like this and.." Speaking to himself in moments like these is the thing that calmed him down, after a few tapping and poking around the beeping noises is gone "Oh! Why it's dinner time Klef! There'll be lots of cheese! Feta, Gouda, Cheddar, Swiss, Cubed cheese and those good stuff! Isn't it brilliant?!"
She watched the male get extremely excited, which she found rather strange, was the sunset really that interesting. Klef leaned closed to where the sun was setting to get a better look and find out what was so special for herself, before turning back to him when he told her why. "Oh, of course! It does seem to be that time, doesn't it." She realized. "Hopefully they have other stuff as well, because...well...the deity of space, time, and reality is also lactose intolerant..."
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Name: Aiko

Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina

His mouth opened widely, an expression of disbelief quickly forms on his face "L-Lactose intolerant?!" The boy covers his mouth and started pacing "This is bad! This is bad! Don't you think it's bad?" He quirks a brow after facing her once again with a sharp movement "I mean can't you just bend reality and change the stomach with someone else's?"
Flecker said:
Name: Aiko
Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina

His mouth opened widely, an expression of disbelief quickly forms on his face "L-Lactose intolerant?!" The boy covers his mouth and started pacing "This is bad! This is bad! Don't you think it's bad?" He quirks a brow after facing her once again with a sharp movement "I mean can't you just bend reality and change the stomach with someone else's?"
She chuckled, but was suprised by the amount of shock Akio was experiencing. "Yup! Just because I'm a goddess doesn't mean I'm not human... kind of." Klef told him. "I never really liked dairy anyways, switching stomaches with someone else not only would be selfish, but it could mess up the bodily functions of me and the donor. Bending reality is crazy dangerous, I don't want to do it unless it's absolutely necessary and the consequences are bearable."
Name: Aiko

Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina

He chuckles listening to her "That's quite clever, I guess not a lot of humans can change reality, control time and manipulate space" Lifting his wrist the male checks his clocks again "Ah well I'm sure you'll do just fine! You should come during the day, there's so little cheese!" The noise from his grumbling stomach and ticking clocks reminding him of the food he then turns around before slapping his forehead "I forgot!" The multiple paths that he saw in front of him quickly demoralized the person "I'm not getting back there am I?" A quick sigh was released as he stops and leaned against a tree, remembering the fact that they both aren't great navigators.
Flecker said:
Name: Aiko
Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina

He chuckles listening to her "That's quite clever, I guess not a lot of humans can change reality, control time and manipulate space" Lifting his wrist the male checks his clocks again "Ah well I'm sure you'll do just fine! You should come during the day, there's so little cheese!" The noise from his grumbling stomach and ticking clocks reminding him of the food he then turns around before slapping his forehead "I forgot!" The multiple paths that he saw in front of him quickly demoralized the person "I'm not getting back there am I?" A quick sigh was released as he stops and leaned against a tree, remembering the fact that they both aren't great navigators.
"Is that not normal?" She joked, but was relieved to here that there were other options at the cafeteria as well. "Really? I guess I will just see for myself then." Klef said excitedly, this school already seemed amazing and it was only her first day. " I'm not too sure we'll be able to get back on time though..." She muttered, phased by the multiple paths. "We'll find a way... I'm sure of it!"
Melody heads to dinner and she looks around, trying to find her friends, Harmony is already there, eating some food, she would head to bed soon and try to sleep before she got a job again, since her parents were too lazy to go themselves. Melody sits down across her friend after getting some dinner and she ask "What did you pick?" "Soup, as usual" Harmony mumbles, she didn't need to eat much, so she pretty much always ate the same.
Name: Aiko

Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina

The male taps his chin scanning the trees blocking his sight and creating the various pathways. Lifting his head up he'd find a part of the school building visible, he paused for a moment and soon snaps his finger "Ah why didn't I think of that earlier? It's so simple!" It looks like his hunger is blocking his thought, even if he did consume some cheese earlier, it's not fully satisfying. Still facing forward he questions the girl "I'm sure a being like you can fly?"
Flecker said:
Name: Aiko
Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina

The male taps his chin scanning the trees blocking his sight and creating the various pathways. Lifting his head up he'd find a part of the school building visible, he paused for a moment and soon snaps his finger "Ah why didn't I think of that earlier? It's so simple!" It looks like his hunger is blocking his thought, even if he did consume some cheese earlier, it's not fully satisfying. Still facing forward he questions the girl "I'm sure a being like you can fly?"
The girl also scanned the trees, trying to find a way out, but was way too short to see the school building. "Think of what?" She asked cluelessly and sheepishly grinned before responded. " Fly is a word used to describe superheros, angels, and birds, they do it with ease and quickness. The proper term used to describe the arial movement of yours truly would be levitate...Why? Do you have an idea?"
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sprouhtt said:
Name: Moka Hirabashi
Class: No class

Currently/Location: Her dorm

Interaction: Aratorio

Tag: @Arubion Sivart

Moka stood there as an earie darkness filled the room from what he had said,"I'm sorry," Moka walked over to him and sat back down. She shifted her hand towards his and put it on top,"I didn't mean to ask," she said to him. She was very shocked and felt bad for asking him because now she probably made him bring up a painful memory.
Name: Aratorio Lasarius

Class: No class

Currently/Location: Moka's Dorm

Interaction: Moka

Tag: @sprouhtt

Aratorio would hold her hand and looks at her and smiles gently. "It's alright.. no need to feel bad about it.. You would've found it either way.." He would hug her tightly and buries his face against her neck. "Would you like to go get dinner now?..."

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