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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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Zeldafangirl said:
Akiria looked at him" wait what your been killed this is interesting" she say as she was beginning to like the smell of his blood" i'm sorry i just get emotinal sometimes okay how exactly do you die" she asked him
Nick cleared his throat, "I have been.... set on fire, drawn and quartered, drop from the stratosphere, been nuked, had trees fall on me, had rocks fall on me, had ice fall on me, avalance, infection, venom, shot, stabbed, beheaded, gored, frozen, drowned, had a fun evening in with several people and was taken too far, strangled, hanged, had a cannon ball shot through me, eaten by prairie dogs, don't ask, stake through the heart, steak through the heart, black holes ripped apart, trampled, and killed in a tragic love jetski triangle drunken accident."
Akira looked at him" wow" she told him as she sighed" i thought you were a normal human but guess not anyways do you have a any special powers" she told him smirking a little
[QUOTE="Flame Demon]"You heard me and if you hang around him you won't have a reputation either" Melody says waving at them as she leaves the forest and heads to the school.

She was rather confused by Melody's words. Popularity and reputation never really concerned her up until now since she has hung around adults her whole life, peers were a rather rare phenomena until she got to this school. "Well, I have no clue what 'reputation' really is, but I'd rather have none as well if it means I can talk to amazing people like Aiko!"
Zeldafangirl said:
Akira looked at him" wow" she told him as she sighed" i thought you were a normal human but guess not anyways do you have a any special powers" she told him smirking a little
Nick shook his head, "Nah I'm human. I just suck at staying dead, that's it. And those were just in the past 3 years, all of them happened multiple times. Don't ask how the jetski one happened again, I'd be happy to tell you but we'd likely get censored for it. It's pretty explicit."
"He's not amazing and reputation means how popular you are, right now you two are losers" Melody says and she turns to them "Oh well enough chat seems some kid is having a really bad nightmare" she says and disappears.
Name: Aiko

Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina @Flame Demon

The male didn't really know what was bothering her, it's just a simple suspicion. Is he really going to believe a random person he never met in a forest just like that? Of course he's a little naive, but the expectation of an adventure in the forest left him quite anxious "Let her be--" He's stopped again as the new girl began to speak her mind out, of course he's impressed. He pulled his spotted hat down trying to cover his face "T-that's enough Klef!" He yells out to her, showing a mixture of anger, frustration and embarrassment.
Akira looked at him" well than i won't ask" she told him as she smiled sitting on the chair as she was drawing a little bit" so anything you like to do" she asked him" have you started classes yet my flight was delayed so i couldn't go to any of my classes today" she told him
Flecker said:
Name: Aiko
Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina @Flame Demon

The male didn't really know what was bothering her, it's just a simple suspicion. Is he really going to believe a random person he never met in a forest just like that? Of course he's a little naive, but the expectation of an adventure in the forest left him quite anxious "Let her be--" He's stopped again as the new girl began to speak her mind out, of course he's impressed. He pulled his spotted hat down trying to cover his face "T-that's enough Klef!" He yells out to her, showing a mixture of anger, frustration and embarrassment.
She really didn't like being called a loser to her face. Her thick skin began to wear down when the words came out of Melody's mouth. When Aiko yelled at her too, her face started to turn red. " I-I... I was just trying to help you out!" She frusteratedly stuttered, her eyes began to look glossy before she turned the other way and took off even further into the woods to the point almost completely out of sight. Klef kept on running as fast as she could, she was fairly well at doing so, after all she has been running away from things all her life, this wasn't unusual. Her feet pounded the grass as she ran and her face was hidden by the hair that fell in her face.
Nick shrugged, "I haven't. And hobbies are mainly reading, trying to be a model, trying to be an anarchist, trying not to die, giving up on being a model, fighting depression, going to the zoo, petting cats, and music."
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Name: Aiko

Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina

He looked down incapable of saying anything as he's faced with the current situation "Gravity? What's that? What a loser! Is that even a special power? You suck!" Those words are pretty common for him and now it rings loudly in his head. Of course he tried to forget his past, but it just kept catching back to him and right now it's the worst, not having gods or goddess as his parents and any blood relating to heavenly beings made him feel inferior, it's not even his choice inheriting the power of Gravity, but then again it's his parents will. Shaking off the thoughts and focusing on the now he realized that the girl had ran off "Klef? Klef stop!" They are weak at navigating and when one is traveling alone the chance of surviving just decreased significantly. Not wanting to see a dead friend he pulls his blade out, just like that a wave of force pushed down the trees making them lean towards the ground near his 10 feet radius. With the trees leaning down his sight becomes clearer as now there are no towering trees blocking his eyes. The male then tried to follow her footsteps hoping to find her unharmed.
Flecker said:
Name: Aiko
Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina

He looked down incapable of saying anything as he's faced with the current situation "Gravity? What's that? What a loser! Is that even a special power? You suck!" Those words are pretty common for him and now it rings loudly in his head. Of course he tried to forget his past, but it just kept catching back to him and right now it's the worst, not having gods or goddess as his parents and any blood relating to heavenly beings made him feel inferior, it's not even his choice inheriting the power of Gravity, but then again it's his parents will. Shaking off the thoughts and focusing on the now he realized that the girl had ran off "Klef? Klef stop!" They are weak at navigating and when one is traveling alone the chance of surviving just decreased significantly. Not wanting to see a dead friend he pulls his blade out, just like that a wave of force pushed down the trees making them lean towards the ground near his 10 feet radius. With the trees leaning down his sight becomes clearer as now there are no towering trees blocking his eyes. The male then tried to follow her footsteps hoping to find her unharmed.
She realized he had cut down all the trees around her. Klef stood still for a moment, looking back at him with teary eyes. "Leave me alone!" She yells before proceeding to run as fast as her body allowed her to a rocky area with plenty of places to disapear. Klef heads high up a mountain, trying to find a cave to hide in. She sucessfully found a sufficient cave, and ducked into the tiny opening that was barely big enough for even her
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Name: Aiko

Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina

The male continues to follow her, did she really think he's dangerous or something? The trees are just leaning down because of the forces and they stood right back up once he slides his sword back in, he didn't cut anything just a few leaves perhaps. He lifts his head up spotting the girl climbing up to a mountain. Of course he doesn't want to be blamed if something happened to her, so he manipulates the forces around him and soon he would lift himself up to the point where he spots her small hole. "H-hey I'm sorry alright! I was just confused! Please come back!" He yells at the hole while also maintaining his constant levitating height.
Flecker said:
Name: Aiko
Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina

The male continues to follow her, did she really think he's dangerous or something? The trees are just leaning down because of the forces and they stood right back up once he slides his sword back in, he didn't cut anything just a few leaves perhaps. He lifts his head up spotting the girl climbing up to a mountain. Of course he doesn't want to be blamed if something happened to her, so he manipulates the forces around him and soon he would lift himself up to the point where he spots her small hole. "H-hey I'm sorry alright! I was just confused! Please come back!" He yells at the hole while also maintaining his constant levitating height.
She stubbornly sat in the small hole and looked at him, he managed to lift himself to her level. Klef glared at him. "... No, I like it here..." She mumbles, fiddling around with pebbles she found inside the whole. Her eyes were dry now, but she was more or less angry rather than sad at this point.
Colin could be found sitting down at a bench, while looking around. 'Hmmm, the day seemed nice but maybe there was something wrong' that was something he always said to himself whenever the day seemed just fine. It was always weird if the day was perfect, nothing was ever perfect but he shrugged it off, hey he was still only 12 so what did he care. He really wanted to eat some candy but he didn't want to spend any money at all today, laziness was really something he disliked.

While inside of Colin mind, West was looking through Colin eyes and was getting completely annoyed. Why couldn't he just be let out? He could cause some chaos but no, he had to wait until Colin feel asleep to take control of his body and go back to his real form. Why was this child troublesome? Stupid divine abilities, this child was a living nightmare during the day, and West knew if he ever got his own body, he would push Colin toward the dark side. Colin was an easy prey with not having any friends, and West could take advantage of that when the time came. (No idea what's going on and kinda too much to read so I'm just gonna post this xD )
Name: Aiko

Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina

The male keeps on floating in front of the hole waiting for the moment she walks out, however maintaining his constant height is quite some work and thus he relocates to some rocky resting his body on it as he laid his sword next to him. Feeling tired both emotionally and physically he laid down on the rock putting both of his hands behind his head "Oi are you serious?" The moving pebbles inside also perked his ears "If you want I can give you more pebbles, come on out!"
Yaoke strolls into the kitchen and asks, "What'cha doing?" When the cat sees her, it hisses and spits. "Oh, not this again." She walks over and grabs the cat, about to break its neck.

@Flame Demon
"What is that?" Jay asks and she adds "And I'm making dinner and I thought you were in my room", she keeps making dinner, knowing her father will be hungry when he comes back.

@Yaoke Saint
Akiri looked at him" well i like drawing reading um listening to music" she say as she smiled" don't worry about dying i'll try to protect you i get abused by my aunt but i'm okay" she say" do you want to walk around" she asked him smiling at him @Airagog

Ender Egotarum


I'm Stupid: I didn't get any notifs, and I thought this was dead...

Location: Infirmary

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance @Mistory1997


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender felt as Ki grabbed the back of his hoodie and apologize. "Don't worry about it, just do whatever you need to do to get better." He said as Abel started mutter something almost unintelligible. All he could make out was nullify and with that he immediately felt his powers drain away from him. It seemed to make Abel more stable, so that was good. Then Abel did something he wouldn't have thought anyone would do. He started painfully ripping the leather straps off of his arm with his teeth. "Oh god, what do we do?!? Do you like need help?!?" He shouted at the two.

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Name: Ki

Location: Infirmary

Interaction: Ender, Abel

Tag: @The Endergod @Mistory1997

bro i thought u were dead i feel u

"Uh, uh, uh, wow this is a perfect time to call the ambulance personally but I don't think that's exactly a normal 911 situation. I don't think sedating the kid will help... er.. do I just, kinda, stand around nullifying stuff...?"

Ki was genuinely confused on what she was supposed to do. She didn't make an effort to move, really, and just stared horrified at the sight in front of her. He sure looked like he was in pain, and ohohoho didn't she love remembering experiencing being in pain without any help around you. But now wasn't exactly the best, time to recollect all those pleasant thoughts! She managed to compose herself a little more, though her thoughts were still a little hazy. Luckily, with ice pressed around her head, the slightly pained ache from earlier's hit was numbed out frigidly.

"Is... is it safe to help him try and tear off the straps? U-um, do you need help tearing those off....?"

She directed it towards Abel, of course, though it was evident that she was in a state of desperate confusion on what was happening. What caused him to be like this, he was perfectly fine and smiling not too long ago?! As cold sweat dripped down her back, she anxiously averted her gaze from a pained Abel to the ground, lightly coughing like an attempt to scornfully laugh.

"... this was a real unfortunate turn of events.."

Name: Abel Night

Location: nurse's office

interaction: ki and ender

tags: @Entarriance @The Endergod

After what felt like an eternity of tugging and tearing, a snap could be heard. Suddenly, everything stopped. The energy. The struggling. The small teen was silent,laying breathless on the floor.

"...drop...drop the field...please...."he muttered,his eyes wide. He had done it. It was off. Only one,but that was enough. It was off. It had to be a dream right?just...a sick nightmare...right?

Zeldafangirl said:
Akiri looked at him" well i like drawing reading um listening to music" she say as she smiled" don't worry about dying i'll try to protect you i get abused by my aunt but i'm okay" she say" do you want to walk around" she asked him smiling at him @Airagog
Nick nods, "Sure, but... Don't feel obligated to protect me. Unlike you I'm not bound by the laws and stipulations of mortality, despite being one of the few humans among gods at this school. Even a god may die, but matter itself cannot be created or destroyed, so I'll be fine." He said getting up and heading outside.
Flecker said:
Name: Aiko
Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina

The male keeps on floating in front of the hole waiting for the moment she walks out, however maintaining his constant height is quite some work and thus he relocates to some rocky resting his body on it as he laid his sword next to him. Feeling tired both emotionally and physically he laid down on the rock putting both of his hands behind his head "Oi are you serious?" The moving pebbles inside also perked his ears "If you want I can give you more pebbles, come on out!"
She looked out again, and picks up the pebbles she was playing around with. "I'm not coming out of here!" Klef said stubbornly, walking further into the cave with the pebbles in her fist.

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