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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: No class

Currently/Location: Her dorm

Interaction: Aratorio

Tag: @Arubion Sivart

She nodded at his response to her and she cleared her throat and put on a smile just to lighten up the mood,"Sure, let's go." She told him and pulled him by his hand towards the door.
sprouhtt said:
Name: Moka Hirabashi
Class: No class

Currently/Location: Her dorm

Interaction: Aratorio

Tag: @Arubion Sivart

She nodded at his response to her and she cleared her throat and put on a smile just to lighten up the mood,"Sure, let's go." She told him and pulled him by his hand towards the door.
Name: Aratorio Lasarius

Class: No class

Currently/Location: Moka's Dorm

Interaction: Moka

Tag: @sprouhtt

Aratorio would blush and holds her hand following her to the door. He would hug her at the door smiling at her gently, "Thanks Moka you make me feel better, your so sweet I thought you were cake for a second" he'd laugh a bit.
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She began to put as much food as would fit onto her plate. She put some in her mouth, slowly chewing. "This is excellent! Thank you Jay." She quickly ate the rest and stared uncomfertably at the bowl with food, still absolutely starving, but not wanting to look even more extremely weird in front of Jay's dad.

@Flame Demon
Jay holds in her laugh and she says "Feel free to take some more", she was glad to see her friend liked the food, she finishes what she put on her plate and she says "I learned how to cook from my mom when I was younger", she looks down and pulls the hood of her cloak up. Leo sighs "Let's talk about something else for now" he says glancing at his daughter.

@Yaoke Saint
She sensed the tension surrounding the conversation, and reached for the food quietly, after a grateful smile towards Jay. She said: "Well, since I got here late, what have I missed in school so far?" She said addressing Jay's father. "Hope it was nothing about fighting, I rather like that."

@Flame Demon
"You missed all classes" Jay mumbles and she adds "But then again, I arrived a bit after the combat lesson", Leo thinks for a while "It was free time when we arrived at the school" he says and adds "But then again, Jay doesn't go to all the classes, only two".

@Yaoke Saint
"Oh. I wish I did't have to take all the classes. I've been alive long enough to know how to add. The only class other than the combat or magic ones i'd like to do is history. I mean, I havent been here for too long, only a few months. It migt be good to learn a bit about it. But other than that, I will quite literally disslove in boredom." She sighed. "But at least there are some redeeming classes." She suddenly frowned. "Is there somewhere we are supposed to be right now, like in school?

@Flame Demon
"Well it is dinner time right now, but... last time I ate something from there I got sick... it's tasty and all, but I have to eat food from here, I can take a strawberry plant and plant it here, then I can eat the strawberries from it" Jay says rubbing the back of her head. Leo nods "We always eat dinner at home, no one seems to mind it"

@Yaoke Saint
"Interesting, you can only eat foods grown in the underworld?" Her eyes widened slightly. "This sounds disturbingly similar to a story where if a human eats food from the underworld, they can never leave." She glanced at Jay, intrigued. "That wouldn't happen to be true would it? And will the school seem to mind if I eat here?"

@Flame Demon
"You're not a human, but no it's not, it's funny when they think it's true though" Leo says and he adds "And I don't think so, but then again, I don't think the cafetaria would have had enough if I see how hungry you are". Jay finishes a second serving and she mumbles "I'm done"

Yaoke by then had finished her fifth serving, and reached for more. "Actually, I am a human. Well not actually. More like technically. But anyways, I glad but not surprised that the story was a fake." She saw that there was only enough for one more serving in the bowl. She tilted it towards Jay's dad. "You want it?"

@Flame Demon
"I can make more" Jay whispers quietly and Leo says "No need, I'll eat some snacks later, vampires are great cooks, if you compare them to demons". Jay nods slightly, having reverted back to her quiet self "I'm going to the attic" she mumbles and leaves the room. Leo sighs "She really misses her mother, but we can't find her anywhere, we gave up about a thousand years ago, but for us that long is actually pretty short"

@Yaoke Saint
She nods. "Yeah, a thousand years isn't that long for me either. I can't really imagine what she feels. I don't remember either of my parents. So I don't miss them either." She looks after where Jay left. "Why the attic?" she asks, "Thats usually not a place I would find fun to be in."

@Flame Demon
"Her room used to be the attic, ever since she moved rooms she kept everyone out, including me" Leo says and he looks outside "Sometimes I wonder what she does up there, but she only goes there when she feels down" he says, he windered if he shouldn't have stopped looking, but there were no traces at all.

@Yaoke Saint
"Well, I've lived a long time and searched for a lot of people. Sometimes I even had to travel to different dimensions to find someone." She leaned forward. "So I might be able to help. When and where was the last time you saw her? And I don't care if it was 10,000 years ago." She sat back in her chair, having finished her sixth and final helping. "There may be residual dimensional magic that I could sense. The signs stay almost forever, seeing as dimensional magic rips a hole in reality." She sighed. "Although I wouldn't be able to leave quite yet if that was the case." She looks up at Jay's dad, a thought in her mind. "Jay would kill me if I went to the attic now, wouldn't she?"

@Flame Demon
"Maybe, no one goes there besides her" Leo says and he thinks for a while "I went shopping with Jay one time, when we came back she was gone, no note or anything and I haven't found the journal jet" he says looking at her "Though she could have been killed for all we know"

@Yaoke Saint
"That is incredibly strange. Was there anything that happened before? Anything that led up to it? Anything that even hinted at this? You also said something about a journal. That would be very helpful. What places have you not looked? Could it be in the attic? It that what Jay spends her time doing up there? Reading her mother's journal?" She becomes very excited at this idea.

@Flame Demon
Colin was pacing around, not really sure where he was at, not even the voice in his head was responding, which was odd but he didn't worried about it. "Where was my dorm again?" He questioned himself. Did he forget where it was located at? He wasn't sure anymore. He just knew that he had gotten lose. He had a good sense of direction but maybe leaving that haunted mansion was a bad idea, because new places always confused him and now he was lose. God dammit, why couldn't things be easier for him. @anyone
"Jay always keeps to herself, she became like that after losing her temper a few times, she hurt inmocent people" Leo says and he stands up "You can try, but I think she locked the door" he says and one of the servants starts cleaning the table.

@Yaoke Saint
Name: Aiko

Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina

He chuckles "Well I think if you're five inches taller you can see the picture!" Facing the direction where he had seen the school building, his legs covered by his dark colored pants would slowly detach from the ground "Come on Klef follow me" The male would wait for the girl to reach the same height as he is just above the trees enough to see the school. Blowing winds and the setting sun would is quite beautiful that he can't help a smile on his face.
Flecker said:
Name: Aiko
Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina

He chuckles "Well I think if you're five inches taller you can see the picture!" Facing the direction where he had seen the school building, his legs covered by his dark colored pants would slowly detach from the ground "Come on Klef follow me" The male would wait for the girl to reach the same height as he is just above the trees enough to see the school. Blowing winds and the setting sun would is quite beautiful that he can't help a smile on his face.
She huffed before her feet started to leave the ground with ease. "Ok, wait up!" Klef was exeptionally bad at levitating very high up, mostly because she was massively afraid of falling. She kept on levitating higher, but let her fingers run through the bark of a tree just in case she should fall, which she did, for every 5 feet she rose, she would drop 2 feet. Finally, Klef made it to wear the male was, she would have probably loved to see the setting sun, but was too busy trying not to panic.
Name: Aiko

Location: Above the forest

Tag: @Ballerina

Who wouldn't be impressed with such a sight? That's a thing that no one can recreate right? "Hmm I wonder if someone like you could--" As he about to finish his words the male lowers his face to see Klef with quite a panicked expression "Is she serious?" With raised eyebrows he'd float to in front of her. He taps his chin thinking about the possible reason "Ah! Yes you're too hungry that you panicked! I quite understand that, let's speed up the process shall we?" The male would turn around and starts propelling himself with his own force generating enough to propel him forward with quite a high speed "Come!" He'd shout and turn to face her as he's flying to the school building.
Flecker said:
Name: Aiko
Location: Above the forest

Tag: @Ballerina

Who wouldn't be impressed with such a sight? That's a thing that no one can recreate right? "Hmm I wonder if someone like you could--" As he about to finish his words the male lowers his face to see Klef with quite a panicked expression "Is she serious?" With raised eyebrows he'd float to in front of her. He taps his chin thinking about the possible reason "Ah! Yes you're too hungry that you panicked! I quite understand that, let's speed up the process shall we?" The male would turn around and starts propelling himself with his own force generating enough to propel him forward with quite a high speed "Come!" He'd shout and turn to face her as he's flying to the school building.
"Could w-what?" She stuttered, looking down at the ground that was now very far away. Klef struggled immensely to maintain the height she was at, before Aiko appeared in front of her, causing her to instinctively drop another 2 feet as he dashed off. "Wait!" I can't do that!" She told him. "But... I can teleport." Klef said, as a small glowing blue bubble formed around her. "See you at the cafeteria!" She waved before the bubble popped and she disappeared.
"Hmmm. Thats happened to me a few times. I understand how she could feel that she is dangerous. But I don't think hiding is a good solution. I'm gonna go try and talk to her." She stood up and walked out of the room. Following the path she had seen jay take, she ascended closer to the top of the house. She had dissolved her eye and had it follow her as she went to the attic, so she knew the way now. She reached it and knocked on the thick wooden door. "Hey Jay, you okay in there?"

@Flame Demon
Jay doesn't responce, but the sound of a closing book can be heard before a quiet "Enter" is said, the book already place with tons of others in a box, the attic was full of dust since she didn't bother cleaning it.

@Yaoke Saint

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