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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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Name: Aiko

Location: Forest


The boy kept a tight grip on his long sword as he further approaches the forest. He raises his thumb at the couple, knowing that sappy couples are indeed one of the if not the most dangerous things in the forest. Without any hesitation, he takes a step inside the darkness shrouded by the trees. He's convinced that there must be something interesting inside, something that'll definitely give him goose bumps.

Adrenaline didn't flow yet though, but expectations that he'll find something excites him, who knows maybe this something could give him something precious to keep. He's not like usual currently, he's alert and ready. With each steps he takes a gander around the place trying to spot any unknown possibilities or oddities.

Ender Egotarum


Location: Forest and Halls

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ki said it was just a bruise, but Ender could see it was probably more than that. "Alright, if you say so..." He trailed off when she started talking about sparring again. "Yeah, I'd like that, I'd like that a lot. And don't worry about a thing, I'm mostly numb anyways." He walked into the Nurses office and gently set her down onto the nurse's examination table and then sat down in a chair next to her. "Well now we just need to wait for the nurse to show up.

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"Oh." She murmured, astounded on how casual she was about making objects disapear and reappear. "Me?" Klef leaned against a tall tree as she began to speak. " Well, I haven't really had any chances to explore a forest before, so I guess I just want to see what all the hubbub about nature is for myself." She said, in a rather matter of factly manner. "I totally get it now." Klef said happily, gazeing up at the cannopy of trees above the two
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(They're in an open field)

Melody sighs "Anyway I'm off" she says and changes to her other form and she walks of waving at the girl.

Flame Demon](They're in an open field) Melody sighs "Anyway I'm off" she says and changes to her other form and she walks of waving at the girl. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23357-ballerina/ said:
(Oops, let's pretend that Klef didn't just lean up against a tree then. :P )

She waves back at Melody. "Bye!" Klef said before flipping out yet again when the girl changed forms. She stood there flabbergasted for a minute before running up to her. " Hey! How did you do that?" The girl asked out of sheer curiosity.
Melody keeps walking and she says "Well it's some I taught myself, my dress is normally too long", she looks around, the other girl really scare away the animals, meaning she couldn't find a quiet place to play her music.

iChaotic said:
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Cafeteria

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen

Tag: @iChaotic

The two shrugged at Ryoichi's question, not really sure where to start. They hadn't been there long, so there wasn't a lot they had seen before. However, being in their human form was incredibly tiring. When they wandered, they were always in their komainu forms. That is, unless they were training or walking amongst humans.
"How about a secluded place? You know, somewhere we won't get caught by a teacher. Sairen and I kind of want to relax a bit. We can show you our forms while we're at it," Lairen asked as he finished eating his apple. Sairen continued to sip her juice pouch.



Name: Ki

Location: Infirmary

Interaction: Ender, Abel

Tag: @The Endergod @Mistory1997

"You should get yourself patched up too, and... thanks..."

Placed on the nurse's examination table, she mumbled her thanks to him with a bashful expression. Scratching her cheek, she stared up at the ceiling. Maybe chilling around here wouldn't be so bad.

... that;s what she thought. Hearing the door open, she slightly turned her head, looking past Ender. Seeing Abel come in, she first attempted to wave. However, watching as blood dripped from his jaw, her hand stopped midway. Her eyes widened, as if it was something familiar, and a bit of a reminscent, numbing ache would tingle around her own jaw. Gripping the side of the examination table, she forced herself up, feeling the blood rush all at once from her head. Clumsily trying to run towards Abel, she first tripped and landed face-first on the ground, causing her to groan. Not like that helped her current situation. The second time, she stumbled up, clumsily ran forward, her vision pulling flips on her.

Managing to grab Abel by his shoulders, a look of great concern over her face.

"... what happened?! Are you okay?!"

His own bloody appearance seemed to make her head hurt even more, numbly recalling something that she could not remember, but definitely something she could feel.
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Ender Egotarum


Location: Forest and Halls

Interaction: Ki and Abel

Tags: @Entarriance @Mistory1997


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

He was siting in the chair with his elbows on his knees, his hands together, all the while looking down at the ground. "Eh, I'll be alright for now, it's you I'm worried about." He heard a thud and looked up and saw that Ki had gotten up and was now on the floor. He jumped out of his chair and noticed that Abel was in there with them and was visibly bleeding. Ki was back up on her feet and was already upon Abel. "Everyone's getting hurt today, huh." He said as he walked over to the two.

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Name: Abel Night

nurse's office

interaction: ki and ender

tags: @Entarriance @The Endergod

"wave, wave you idiot! tell her your alright!cant you see she's worried!"

"...Im....im o-" another cough,and a mouthful of blood hitting his palm silenced him. ok. right...

"I...i fell...just...just fell...ill be...be fine..." no, he wouldn't. if he could get the bands off he would. but now she was worried. wasn't she afraid of him...?

he was to weak to stop it. another spark of energy, and he barely pushed her away before he was hit. he crumbled to the floor, trying to catch his breath. "d...dont...touch m-"another flash and he was left screaming. when it finally stopped, he groaned. the blood had boiled away, but new blood was taking its place."p...lease...smile...something...be...hapy...cheery...good...good thoughts...pl-" another shock shut him up. if this kept up he would be nothing but dried up ash. his clothing smoked with heat as he laid on the cold floor,trying to steady his breathing.
Melody starts walking faster, wondering how she got stuck with an annoying girl, she could see if there were any kids with good dreams and head of "How long are you going to keep following me?" she asks calmly, though she is annoyed.

@Sayuri Tokage[/URL] [/side]"Oh yea, we know an area that leads to part of the rooftop; we go there sometimes when we want to be alone." Kiyoko notified before looking at Ryoichi and throwing away her sandwich. Ryoichi nodded at his sister, "There's a back room in one of the classes and there's a ladder that leads to the roof, just follow us and we'll show you it - honestly, it's great." He smiled before setting off.

The twins would always go there when one of them was upset and it was now basically their private hangout. No other kid seemed to know about it which was good, and no teachers ever seemed to go up there; well, they didn't really have a reason to. Ryoichi and Kiyoko just found it a relaxing place to be: no people, no noise, no classes, no work.

"Anyway, here we are." Ryoichi said as he entered the classroom. "Just beyond that door there is the ladder." Ryoichi gestured for everyone to follow him. Heading to the back door he opened it to reveal a small storage room with a rusted, metal ladder placed just at the side of the room. Climbing up the ladder, he opened the second door that was just above the ladder and stepped outside. He let out a slight smile before Kiyoko followed behind him and placed an arm round her brother.
"Isn't this place great guys? It's so pleasant here."[/border]
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iChaotic said:
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Rooftop

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen

Tag: @iChaotic

Lairen and Sairen followed the twins around, burning the way there into their minds for later use. As soon as they got up to the roof top, Sairen let out a sigh of content. It was so nice and calming, perfect for time alone. The two stood beside each other, preparing to transform into their original forms. After becoming exhausted from fighting and playing basketball in their human forms, they were just barely managing to keep up their current appearance. As another moment passed, the twins began to change. When in Komainu form, they were identical just as they were now. They were about 6.5 feet tall standing, which was a bit taller than Ryoichi. The two let out soft growls to the other, nuzzling all the while. It had been a while since they've been in that form. The now beast twins looked over to the Arata twins, waiting for a reaction.

Name: Aiko

Location: Forest

Tag: @Ballerina

The male had been wandering around the forest keeping a close watch to his surroundings, being taken by surprise is clearly something that he didn't want. As he's stepping inside the trees his ears caught the sound of distant running noise. It was odd, the night seems dark and he of course thought that most students are inside or at least walking in a calm pace, but why running? He tried to follow the noise keeping light on his feet hoping this being won't notice anything.
@Sayuri Tokage[/URL] [/side]Kiyoko's jaw dropped at the sight of the now, Komainu's. "Aw, it's so cute how they show affection." She giggled as she clasped her hands together. "Very fascinating, I have to admit. Is it possible to speak in the English language however? Maybe using magic or something." Ryoichi enquired. This was the first time seeing something like this, and it had most certainly piqued the twin's interest. "Ooo, wait wait wait." Kiyoko suddenly butted in. "Is it possible for one of you to let me jump on your back whilst we're on here? It'll be sooo cool if I can." She grinned.[/border]
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iChaotic said:
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Rooftop

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen

Tag: @iChaotic

The two exchanged glances before their voice would resonate from inside the Arata twin's heads.
"We cannot speak words, but this is how we communicate," Lairens voice said, his voice lower than rougher than usual. "If you'd like, please climb on," Sairen said, bowing down for Ryoichi while Lairen bowed for Kiyoko. Both of them were more than capable of carrying atleast 10 men, so carrying one person on hair backs would be nothing. While they spoke, their mouth made no movements.



Name: Ki

Location: Infirmary

Interaction: Ender, Abel, Potentially Serena

Tag: @The Endergod @Mistory1997 @djinnamon

She didn't do anything. And she knew that she didn't do anything. But she felt guilty, regardless, as if she could have done something to stop this. Adding onto that, there was a familiar numbing pain around her jaw, which added to the guilt. Maybe she did something to him that lead to this string of events. Kneeling down and gripping Abel by his shoulders. Worriedly looking up at Ender, her head was still rocking back and forth, but that adrenaline rush allowed her to supress that pain.

"Aah... what should we do?! This definitely isn't alright, nope, not one bit.."

Her breaths started to increase. She definitely was starting to panic, in opposition to her typically laid back demeanor. What if she did this, somehow? Resting the back of her hand against Abel's forehead. She had nothing that could really do to help now, could she..

"How many times have we been here... ha. You can say that again, everyone's getting hurt."
Harmony lands in front of the school and she sighs "Done" she mumbles, she had finished everything in record time, saved a few and let some die, it was her job after all, but she didn't like it one bit.

Yaoke followed after Jay, and after hearing her humming, she began to hum a countermelody. She had a noticeable bounce in her step.

@Flame Demon

(so sorry I didn't respond, the notifications for this stopped working)
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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: No class

Currently/Location: Forest

Interaction: Aratorio

Tag: @Arubion Sivart @djinnamon

"Oh come on, don't be oblivious." Moka said to him as she ran her hand through her hair and as she passed by the trees to close she would touch the rough bark of the tree. "I think Setsuna and Amber will be pretty shocked, but then again I doubt it since they were spying on us." Moka chuckled.
(Annoying when that happens)

Jay knocks on the office door before opening it "Dad, I want to go hoe during the night, mind if I show Yaoke our house?" she asks and Leo looks up, thinking for a while "Well as long as she promises to keep the location a secret" he says looking at the two.

@Yaoke Saint

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