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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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"Never, but I made it so he will lose his power, though it seems I was right to use bug that absorbs magic and channels it to me" Jay says still not meeting her gaze "Whenever he wants to use magic or is using magic the bug will take it away, it has to be my favorite undead monster" she says and sighs "But who says he'll leave me alone"

@Seraph @Yaoke Saint
Name: Yaoke Saint

Location: Hallway/outside

Interaction: Jay

Tags: @Flame Demon

"I say he'll leave you alone. Because he will have to go through me first. But you won't be able to face him if you can't even face me. So look up." She gives her trademark lobsided grin,"Wow, I even motivated myself with that." I feel like such a hypocryte saying this after the episode in the office.

OOC:(I'm going to bed now, so I won't respond until tomorrow. Sorry)

Jay finally looks up and she says "I doubt he can stop my scythe though" she says and sighs "It's just not fair that I have such a short temper" she says.

@Yaoke Saint

Ender Egotarum


Location: Forest

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender was awaiting her next attack when she quickly ran up and swung her scythe down, and Ender sidestepped the attack, but before he knew it a barrage of attacks was coming his way. He slammed the pointed end of his hammer around a foot into the ground leaving the hammer sticking straight out of the ground so he could move easier. He tried to dodge all of her attacks, but some were getting through and a he was getting small but noticeable cuts all over his body. "Dammit! how am I going to get out of this mess?" He thought as he was trying to dodge her attacks. He looked over at his hammer and over to Ki and a large grin spread across his face. In the span of just a few seconds, he jumped back away from her attacks, onto his hammer's head, and while balanced on the now 5' pole, he jumped off and did a front flip over Ki. As he soared over Ki, he slammed his feet into the center of Ki's back sending her face first into his hammer's face. He then landed on his stomach with a thud and slowly started getting up. He quickly noted the large bleeding cut running across his chest. "Well that's less than desirable.."

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After getting just outside of his door his entire body swirled around into green glass looking ball and entered through the door to a room where the actual Oberon was laying in a bed snoring away completely unaware of anything that had just occurred. The green ball placed itself back into a pot where it entered and disappeared. The pot was a gate way to his home land and where he would go to get his magical weapons the chastifoils. So, the Oberon in the bed had no memory of anything happening because he himself was never actually there. Eventually, he rolled in his sleep off the bed landing on the floor. "Oww" he groaned and stood up looking outside his window. @Flame Demon
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Name: Ki

Location: Forest

Interaction: Ender

Tag: @The Endergod

".... g-guh?!"

An audible metallic clang would sound from her slamming her head against the face of his hammer, temporary paralyzing her. Blinking, she awkwardly fell over as she brought her hands instinctually to her head, gripping it with pain.


Karma was really getting the best of her. Quickly coming up to her feet, she had really good pain tolerance. The thing is, even that couldn't stop the fact that her head felt the aftermath of that, seeing her vision slightly. Rocking a little as she tried to stay still, she used the base of her scythe as a cane, literally to help her stay upright. Using her other hand to hold her forehead, an uneasy laugh would come from her, raising her index finger on the hand holding the scythe.

"Ha... ha... one second.."

That was so going to leave a bruise, but it's probably karma for slashing the guy. Picking up her scythe while still slightly disorientated, she used that disorientation to run forward and slash, knowing well enough that wherever in hell she was aiming for definitely was not going to be what she aimed for, so it would've been a fairly randomized attack. Whether she managed to hit or not, she pirouetted around so that she was facing Ender when she stopped, still trying to recover from being hit with a hammer.
Name: Aiko

Location: Cafetaria > Forest

Tag: Anyone

After having his fill of cheese by a political agreement with the cafetaria lady. The student sets his legs outside the building deciding that after such a monstrous feast he'd get some air to clear his chest. Once outside he leans against a tree and crosses his arms "Ah what a day" The boy finished before letting out a sigh. Being alone and outside of the school property reminds him that he can use his powers now, snapping his finger the black hole appears in front of h and his nodachi was there too. He rests the sheathed blade on his shoulder as he explores what wonders will he find inside the woods covered in darkness.
@Sayuri Tokage[/URL] [/side]

Ryoichi smiled at Sairen before putting his arm around his own sister. "That'd be fine, we can show you some of the places as well. Me and Kiyoko need food anyway; weren't able to have ours at lunch." Ryoichi said. He looked down at his sister who was frowning slightly, and he could guess it was due to the fact she was hungry. "Alright Kiyo, we're going now." He chuckled as he set off out the classroom.
"You two coming?" Kiyoko called out.

@sprouhtt[/URL] @djinnamon

Aratorio would cool down and smiles at her. "I-i liked It a lot.. It's just I didn't know my first kiss would feel so wonderful..." He'd take out a small metal ball and throws it to where Setsuna and Amber were hiding and it'd appear as a volley of throwing knife's near them. "Hiding and sneaking around like that, isn't that nice" He'd look to where they were.
Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: No class

Currently/Location: Forest

Interaction: Aratorio

Tag: @Arubion Sivart

Moka had turned around,"You seemed like you didn't like it," Moka told him as she looked down at the grassy ground. Moka brought her head back up a few seconds later and saw Aratorio shooting a metal ball that turns into throwing knives at a tree,"Why'd you do that?" She asked but she knew that there was someone behind the tree she just didn't pay attention.
"I'm going to take a walk" she mumbles and gets up "Do you want to come as well, still can't believe that stupid 'future fairy queen', he has no idea how to treat a lady" she mumbles annoyed, making several monsters appear, which she kills instantly. The bug starts making it's way towards the real one and crawls on.

@Seraph @Yaoke Saint

Ender Egotarum


Location: Forest

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender watched as Ki struggled to get up and honestly felt bad for what he had done. She ran at him again this time she was noticeably disorientated and Ender was seriously concerned at his point. She wildly swung her scythe towards him and he sidestepped it. She was facing him at this point, and Ender put his hand on her left shoulder while looking her in her eyes. "I honestly think we should stop and go see the nurse. I mean I'm bleeding and you could have a concussion, and neither of those would be good."

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sprouhtt said:
Name: Moka Hirabashi
Class: No class

Currently/Location: Forest

Interaction: Aratorio

Tag: @Arubion Sivart

Moka had turned around,"You seemed like you didn't like it," Moka told him as she looked down at the grassy ground. Moka brought her head back up a few seconds later and saw Aratorio shooting a metal ball that turns into throwing knives at a tree,"Why'd you do that?" She asked but she knew that there was someone behind the tree she just didn't pay attention.
Name: Aratorio Lasarius

Class: No class

Currently/Location: Forest

Interaction: Moka

Tag: @sprouhtt

Aratorio would face her towards him and he'd stare into her eyes as he lifts her chin and kisses her. "I loved it.. I told you.. this kind of thing.. is new for me.. So both my body and mind don't know how to react yet..." He'd blush a bit looking to the side and down, quite embarrassed by this bold action he had just done.

(I'll be right back in a few hours)
Oberon was sitting on the edge of his bed and the parasite that should have disappeared to another dimension since it was stated that it was in the body of the green glassy orb. Anyways he always had a anti-magic ward surrounding his body and was still unaware that it was there. @Flame Demon
Jay sighs, she didn't feel like sleeping in a dorm because so much could go wrong "Why are you going to sleep in the forest Yaoke?" she asks and she stretches, she could go home and sleep in her own room, since she could teleport between place, she walks around a bit and takes out her scythe twirling it in her hand.

@Seraph (he can go outside you know and bump into her by accident)

@Yaoke Saint
Name: Yaoke Saint

Location: Outside

Interaction: Jay

Tags: @Flame Demon

"I sleep in the forest because its peaceful. And I find that sleeping as an animal gives me better sleep. I also just love nature."

She began to walk towards the forest, preparing to transform into whatever animal first popped into her mind.
"I think I'm going home and sleep in my room, less accidents will happen then" Jay says and she asks "Can you keep quiet that I'm a girl? I kinda like having people confuse me for a guy", she follows Yaoke and she smiles slightly.

@Yaoke Saint
iChaotic said:
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Hallway

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen

Tag: @iChaotic

"Yeah, we're coming," Lairen said, pulling his sister along as they hurried after the Arata twins. The masks that they carried, which were now bound to their hips once again, swung back and forth with their movement. "Say... What are you guys anyways?" Lairen asked curiously, wondering what their species was. They didn't get out often, so they were a bit lacking when it came to knowledge of other races that could exist.

@Sayuri Tokage[/URL] [/side]

"Us?" Kiyoko said as she raised an eyebrow. "Well I'm a Succubus and Ryo is an Incubus. Don't worry, we aren't going to try and seduce you." She chuckled as they carried on walking to the cafeteria. "So what about you two, what are you? Guardians or something, do those masks have anything to do with it?" Kiyoko enquired quite excitedly. Meeting people who are equally as powerful as they are has honestly, piqued her interest and she would love to get to know Lairen and Sairen better. The pairs of twins were friends now after all.

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iChaotic said:
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Hallway

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen

Tag: @iChaotic

Lairen looked to Sairen, both surprised to hear what they were. Even if he wasn't trying, Sairen still thought Ryoichi was seductive enough with just his looks. The thought made her blush immensely and she clung to her brothers arm, the red clearly visible. Lairen let out a laugh as he went on to explain about themselves.
"Well, we watched over a shrine for most of our life, so I guess we're guardians. Specifically, we are Komainu. You know, lion dogs." Sairen nodded as Lairen passed on the rest of the explaining to her. "Which is why we say we have no parents. We weren't born, but simply made," she said a bit sadly.

@Sayuri Tokage[/URL] [/side]

"Oh, I assumed they had died." Kiyoko frowned. Upon entering the cafeteria the twins turned around to face Lairen and Sairen. "So were you made as babies? Or were you made at the age you are. If it's the first, how did you learn how to fight and stuff?" Ryoichi asked. These questions were racing through both of their minds. Lairen and Sairen were getting more and more interesting as they told them more facts about themselves.

Name: Klef

Location: Hallway

Interaction: @anyone

Juniper got his keys to the classroom from the woman who sat at the front desk. He clipped on a puffball keychain onto the keyring and slipped the keys into his pocket. "Klef, I'm going to check out my new classroom. Ok?" He told her, ruffling his hand through her hair before heading towards the doors. " Aren't you going to wait for me?" Klef asked him, trying her hardest to catch up to him. "Darling, I have private matters to attend to." Juniper replied, walking through a hallway, the small girl trailing behind him. "But... I want to see the new classroom! Please can I come with you?" She begged, Juniper stopped and looked at her. "Darling, no." He told her bluntly. "Why don't you explore the campus on your own?" He asked, trying to shake the girl off for once. Her eyes widened, usually she didn't get many chances to be off on her own, the idea of exploring by herself excited her. Klef nods excitedly and starts to head another direction. Juniper gives a sigh of relief. "Geez, that kid is so clingy." Klef took off and began to roam the halls. Each step she took had a bounce to it, as she was extremely happy.
iChaotic said:
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Cafeteria

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen

Tag: @iChaotic

The twins faced the other pair before looking at each other, wondering how to go about answering these questions.
"When we were made, we were children, or pups actually," Lairen said, thinking back. It had been such a long time, the two could barely remember. "We were born as komainu. Or rather, in our original forms," Sairen explained, hinting at the fact that they weren't born like how they were now. "As for fighting, we simply learned by instinct. When we protected or shrine, we fought against so many beasts, some of which were larger than buildings and stronger than ten thousand men. I guess it just sort of came to us, you know?"

Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: No class

Currently/Location: Forest

Interaction: Aratorio

Tag: @Arubion Sivart

Moka blushed bright red when he kissed her,"If it's alright to ask you but when did you start taking a liking to me?" Moka asked him as she walked towards the lake.
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Jay stops walking and she realizes something, her father had mentioned a ball that day, but she didn't have a date, no one wanted to be her date anyway. "Yaoke, maybe we should go back inside" she says. By now the bug had disappeared since Jay isn't that angry anymore, but still didn't forgive him.

@Seraph @Yaoke Saint
Name: Yaoke Saint

Location: Outside

Interaction: Jay

Tags: @Flame Demon

She laughs. "Sure. I'll keep your secret. I'm quite good at that. I still have some I haven't told long after the only other keeper is dead." She turned around, a confused frown scrunching her face up. "And whats inside that you want to go to? I'm sure that idiot is still lurking around somewhere."

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