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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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Name: Ki

Location: Weird Dinner Cafeteria Thing

Interaction: Ender, Yaoke

Tag: @The Endergod @Yaoke Saint

Nervously looking over towards Abel, who seemed to be having a grand time just conversing with them, she averted her gaze to the female that stood a little bit in front of her. Awkwardly speaking in a mumble with what he asked before, digging her hands deeper in her pockets. She did wear her uniform, it's just that she wore her hoodie over it. It was always unzipped, anyway, so it was convenient. However, someone over here didn't really have a sense of dress code.

"... yeah, I fought someone. I'm still as bad as always. I don't like waking people up. Last time I did that I nearly got strangled. Some people are pretty violent when it comes to that, you know?"

Bringing her hand over towards her mouth, she laughed a little, muffling the sound of it. As bad as always, huh. Well, as long as she just avoids fighting with Abel, surely nothing will go wrong. Having a numbing ache in her chest as she thought that, she looked to the girl with wild purple hair.

"You missed the entire school day. Right now it's just free time, so you can do whatever. I'm not too familiar with this place either."

Seeming to inch herself behind Ender, of course, she had to be considerably tall. Whatever the occasion was, however, she appeared to be timid and rather uncomfortable. Sure, it can be treated as timidness, though something about her aura seemed familiar to her, and it was a type of familiarity that she didn't like too much. It's like having someone who had the same haircut as you in like elementary school, while they're probably unaware of you and perfectly okay with it, it still brings up pretty bad memories. Except it didn't bring up any memories, it just made her feel kind of on-edge.
Name: Zenos J. Pentaghast

Location: Combat Class

Tag: @Aio

Zenos offered a slightly nod, his eyes told a different story though, they were filled with rage just at the mention of his name, clearing his throat he spoke, "I am his son..." He paused, "Sadly." Looking down at his stomach as it would rumble he shook his head, "Good thing I don't eat food that mortals or most people do. I am also a half Vampire, so I can live off blood that I have drunk. Being half-God it also allows me to drink the blood of those that aren't human."
Name: Yaoke Saint

Interaction: Ki and Ender

Tags: @The Endergod @Entarriance

"I missed all the classes? Well thats just great, I was hoping to get a feel for the place before tomorrow. I guess not going to school for a few centuries makes you forget what it's like." As she watched the two strangers faces, she instinctually looked down after noticing the scrutiny she was recieving from the girl. The look she was getting... familiarity? No, she had only just seem her. In all her travels she had only seen a few scythes that unreasonable, and none of them owned by someone like her. She decided she was probably just imagining things. "I guess I'll just have to wait it out then, huh? By the way, is there a forest around somewhere? I'd like to find a good place to sleep."
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Jay quickly makes her way through the hallways and she bumps into someone's back, since she wasn't watching where she was going once again", she glares, but an undead creature appears behind her, so she quickly kills it with her scythe "Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going" she says looking a the girl she had bumped into.

@Yaoke Saint

Ender Egotarum


Location: Cafeteria thing

Interaction: Ki and Yaoke

Tags: @Entarriance @Yaoke Saint


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

"I'm sure you did fine, I'm kinda bummed out that I couldn't see you in action, but I guess I'll see it later." He said while nudging her with his elbow. "and don't worry, I won't strangle you. The worst that can happen is I'll get a little grumpy." He noticed Ki slowly moving herself behind himself and looked down at her and with a with a concerned tone he said, "Hey, are you all right? You seem a bit on edge." He looked back up at Yaoke. "Yeah, you missed all of it, but it's not that bad, I slept through most of it." He chuckled at the thought of him missing o much. "Yeah, we got a forest, but I've never been there." And with a puzzled look he asks, "May I ask why you'd want t go sleep in a forest? I mean we do have dorms with nice beds in them."

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iChaotic said:
(Sorry for late reply, been out all evening.)
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Combat Class

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen

Tag: @iChaotic

"Hmm... We'll just tag along and maybe grab a bit after," Lairen said, not really sure what to do after. He didn't mind and definitely thought its be a good idea for his sister to explore more. Sairen gave Kiyoko a shy smile before walking to her brother, standing close beside him. Her face was still visibly red and she didn't dare look at Ryoichi. At this moment, it might be a bit overwhelming.

Name:Abel Night

Location: Cafeteria

Interaction: Ki,Yaoke, and Ender

Tags: @Entarriance @Yaoke Saint @The Endergod

Abel had remained silent to this point, but now having to crane his neck to see the girl's silver eyes, he grumbled" you know...when the guy said all us guys here are lame, i took some offense...looking now...he has a point..."he was a full foot shorter than this girl, and it was driving him nuts. he mumbled under his breath, looking away as his eyes were even with her chest. probably not a good idea to just stare forward right now...
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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: No class

Currently/Location: Forest

Interaction: Aratorio

Tag: @Arubion Sivart

"What are you doing here?" Moka asked him seeing that he was here as well. She wondered if he got the same note as she did but she was a bit skeptical about it since it didn't have a name on the note that she had gotten at combat class. Moka ran her hand through her hair and the wind did the same as well letting it dance in her long blond hair. "You're not like other men that I've talked to," Moka told him seeing that he was always nervous around her,"You're always nervous or coy near me. Do you fear me, is that why you're always nervous?" Moka asked.
Name: Aiko

Location: Dinner Cafetaria

Tag: @Entarriance @The Endergod @Yaoke Saint

The boy had disappeared for 15 minutes or or so, at the moment of his disappearance he's actually spending the time to pig out at the counter devouring standard sized cheese blocks very easily while stacking the larger ones on his tray "I'm in heaven!" He can't seem to stop as he just kept going and going untul a cafetaria spoon hits him directly on the head, feeling dizzy and disoriented the boy just decide to take his seat with the others back.

Can you hear me cheese? Even though I'm no longer with my favourite yellow heavenly fruits, I won't forget the silky, smooth, sharp yet delicate tastes of you. Eating you in your original beautiful form is already nice, but combine it with heat to create the melted cheese and it'll create a very powerful concoction enough to return the stamina of a tired body and satisfy even the hunger of wildbeasts, your beauty will be ten times of those the most beautiful in the world. Even though we're apart we'll find a way to be together! The cafetaria lady will be defeated! Don't forget about me! Love me, be patient with me, we'll be reunited in a better place!" Snapping out of his trance-like thinking moment he suddenly spot his table filled with people and there's a new one arriving, however there's no more energy inside his body as taking away cheese means taking away a part of his heart. Feeling extremely demoralized and withdrawn from cheese even though it's in clear sight he only sets himself on the chair before slamming his head on the table.
Name: Yaoke Saint

Location: Cafeteria

Interaction: Ki, Ender and Jay

Tags: @The Endergod @Entarriance @Flame Demon @Mistory1997

"I usually get better sleep as an animal, and I'm not sure if these dorms have a--" She is cut short as someone bumps into her from behind. When she turns around, she sees a girl with long, white hair putting away a scythe. Why did she have that out? she wondered. "Oh, sorry, was I in the way?" She also notices a rather short boy with blonde hair looking shyly away. What was that about?
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"It's fine, I wasn't looking where I was going" Jay says and she realizes the hood of her cloak fell off, so she quickly pulls it up again as he scythe disappeared "Sorry for bumping into you" she mumbles and shuffles nervously on her feet "I-i'm Jay by the way" she says and looks down, so part of her hair covers her eyes, she hoped she didn't make anyone angry "I was looking for the headmistress' office, but I got lost, then I asked someone for help, but he was too lazy" she says and quickly covers her mouth with her hands "Sorry, I tend to do that sometimes" she says not looking any of them in the eye.

@Yaoke Saint


Name: Ki

Location: Weird Dinner Cafeteria Thing

Interaction: Ender, Yaoke, Jay

Tag: @The Endergod @Yaoke Saint @Flame Demon

What was it? Something about the girl with messy purple hair seemed to bug her severely. But whenever she tried to focus in on what was bothering her, she got a headache and stopped. What was the problem?! It looked like she was unable to meet either Ender of Yaoke's gaze. What was bothering her? Despite all that was happening around her, she seemed to be too focused on the deep unsettling feeling in her stomach to really pay attention. However, when she heard the sound of something slicing in two, she tilted head head to the right to look past Ender, seeing a girl with long white hair. Again, from her, there was an extremely irritating feeling in the pit of her stomach, but she couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was.

"... the forest sound's nice."

Out of everything she could have said, that was the only thing she seemed to be able to spit out of her mouth. Bringing her hand to Ender's back, she timidly tugged down on his clothing. Her eyes were averted towards the hallway that served as both an entrance and exit from the cafeteria, as if to silently say that either they were both to leave or that she was heading off somewhere. Adding onto that, everyone seemed to massive around her, she felt rather menial compared to them. Though it was more of the constantly reminiscent ache that pulled at her chest, and maybe if she took a walk outside for a little, her head would clear up.
Name: Yaoke

Location: Cafeteria

Interaction: Jay

Tags: @Flame Demon @Flecker

"No, it's fine. Nice to meet you by the way." She hears a loud bang, and looks over to the table to discover... A pile of cheese? What?! She then notices a head, face first on the table next to the dairy products. She then awkwardly looks away and back at the now hooded girl. "I should probably see the head mistress too, though she might make me wear a uniform, assign me a dorm, all that bad stuff. But on the other hand, she might be able to give some useful info. What do you think? Want me to come with you?" she asked the girl who had bumped into her.
"Sure" Jay says and she says "My father should be there already, but I was lost in thought and went down the wrong hallway", she sighs and adds "Who knows, maybe we share a dorm", she waits for the girl to go first, so she could follow her, it would make sure she didnd't get lost once again, she really needed to stick to someone who knew the way "You never told me your name..." she mumbles.

@Yaoke Saint
Name:Abel Night

Location: Cafeteria

Interaction: Ki,Yaoke, and Ender

Tags: @Entarriance @Yaoke Saint @The Endergod

Abel took a step back,putting some distance between him and the group. Letting his eyes travel from each in the conversation. Ki looked about as uneasy as he did. He needed to talk to her anyway,but was afraid to bother her. What to do, what to do...

He might have already passed her off. She had been giving him odd looks every once in a while since they left the combat class. He took a breath, and sighed, turning away. Might aswell leave them be. He seemed to be the side guy anyway...

Ender Egotarum


Location: Combat

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender felt a slight tug on the back of his jacket. He turned around to see Ki looking very distressed and motioning over to the door with her eyes. He nodded his head and slowly started walking to towards the door. "Hey guys, I'm going to go out to get some air, but it was nice talking to all of you. He kept inching his way forwards while waiting for Ki to follow.

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Name: Yaoke Saint

Location: Cafeteria

Interaction: Jay and Ki

Tags: @Flame Demon @Entarriance

"Sorry about that. My name is Yaoke Saint, daughter of no one worth mentioning." As she started to walk off in a random direction, hoping it was the right way, she noticed that the girl who had seemed uncomfortable for a while now was slowly walking away with her friend, the one who had seemed to emit cold. She called out: "Hey, Scythe-Girl, sorry to intrude, but are you feeling alright?"
Jay follows Yaoke "I don't really know who's worth mentioning or not" she mumbles, following her, she could faintly sense her father in that direction, so she assumed they were going the right way, of course, it wouldn't be the first time her senses had failed her. "You seem pretty okay" she mumbles looking at Yaoke, she might stick around the girl, but wondered what she would do if she found out her problem.

@Yaoke Saint


Name: Ki

Location: Weird Dinner Cafeteria Thing > Forest

Interaction: Ender, Yaoke, Abel

Tag: @The Endergod @Yaoke Saint @Mistory1997

Shuffling over in Ender's direction, she seemed to be surprised when she heard a voice directed at her call out a little bit behind her. Once again, an uneasy settling was in her stomach, as if something seemed to have been echoed in her response. Did they meet before? It was like a really broken deja-vu, something that she may have experienced before, but at the same time, she knew that she had never met this person before. And if she did, she probably wouldn't have been alive back then at her current state. Her grip on the back of Ender's jacket seemed to tighten a little, before she turned around and let go, bringing her hand to the back of her neck. Smiling, she rubbed the side of her neck, her hair's part seeming to fall out of place causing a weird indent in her bangs.

"... I'm fine! Just feeling a little under the weather right now."

Talk about under the weather. What kept bugging her about this person? While everyone else around her seemed okay, something seemed slightly misaligned with this girl. But more tather, it was an amplifying feeling, like something right now was being repeated. It was a frustrating feeling, but she tried her best to at least appear alright. Just walking off like that, especially with her personality, was definitely odd, especially if she appeared so timid all of a sudden.

Inhaling deeply, she waved her hand a little, dismissing the issue. She looked towards Abel, who appeared slightly exasperated and a little zoned out. Despite her growing weariness, she spoke out to him as well.

"I'll be back for dinner at least. Maybe we can talk later or something, Abel!"

Doing her best to sound motivated, she trudged her way back around. The farther she walked, the more her uneasiness seemed to settle down for her. Catching up to where she was before, she slowed down her pace near Ender while continuing towards the forest. It would be refreshing, considering this is one of the occasions in her secluded lifetime where she could see greenery all around her.

Name: Aiko

Location: Dinner Cafetaria > Science club room


The boy had enough about being not able to share his moment with cheese. Once he realized that the cheese pile on the table isn't enough he decides to do another plan to get it "Think that's enough to hold me school? Well you need a legion of demon army to do that" He mutters as he finished with a light chuckle, lifting his head and fixing his eyes on the cafetaria lady, his eyes clearly show something different inside of him, determination, confidence and smartassness, traits which are rarely seen inside a guy like him. The boy raises from his seat and smiles "I'm their savior" Once he finished saying those words he then trails off following his pocket map to science class.
Name:Abel Night

Location: halls

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance

Abel was caught off by her voice, and turned. seeing her heading off, he gave a feint smile. giving a friendly wave, he sighed, heading back down the seemingly endless halls. what to do, what to do...the roof. that sounded good. a nice, quiet place...maybe he could cool off...
Name: Yaoke Saint

Location: Cafeteria/Hallway


Tags: @Flame Demon

"I swear, there's something going on with her," she mutters under her breath, "if she's just under the weather I'll eat my hood."

She turned to Jay, offering a consoling smile. She seems even more nervous than me. "Lets go," she says, and continues on her previous path down the hallway, scanning the wall almost desparately for any signs or maps. "Nice headphones by the way."

Ender Egotarum


Location: Combat

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender continued walking the halls alongside Ki. "Hey, are you feeling alright? You've been acting strange as of late. Do you need me to take you to the nurse or something, I can't have you dying on me or anything."

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"Oh thanks" Jay mumbles and she adds "I wonder how long you'll hang around me though" she said it quietly, not sure if the girl heard her or not "Anyway, I hope we get a shared dorm, since everyone else who hasn't seen me without my cloak thinks I'm a boy" she says and looks around the hallway, she could feel her father somewhere around here.

@Yaoke Saint
Tatke walked in the school building "Todays my day to shine in this school" he said with a enormous smile on his face he ran in the school with his pet pappy they were friends scents they were kid.

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