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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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Setsuna walks and hears Ronnie

SomaFel said:
Ronnie says "will the world just stop shopping spinning!!! God my head hurts....." To himself, still in the infirmary.
. " Are you okay. " He asked
djinnamon said:
Setsuna walks and hears Ronnie
. " Are you okay. " He asked
"besides a killer headache, and the world spinning when I try to move, yeah I'm just peachy..." Ronnie says
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Name: Aiko

Location: Combat Class

Tag: @Entarriance @Mistory1997

The boy smiles nodding his head and he's glad this isn't caused by periods, because if it s ten it'll probably happen every month that outburst of energy and it'll be difficult to control. He also lets a sigh of relief from his lips "Well I'm glad! I thought you're going to be lie that for a week or two?" The boy glances around trying to find his other acquaintance "Where's uhh ice guy? He went off somewhere? I thought maybe we could spar for awhile" However a grumbling noise appeared from his belly "Or maybe we could grab something to eat?"
Setsuna nodded and kissed Ronnie's forehead. P I'll be back after class so you get some rest. " He said before he went back to class and saw Amber and Ki. He walked up to them and smiled. " Hello I'm back. " He said. Amber smiled at him and nodded.

@Mistory1997 @Entarriance


Name: Ki

Location: Combat Class > Weird Dinner Cafeteria Thing In Gallery With Comfy Chairs

Interaction: Abel, Aiko, Amber, Setsuna, Ender

Tag: @Mistory1997 @Flecker @The Endergod @djinnamon

With his question, Ki looked over towards the chair he was at, seeing him sleep peacefully without a care in the world. Walking over to him, Ki nonchalantly picked him up in a princess hold, having a rather awkward appearance to it considering how he's a fair bit taller than her. Walking back with Ender in a princess hold, her expression remained pretty apathetic, which was impressive for the series of events that just happened. Talk about a level of calm.

"I don't have the heart to wake up Elsa right now, so we could probably go get something. Dinner's served at a diff
erent cafeteria, right?"

Hearing a 'hi' come in a nearby direction, she turned her head to look, seeing a male with long white hair and a girl with, broad shoulders. Again, something about it seemed a little odd, but she went with it anyway. Not really having a hand to wave, she nodded in their direction.

"... hey. We're getting something to eat, you can join if you want."

Regardless of their reply, she started to head through the door, bringing Ender along with her. The first thing that she learned is that when you're exhausted, stuffing fruit or salad in your mouth could probably help. She wasn't the biggest eater, but the food in the school wouldn't poison of choke her or anything like that, so it was probably safe to eat.

Name: Abel Night

Location: Combat Class

Interaction: Ki

Tag: @Entarriance @Flecker @The Endergod @djinnamon

Abel grinned, standing. He brushed himself off,and hurried after the girl." I appriciate it. "He grinned,looking to the group."tell me...did you really expect your null field to work?"
Name: Aiko

Location: Combat Class -> Diner Cafetaria

Tag: @Entarriance @The Endergod @Mistory1997 @djinnamon

The boy looks at where she pointed at nd immediately catches th physical features to be matching with what he saw about him previously, a chuckle followed with a sigh appeared soon "Ah well that's what I like about people, their ability to sleep" He then snaps his finger opening a blackhole-ish portal and shoved his long nodachi there. Before started walking beside her towards the cafetaria. Looking at Ender being carried there's an odd feeling in his heart, he's thinking that it's odd while at the same time it's funny, he furthet comments "That reminds me of being saved by a girl earlier, what's wrong with guys in this school? We all look lame" He quirks a brow tapping his chin as he finished.
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Name: Ki

Location: Weird Dinner Cafeteria Thing In Gallery With Comfy Chairs

Interaction: Abel, Aiko, Amber, Setsuna, Ender

Tag: @Mistory1997 @Flecker @The Endergod

Seeming to flinch when he mentioned her power, a Cheshire smile came across his face as she turned his direction, as mix of insanity and melancholy on her face.

"... and it sure as hell's real did. If it weren't for your senseless inconscequential powers, maybe..."

It was rather remarkable, considering how her entire style of speech changed as well. Usually, she spoke in informal formalities, rather quiet and definitely no where near formal or advanced when it came to literacy, but it still was polite and rather quiet, almost shy. However, her voice seemed to drop a few octaves, have a more roguish touch to it, and spoke with impolite roughness and impressive word choice, as if it were two separate people.


As her "other" was hit with the realization they were carrying someone, Ki awkwardly tightened her hold as she shifted her eyes around, clearing her throat. Upon approaching the Dinner Cafeteria, she twisted her back until a satisfying crack was heard from her. Maybe she should just carry Ender around everywhere now, that should be a work out enough. It's not like it''s hard, but carrying something with the surrounding temperature of below freezing was definitely an exercise itself.

"... sorry. I'm not really a huge talker about myself. And hey, did you not see the huge duel going on between that girl and the albino vampire? That was pretty impressive, if I say so myself. Then again, you're asking the girl who's been mistaken as a guy for a considerable length of time on her life. Not like I'm going to put the effort to change that."

Sure, she was lazy. Shrugging her shoulders, she looked towards the two of them.

"We have a dark magic user, an ice pop, a ghost, and a dude who stuffs his weapons in pocket dimensions. This will be an adventure."
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Name: Aiko

Location: Weird Dinner Cafetaria thing

Tag: @Entarriance @The Endergod @Mistory1997

The boy was actually surprised by the sudden change in her speaking tone. Split personalities and spirits inhabiting a mortal body isn't something that he likes to deal with, once she snaps back to he original self the boy only gave her a look "Really Ki you should control your uhh "periods"?" He smiles before continuing his way to te cafetaria.

Gently pushing the doors he finally stepped into the luxurious looking place, it's defintely not what he saw during the day that is and his favourite food is there too "
O-Oh! CHEESE!" He quickly waved at the two "Oi get us some seats! I have a date with someone!" Finishing those words he traild off to the counter hoping to get a pile on his plate.
Name: Abel Night

Location: Cafiteria

Interaction: Ki

Tag: @Entarriance @Flecker @The Endergod

A laugh finally escaped him. He had been trying to refrain,but the guy had this thing with pointing out periods. He shook his head, watching the male hurry off"dude,careful. You might get lactose intolerent. That wouldn't be good."he smiled,before looking to the girl. He leaned in rather close,focusing on her eye. He then smiled"I know the feeling"He chuckled,stepping back. He streatched.what a day. He folded his hands behind his back,his middle finger toying with the leather straps as he walked
@Sayuri Tokage[/URL] [/side]

"Thank you Lairen, may I just say you were also great." He replied taking a quick glance at Sairen as she removed her hand from his. Kiyoko let out a smile as she grabbed her hand and shook it.
"Us four need to get together sometime and go out." She gleamed. Kiyoko moved closer to Sairen and whispered to her, "Be honest, do you have a crush on my brother?You seem more nervous around him than you do with me." Kiyoko grinned slightly.

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iChaotic said:
The Arata Twins

Name: The Arata Twins

Location: Combat Class

Interaction: Lairen and Sairen

Tag: @iChaotic

Sairen had been smiling as Kiyoko shook her hand, but her expression seemingly changed to that of a flustered one quickly when the other female whispered into her ear. The question was so sudden, she wasn't sure how to answer.
"It's not like that!" She exclaimed, louder than she had hoped. Realizing she had been quite loud, she leaned in closer to Kiyoko before saying, "I just think that.... He seems like he'd be a really great guy." Sairen tried to go on, but had to pause as her face got red and her eyes started to water from embarrassment. "A-And he's... Handsome," she said in almost a whisper. Lairen, who wasn't standing within distance to hear their conversation, only had to look at his sister to know what they were talking about. It made him chuckle a bit as he turned to Ryoichi with a grin, but didn't say anything.


Ender Egotarum


Location: Combat

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender suddenly awoke to find that he was no longer in the combat room, but in fact was in what appeared to be a cafeteria. This one was quite different than the one he went to earlier today. "What the... Where am I and how did I get here?" He said while yawning and stretching out his arms. "Aww, don't tell me that I slept through combat class!" he said in anguish.

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Oberon brushed of the memory of the last girl that talked to him and found it nessasary to poke him in the forehead. Still in combat class he was laying his head on a desk in a daze while these two groups of siblings were chatting with one another. Normally, he wouldn't pay them any mind but he did look up long enough to notice the girl with red hair and horns. 'Should I put forth the effort to try and flirt...nah.' He thought to himself and tried to ignore their talking until one shouted. Oberon spoke up just loud enough to be heard, "Dear god please...if your going to talk...don't." He lifted his head up resting it in his hand.

@iChaotic @Sayuri Tokage
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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: No class

Currently/Location: Forest

Interaction: N/A

Tag: @Arubion Sivart

Moka walked out of the school and she went back to her dorm to put her things away before heading to the forest, it was still early probably around 4pm when she started heading there. Moka heard music and began following it, it had a pleasant sound to it and the forest was rather calm. Moka saw a person ahead of her,"Hey Aratorio!" Moka called out and walked quickly towards him.
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Jay is walking around, lost she enters the room the pair of twins is in and she looks around, someone would be able to help her, she sees someone sitting alone, so she walks over to him, her cloak pretty much covering what gender she is, she pokes him lightly "Uh... can you help me find the headmistresses office?" she asks quietly fiddling with her cloak.


Leo is already at the office and he sighs "And she got lost again" he mumbles, not sure where his daughter had ended up, but she got lost from time to time, only when she was thinking though.

Melody keeps playing her music and she smiles seeing the animals around her, they seemed to like her music, a bird lands on her shoulder and she pets it gently, this was the side anyone rarely saw of her.

sprouhtt said:
Name: Moka Hirabashi
Class: No class

Currently/Location: Forest

Interaction: N/A

Tag: @Arubion Sivart

Moka walked out of the school and she went back to her dorm to put her things away before heading to the forest, it was still early probably around 4pm when she started heading there. Moka heard music and began following it, it had a pleasant sound to it and the forest was rather calm. Moka saw a person ahead of her,"Hey Aratorio!" Moka called out and walked quickly towards him.
Name: Aratorio Lasarius

Location: Lunch

Tag: @Flame Demon @sprouhtt

Interaction: Moka

Aratorio would blush instantly when she came towards him and he'd wave at her with a facial expression showing he was hiding something. "H-hi.. Moka how are you?" His gentle red eyes would stare into her eyes. He'd rub the back of his head with his other hand a bit embarrassed at the whole ordeal.


Name: Ki

Location: Weird Dinner Cafeteria Thing

Interaction: Abel, Aiko, Ender

Tag: @Mistory1997 @Flecker @The Endergod

Hearing a tired voice below her, she seemed to flinch a little bit in surprise. But hey, at least she can finally get a normal conversation going with someone who doesn't know a thing about what's going on. Nervously laughing at Aiko's comment, she rubbed the sole of her shoe against her ankle awkwardly.

"... I'll see what I can do."

Periods, that's something that girls get, right? Ironically, she's never been on one, probably since she's still kind of half-lodged in a dimension where she was supposed to be dead, but what can you do about it. Pulling her right arm back towards her body, forcing Ender to stand up on his feet. He was awake, so she could finally stop carrying the kid. He seemed rather unphased, though, so that's good..?

"... 'mornin Ender. It's free time right now, so we can still 1v1 out in the forest or something. The weather seems, nice."

Honestly, Abel was arousing suspicion in her. She didn't hate the kid, he was friendly. Though something about him was a little to odd, and a little too friendly, so it unsettled her. But Ender was present, so maybe she can
chill out a little. Attempting to relieve the tension in her shoulders, irritably pushing some hair out of her eye. Sure, there was just a medical patch under her eye, and she kind of lost feeling in it, but the whole deal with Abel unsettled her.
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Name: Yaoke Saint

Location: Cafeteria

Interaction: @The Endergod @Entarriance

A figure in a stark white cloak and hood walks over to some people who look like they might know something. "Excuse, me but do you know your way around here? I just arrived and have no idea where I'm supposed to go." She looks over the two in front of her, eyes lingering on a borderline ridiculous scythe held by the girl.
(Sorry for late reply, been out all evening.)

@Sayuri Tokage[/URL] [/side]

"Keep your voice down, you don't want Ryoichi knowing about your little crush." Kiyoko teased as she looked at her brother and gave him a wave. Ryoichi raised an eyebrow at his sister, "What are they on about Lairen? Hm, probably girl stuff." He grinned as he turned to look back at Lairen. "So, what do you guys have planned for free time today? Me and Kiyo were planning on doing some prank but we'd be glad to do whatever you two want to do."

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"Why does everyone just think its okay to go around poking people?" Oberon said in an irritated tone not bothering to look at her anyways. "Yes, I could help you get to the headmistresses office but that would require an awful lot of effort for me and that's effort I'm not willing to put forth." He kept looking away from her, almost in defiance but was just waiting to see what she would have to say back. He could expect the worst because he had heard almost all of it over the years. @Flame Demon
"Well... then I guess I'll go ask someone else" Jay mumbles and she walks of, heading towards the twin, since the guy wouldn't help her she would go to the large group, something she didn't really want to do, she stops a bit away from the twins, but decides to look herself again, so she leaves the room "I just wanted to get his attention, meany" she mumbles under her breath as she starts to look around again. @Seraph

Ender Egotarum


Location: Cafeteria place.

Interaction: Ki and Yaoke

Tags: @Entarriance @Yaoke Saint


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender was now standing upright next to Ki. "Hey man, what's up? It's quite a shame that we couldn't duke it out in front of the class, but I'll be happy to have a nice little donnybrook outside while it's still nice out, but only if you're up for it." He said with a genuine smile on his face. "And just so you know you can wake me up if you should so desire, I won't mind. I just don't want to be a burden to you or anyone else." He says while embarrassingly rubbing the back of his head with a large grin on his face. Did you end up fighting anyone while I was asleep, by the by?" Suddenly someone in a white cloak approached the two and asks them a question. "Oh hey man, I haven't seen you around before, and to answer your question, I'm not really savvy when it comes to this place." He said in a relaxed tone.

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