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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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"Then ask her out" Melody suggest and she thinks for a while "I knos a perfect place in the forest, it's an open field perfect for a picnic" she says, it was where she usually played on her harp for the animals, but the place was quiet.

@Arubion Sivart


Name: Ki

Location: Combat Class

Interaction: Abel, Ender

Tag: @Mistory1997 @The Endergod

Seeing Abel appear satisfied with himself, she returned his chuckle with a smile of her own. Shoving her hands in her pockets, she briefly waved, implying that she wanted to head back to Ender real quickly. Shuffling back towards where she was previously, only greeted with the sight of him happily snoring away., as if his huge history nap earlier wasn't a thing. Stretching her hand out, she ruffled his hair in his sleep, as if he was some sort of puppy.

"To think that you took a nap in history, tch."

After petting his head with her free hand, she moved back towards where Abel was waiting, seeing how she couldn't really 1v1 Ender at the moment.

"Well, we can have a friendly little spar right now. My sparring partner is, catching a few z's right now. When he wakes up I can probably deal with that. And, no problem. "

"Pick a time to meet at the forest and don't worry about getting lost, just follow the music" Melody says and she adds "I'll help you out this once also because I want to help Moka"

@Arubion Sivart
Name: Aratorio Lasarius

Location: Lunch

Tag: @Flame Demon

Interaction: Melody

Aratorio would shyly look up at her his more gentle personality showing in his eyes. "H-how.. a-about.. s-six.. t-today..?.." He'd not be sure as to what time to pick and hoped it was a good time.
Name: Mashiro Shiina

Location: Combat Class


"I'm going easy on you darling dearest. One look and you be catatonic." Mashiro wasn't one to fight, and never really was. Mostly due to being taught that if you fight you kill or be killed there was no in between. In all honesty, she wanted to end this fight here and now but decided against using her full strength to do so. She didn't feel like putting half the class in danger of going catatonic, her illusions more gruesome than she likes to admit. She frowned as her blades missed him, gripping them tightly in her hand as she sighed. She flipped them so one was facing up and the other down as she ran towards him, doing so she mad three different clones of herself. The ran beside her before they split up to attack him on all sides. The clones wouldn't do much damage, they were only an illusion she cast. She decided to take the side he was holding his sword with, hoping to get a good hit so the fight would end quickly.
Melody goes to her bag to get a piece of paper and she writes down 'six pm, meet me at the forest', she walks to Moka's bag and puts the note in so that it won't fall out, but still noticable, she then heads back to her previous spot "Done" she says and smiles.

@Arubion Sivart
Name: Aratorio Lasarius

Location: Lunch

Tag: @Flame Demon

Interaction: Melody

He'd have calmed down and would look at her his eyes still showing his shyness. "T-thank you..." He'd look back at the groups still sparring.
"You just can't be late" Melody says and she looks at the clock, whishing this class could be over already, since they were already done with sparring, she wondered how her friends were doing though.

@sprouhtt @Arubion Sivart
As Thomas runs through the school's hallways, he checks his watch, seeing that he is clearly late. He mumbled, grabbing one of his locks out of his face

"Oh Goddammit."
Name: Aiko

Location: Combat Class

Tag: @Aio

The boy's grip on the sword was relaxed and his feet are light "Now now we're using powers huh? Then I guess I'll use my own as well" He lets out a sigh and slightly lifts one of his leg up just a few inches above the floor "Three against one? How on earth am I going to win?" Once he finished saying those words, he smirks as he lightly stomps his lifter leg on the floor "Let's see how you handle a bit more weight!" The simple stomp of his leg was actually causing the area in front of him where he saw the three images to increase their gravitational acceleration twice or three times thus making his opponent felt heavy and as a result would possibly slow them down. If it's indeed successful then it would be possible for him to figure out which is the real one by observing the forces acting on the three and so he'd ready his sword in order to slash her.
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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Class: Combat Class

Currently/Location:Combat class

Interaction: N/A

Tag: N/A

Moka had gone to get a drink of water and when she came back she saw a note sticking out of her backpack. Moka walked over to her bag and took the note and she opened the folded paper up and she read the note. She saw it said to meet in the forest at 6pm sharp. Moka thought it was a bit suspicious for someone telling her to meet them in the forest but her curiosity got the best from her and she folded the note back up and she put it back in the bag.


Name: Headmistress Akashima

Class: Combat Class

Currently/Location: Combat class

Interaction: @everyone

Tag: @everyone

The loud speakers went off calling for the Headmistress to report back to her office. Akashima turned around,"I guess we are done for today students. I will see you all tomorrow or later, do not cause any trouble while I am gone." Akashima said in a strict voice before she headed out and walked down the hallway to her office.
Oberon sat in the class waiting for it too be over with an over exaggerated yawn. He had always been unenthused by whatever the lesson of the day was but today he was especially so because he had missed out on one of his daily naps. Oberon wasn't sure what the teacher was even talking about because he wasn't paying any attention but he did notice the battle that was occurring if for no other reason than the fact that it was disturbing him. Combat may not have been his least favorite class but it was definitely up there.
The two stood at the school entrance, neither of them the least bit nervous about entering. A breeze past by them as they began to walk onward. Klef was ecstatic, she would finally meet some kids her age and have some time away from Juniper, who was practically her dad. Juniper was just doing this for the money, but he was interested to see if any of the children would recognize him from television, not to mention he already had a very interesting curriculum laid out ahead. She tugged at his sleeve, trying to contain her excitement. "I can't believe I'm finally going to highschool! Wonder if it's anything like what I've seen in the movies." Klef said to him. Juniper grinned, but it pained him to see the girl so happy, she was extremely fragile in his eyes and he was concerned how her peers would treat her, after all she was what most would say 'different'. "Don't get your hopes up kid." He chuckled.


After 'the incident' that happened on live television, Juniper lost his job as a popular performer. Money grew tighter and tighter and the two were barely even able to afford living in a motel. After about 3 months unemployed, Juniper decided he needed a job, even if it is not as glamorous as he would like it to be. He always had a great passion for telling stories, as he did tell many stories back on his show, and he was willing to admit that he did indeed like children. Teaching at the local, but prestigious school seemed like the best bet. The two would be able to live under a roof, not to mention Klef was offered a scholarship and this was a chance to finally be able to meet some of her peers.

Thomas yelled in frustration, kneeling down and panted.

"Great, Tom, great. Late again."

He punched the air in frustration, letting out a grunt


Name: Ki

Location: Combat Class

Interaction: Oberon

Tag: @Seraph

Deciding to wade around the combat room for Ender to wake up or for Abel to say something, she looked at the battle between the girl she briefly recalled earlier, and someone that she's never seen before in her life, He had noticeable eyes, eyes so brightly magenta that they might as well be glowing. Shoving her hands in her pockets, she took note of an unfamiliar, tall man that she witnessed yawning, once again, part of the large group of people at this school that hit 6 feet. How come everyone was so tall?! At least compared to her. Deciding to make some small talk,she awkwardly shuffled her way towards him, hoping that he wasn't the type to be irritated very easily when tired.

"... I see combat class is your favourite subject."

She wasn't chastising him, considering how she dislikes the class probably just as much, or rather finds her self incapable of participating in the class, and she might as well be making a horrible guess based on the cover of a book, but might as well try to start a conversation.
Name: Aratorio Lasarius

Location: Lunch

Tag: @sprouhtt

Aratorio would be a bit nervous and would go to his dorm room to wait before the time to go. He'd hope what Melody said would work and he'd start to meditate to calm down.
Melody heads towards the forest while Harmony heads of, probably doing her job or something. In the clearing Melody sits down on a big rock a bit at the side and she changes to her real self, her harp appearing next to her, she starts playing a calm tune and soom enough animals slowly surround her.

Harmomy in't having that much fun however, she was on duty after school "First stop, hospital" she mumbles flying faster while checking the list.

He looks around the hallway, and spots a boy with... Some sort of hair style. But anyways, he walks up to him and pokes him in the arm

"Hey. Uh... I'm kinda having trouble getting around the school... Would you mind helping me out?"
Name: Aratorio Lasarius

Location: Lunch

Tag: @Flame Demon @sprouhtt

Aratorio would decide to get dressed up and would wash off quickly and dries off. He'd fix his hair and brush his teeth making sure he didn't come off as rude to Moka. He'd decide to head to the place early so he could seem more interested. He'd be wearing the full school uniform and heads off. He'd arrive to the forest and hears the music and begins to follow it.
hame: Abel Night

Location: Combat Class

Interaction: Ki

Tag: @Entarriance

Abel grinned, his eyes following the girl as he thought Over her offer. A Spar wouldn't hurt. He could get a feel for the sword once again. He pulled it free from its sheith, examining the black blade. He nods, and stood, following after her.
While he was dazzed by the fight that was happening someone seemed to be talking to him. He didn't want to put the effort into moving his head to talk to the person and wasn't very happy he would have to talk either. However, he didn't want to be rude so while facing away he still responded "That's not really fair to say because none of them are my favorites...they require too much work." He yawned again just thinking about the kind of homework he would be made to do and spoke up again "I am Oberon..."


  • Name: Mashiro Shiina

    Location: Combat Class

    Tag: @Jacob Berry

    "Ha," Mashiro said as she made the images disperse into nothing and letting his gravity technique take her down. "I call a tie." She smiled, waiting for him to lift up off the gravity. She was only happy because she didn't have to unleash her full power. Getting up off the ground she offered him a shake of the hand. "Mashiro Shiina. Pleasure, I'm sure and all that crap. Anyways, nice dueling and now I'm off to grab something to eat." Mashiro wasn't one for pleasantries, as soon as he shook her hand she be off.

    Mashiro spotted a man walk rather roughly into the room and smiled, giving a quick wave to Aiko before she headed off after him. He looked like the type that could be easily angered. Walking over to him as she smiled. "Who pushed your buttons?" Mashiro was the type of girl who loved to push people to the edge, sad to say. It was just one of the many characteristics she like to say it was because she was a demon. She just can't help it.


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