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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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Name: Zenos J. Pentaghast

Location: Combat Classroom

Interaction: Mashira "Lemma Push ya buttons" Shiina

Tags: @Aio

Zenos had watched as the student's performed, some interested him more than others, he was surprised no real accidents happened, but he shrugged that off. Much to his surprise someone actually came up to talk to him, a small girl, almost a whole foot smaller, she was rather beautiful and seemed like a trouble maker. He shot her a cold glare, though that was his natural look, he could be the happiest man on the earth and still have that ice-y glare, "Hmm? No one pushed my buttons... Well... Someone did but that is not here nor there." Taking a deep breath he offered a small, toothy smile, allowing his vampirestic fangs to be shown, "You don't reek of a god. Good. We can... Get along for now."


Name: Ki

Location: Combat Class

Interaction: Oberon, Abel

Tag: @Seraph @Mistory1997

"Aren't you well awake today."

Feeling the sound of footsteps coming closer, it probably was Abel. She did ask if he wanted to spar, and Ender was pretty out of it too. Poking Oberon in the middle of his forehead as she looked over, pretty amused by his lazy tone and sleepy expression.

"... pleasure to be an acquaintance. I'm Ki."

With that, she made her way around towards Abel who had drawn out his sword already. Is he secretly this skilled swordsman that she wasn't aware about? Ki wasn't exactly scared, I mean it would make sense considering how she has the ability to fight really well in hand to hand. As long as he doesn't blow the entire place up with dark magic, surely they'll be fine. Switching the weight of her scythe onto the other shoulder, she looked at him.

"... leather-strapped-hands first."
Name: Aiko

Location: Combat Class

Tag: @Aio , Anyone

He takes her hand and gave the girl a quick smile as he removes the gravity burden on her "Ah yes, fair enough call me Aiko by the way" He finished it and gave a wave back to her once she runs off to another man. Unsure of what to do next and seeing that most of his acquaintances are occupied the boy walks to the edge resting his nodachi against the wall closing his eyes as he's about to take a nap.
Name: Mashiro Shiina

Location: Combat Class

Tag: @Jacob Berry

Mashiro laughed, "Well goodness I hope not. I'm sure I'd be abandoned by the entire demon race if I smelled of god." She watched him smile, raising an eyebrow as she watched him. Hm...Fangs. She gave him her hand to shake, wondering if he was a gentleman type or not. "Mashiro Shiina...Pleasure, I'm sure." She smile one of her award winning smiles. Truth be told this was one big silly joke to her. Her pleasantries was something she never did but decided to give it a shot, though she doubt being nice get her anywhere.
Name: Zenos J. Pentaghast.

Location: Combat Class

Interaction: Mashiro

Tag: @Aio

Zenos nodded, rather grateful to find out she was a demon, "Good. Gods are fiends... All of them. Glad you aren't one." He spoke rather quickly, or in smaller, simpler sentences. Offering a very slight bow, then his hand, offering to shake hers, "I'm Zenos J. Pentaghast. Pleasure to meet you." His voice was rather quiet, making it hard for the average human to hear him. Letting out a heavy sigh as his stomach grumbled slightly. He already wasn't a huge fan of this school, too many... outrageous people here.
Name: Abel Night

Location: Combat Class

Interaction: Ki

Tag: @Entarriance

Abel gave a confused look, before letting his eyes travel to his palm. "I'm sorry?"


Name: Ki

Location: Combat Class

Interaction: Abel

Tag: @Mistory1997

"Times up."

Swinging her scythe over her shoulder, it skimmed over his head, cutting off at least an inch or two of his hair. Slamming down onto the ground next to him, she used that inertia to pull herself up, sending her up towards the ceiling. With her hand still on the scythe, she twisted her wrist outwards, which would have slid the weapon along the floor, having the potential to have the blade hit him.

Whether that hit or not. she landed with her feet against the blade of the scythe, adding more weight onto it as it dug up the floorboards under it's weight. She seemed to have a completely different state of mind when in combat, though there was a part of her that always appeared as if it were hesitating, holding back, allowing more time for Abel to attack between movements.

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Name: Mashiro Shiinna

Location: Combat Class

Tag: @Jacob Berry

"Pentaghast...You aren't somehow related to a Mr.Pentaghast that teacher History?" Mashiro was interested in what Zenos had to say, though she really didn't care to know. You shouldn't assume people will be like their parents. She hear his stomach growl and smile. "Looks like its time to eat! My favorite part of the day though I must warn the food here is absolute crap." She would most certainly blame the food she had eaten for breakfast to be the reason she was in the nurses for half the day.
Name: Klef and Juniper

Class: ???

Interaction: Headmistress Akashima

Tag: @sprouhtt

The breeze ruffled through Klef's hair as they walked through the school in search of the main office. "Do you think it's over there?" Klef asked, blindly pointing to a nearby building. "Klef... that's the cafeteria dear..." He said to her, grabbing her hand and moving it downward and slightly right so that it pointed to the cafeteria sign. "See?" Juniper chuckled, heading the opposite direction. " I'm pretty sure it's this way." He told her. Klef turned around and headed the same direction as him. "Oh, I guess at highschool they don't want any buildings to be misleading." She guessed, grabbing onto the shoulder of his blazer so that he couldn't walk off too fast. The two approached the office, Klef's eyes widened, excited to see what could possibly be there. Juniper swung open the door and aproached he front desk, Klef stood under him with a ditsy grin on her face. " Excuse me miss." He said to the woman manning the desk. "We're here to talk to the principal."

(Going to Bed)
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Name: Abel Night

Location: Combat Class

Interaction: Ki

Tag: @Entarriance

He didn't realize what was happening. It took him a moment to register the blade coming from below. He took a step,and slid to the side. Rolling the blade, he held it with the pommel towards him. Swinging, her blade a hair beneath his wrist, before before steel clashed against her shaft. Halting both he looked up to the girl, giving a lopsided grin" good play. But please, don't use these bands to distract me."his palm came to her stomach,gripping her side."it makes for...rash decisions"a spark of black energy circled his hand,and a dark glare crossing his cheerful grin


Name: Ki

Location: Combat Class

Interaction: Abel

Tag: @Mistory1997 @potentiallyall

"Does it?"

The dark energy that pooled around his hand soon began to struggle to be controlled, as if it were a fire being snuffed out by water. Soon enough, the energy would have completely dissipated. There was no trace where the bubble went as far as, though the power negation that she had did it's best, applying a force-field of nullification around the both of them. However, the span that it went to, it could have also nullified the powers of a few of the other students without her knowing, considering how she's used to just applying a large radius for distance fighters.

What has martial arts taught me...

Flinching, once again, there was that moment of restraint. Closing her hand into a fist, she pushed the back of her hand against his face, forcibly causing him to reel back just slightly. Leaving space between her hips and his, she pivoted her hips using her left foot without moving it from the original spot, her right foot outside of his right foot, her toe in the same direction as his. Pulling him upwards with this,, using both of her arms she attempted to flip him over her shoulder.

Name: Abel Night

Location: Combat Class

Interaction: Ki

Tag: @Entarriance

He mumbled,and ended up being thrown. He honestly couldn't tell if he should be angry, upset, or embarrased.

As he hit the floor, he rolled, his palms against the wood,his blade having stuck in the boards. He looked to his hands,confused. Then it clicked."you have abilities like nunnally...interesting..."pushing himself up, He grinned,cracking his neck.he sighed,letting his hands hand loosely at his sides.

he went low, moving quickly as he hurried for her, His blade several feet behind him.
Name: Yaoke Saint

Location: Random Hallway

The cloaked figure strode quickly and quietly through the seemingly endless labyrinth if hallways, hoping to be seen and not be seen at the same time.

Amazing how trying to navigate a new school is harder than traversing through an endless splay of dimensions, she thinks to herself.

She turns a corner and finds herself in a large room filled with the sounds of magic and combat. She focuses her attention on a pair who consists of a girl in the process of flipping some guy over, and gets wrapped up in watching.


Name: Ki

Location: Combat Class

Interaction: Abel

Tag: @Mistory1997

"... is that so?"

At least with her expertise in reflexes, she was able to dodge the incoming attack as he stayed low, jumping upwards. Her foot got slammed by his shoulder as he ran low, however, throwing her off balance as she landed on the ground with a thud, dropping her scythe.

Surprised, she rolled forwards on instinct, making sure to check behind her to see if he was approaching. Her scythe was on the ground, and she could make an attempt to grab it, though making the first moves was always something that she had to watch out for in combat. Feeling a pair of eyes on her, cold sweat dripped down her back as she ran forward irregularly, appearing to "teleport" from place to place, when it really was her making use of her ghost-physiology to slightly confuse the opponent on where to strike. Picking up scythe, she brought it down to meet with Abel's blade.
Name: Abel Night

Location: Combat Class

Interaction: Ki

Tag: @Entarriance

He grinned,feeling the weight if her blade against his.he brought his hand around,catching her wrist, using his blade to restrain her scythe. He smiled, "And that's all."black energy once.again erupted from his hand, even with the bubble,consuming both in a flash of petrifying pain. Both would collapse,drained. He coughed, falling to the wood. "Well...good game...and all that...ow..."
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Name: Aiko

Location: Combat Class

Tag: @Entarriance @Mistory1997

The boy had been closing his eyes for quite sometime and after more than jet fifteen minutes of trying to sleep he decides to take another round as the last spar only used small amounts of energy he decides to find another person to challenge, however as he's about to look for more people. He suddenly finds someone battling his acquaintance, interested in finding out what the boy could do and what Ki actually is, he moves his sword and rests it on his shoulder before standing closer at the two kreping both of his eyes on their movements "Go girl guy" He shouts to her direction, even though it's supposed to be a cheer it was said in a very unexcited tone.


Name: Ki

Location: Combat Class

Interaction: Abel

Tag: @Mistory1997

"... fuck?!"

At the pain, she obviously lurched forward, seeing how they both were taken by the pain. This pain was all too familiar to her, gripping her head, as if she had a splitting headache. The first thing that she seemed to do after that was, grab Abel by the neck, even with her sore body, this odd burst of strength was definitely not natural. And the same went for her eye colour, too. Staring at him bloodshot, her grip on his neck increased, as if to strangle him.

"You portending impracticle shit head... do you really think you could.. g-gah..."

Letting go of him instantly, feeling even more fatigued, she collapsed back down towards the ground, awkwardly mumbling as she rubbed her sore head and neck.

"... sorry, don't know what came over me, hah~"
Name: Abel Night

Location: Combat Class

Interaction: Ki

Tag: @Entarriance

He chuckled, catching his breath

"Pretend?didn't...didn't pretend. Didn't do anything deceitful..." he managed to sit up, taking deep breaths."good match...I didn't expect a nullification field..."


Name: Ki

Location: Combat Class

Interaction: Abel, Aiko

Tag: @Mistory1997 @Flecker

Coughing, she scratched her neck, genuinely unsure what came over her. It could be the effect that one of the sparks is any magic-induced injury, though surely it couldn't be that bad. After all, it's the reason why her ability is power nullification, anyway. As long as she stays careful next time, it won't happen. Pulling her knees up to her head, she rested her head on it.

"... yeah, good match. I didn't expect it to break, either."

Ki seemed to be trying her best to avoid the subject in general, referring to her ability as "it", and having a tone of detestment in her voice when speaking about it. Appearing a little dazed from the whole thing, she remembered hearing a voice that she found rather familiar, raising her gaze and looking all around. Seeing the boy she was talking to earlier, she lazily raised up her hand to wave at him, despite her indifferent expression.

"Hey, Aiko, didn't see you there. Any luck with finding a spar buddy?"
Name: Abel Night

Location: Combat Class

Interaction: Ki

Tag: @Entarriance

Abel didn't dig any deeper. He shiethed his blade,looking to the pair. "If you don't mind. I don't have anyone really to spend time with. Could I hang out with you and your friends?"
Name: Aiko

Location: Combat Class

Tag: @Entarriance @Mistory1997

The boy's eyelids were widely open as he's in shock seeing what the girl just did "What the heck just happened?" He thought to himself, that outburst that is something else, something different. He suddenly saw something different and he's of course debating whether he should call them out or assist in anyway, there's actually a heaviness in his heart about coming there as the laziness was just too muh to overcome. So he just stood by and watch the whole thing unfurled. He's feeling intense, but his legs froze unsure of what to do, only once she settles down and recognize him will he approach her with a surprised expression "Uhh you're in your period?" He said changing the subject, getting a partner is something less important than what he just saw, he needs to know.


Name: Ki

Location: Combat Class

Interaction: Abel, Aiko

Tag: @Mistory1997 @Flecker

Really, that's the first thing that he asks?!

Awkwardly averting her gaze, she faked a chuckle at his response, raising her hand as if to brush over the topic.

"It's just a phase. Don't worry about it,

Surely, she can breeze over this subject. It wasn't exactly something she enjoyed poking around in, especially since it's been 2 years since it actually happened. She was well aware in her dreams, but wow, it's been such a long time since she remembered strangling someone. Well, attempted, except last time she succeeded. But hey, 2 years ago, what can you do about it. Breathing out a sigh, maybe he'll simple overlook the topic. Looking at Abel, who suggested if he could hang out with the group of them, she shrugged her shoulders as a response.

"If you really want. I usually hang around Ender, and Aiko recently became an acquaintance. School is over, anyway, so we could all go visit the mess hall early or something. I heard there was a garden somewhere here, too..."

Thinking of every single thing that could stray them from the topic, she raised her index finger as she spoke, as if counting the number of things that they could do now. Maybe later, she can deal with that spar that she agreed to with Ender. The thing is, the kid had to wake up first. Looking over as he was peacefully asleep, she obviously wasn't going to punt the kid awake. Not really a huge fan of forcing people awake, especially if they're violent right after, which she didn't know. Yet.

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