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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

@Tylor guillory

Yeah, I'm really, really not sure what to do to drop in. Suggestions for an intro?
Alright, I think I want to join this, I read the overview and I just have one question.

Would it be alright if I made a half vampire?
DaManofWar said:
anyone else?
I'm still waiting on someone to give me a half-decent place to put my character. Can you or a GM please give me a good intro?
I want to say sorry to everyone who like this RP that it died. This is DeathRising and i lost access to my old account along with my internet for a while
HollowForce said:
I want to say sorry to everyone who like this RP that it died. This is DeathRising and i lost access to my old account along with my internet for a while
I know how that feels.
DaManofWar said:
I know how that feels.
Yea it sucks and where i left it was getting interesting to and thanks for being apart of it your character was really interesting and was going to be fun to comfront
HollowForce said:
I want to say sorry to everyone who like this RP that it died. This is DeathRising and i lost access to my old account along with my internet for a while
First, while I accept your apology and you have my deepest sympathies, this didn't exactly hurt me all that much, since I never really got to join in the first place. I was waiting a GM to write a decent character intro since the RP was well underway and I was unwilling to read through 80 pages of IC just to figure out where to put Arthur. I tried contacting people who seemed to be in positions of authority (like you and @DaManofWar) several times for help, was completely ignored by everyone in the thread and given no advice on who to to talk to, and only after a few weeks or months of this did the thread die. That's what I'm sore about, honestly.

Now, two questions:

1) This might be overstepping my boundaries (slap me if I'm correct), but what exactly happened that caused you to lose your account?

2) Have you considered rebooting this?

EDIT: I know that someone in the thread (I think his handle was Tyler or something) gave me a recap, but it was very unclear and didn't give me much to work with IMO.
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Genon said:
First, while I accept your apology and you have my deepest sympathies, this didn't exactly hurt me all that much, since I never really got to join in the first place. I was waiting a GM to write a decent character intro since the RP was well underway and I was unwilling to read through 80 pages of IC just to figure out where to put Arthur. I tried contacting people who seemed to be in positions of authority (like you and @DaManofWar) several times for help, was completely ignored by everyone in the thread and given no advice on who to to talk to, and only after a few weeks or months of this did the thread die. That's what I'm sore about, honestly.
Now, two questions:

1) This might be overstepping my boundaries (slap me if I'm correct), but what exactly happened that caused you to lose your account?

2) Have you considered rebooting this?

EDIT: I know that someone in the thread (I think his handle was Tyler or something) gave me a recap, but it was very unclear and didn't give me much to work with IMO.
I was never contacted....
DaManofWar said:
I was never contacted....
Oh, that's what happened. Because @Tylor guillory gave me the recap, I assumed he was the GMA instead of you. Guess I should have contacted you instead...
Genon said:
First, while I accept your apology and you have my deepest sympathies, this didn't exactly hurt me all that much, since I never really got to join in the first place. I was waiting a GM to write a decent character intro since the RP was well underway and I was unwilling to read through 80 pages of IC just to figure out where to put Arthur. I tried contacting people who seemed to be in positions of authority (like you and @DaManofWar) several times for help, was completely ignored by everyone in the thread and given no advice on who to to talk to, and only after a few weeks or months of this did the thread die. That's what I'm sore about, honestly.
Now, two questions:

1) This might be overstepping my boundaries (slap me if I'm correct), but what exactly happened that caused you to lose your account?

2) Have you considered rebooting this?
First off let me say sorry for you being ignored the next person who was supposed to be next in charge was Solemn Jester akaTylor guillory so i dont know what happened.

But to answer your first question it is not more i lost access to my old account but the email that goes with it with it just easier to create a new account.

And for you second one i might but i am not for sure
HollowForce said:
First off let me say sorry for you being ignored the next person who was supposed to be next in charge was Solemn Jester akaTylor guillory so i dont know what happened.
But to answer your first question it is not more i lost access to my old account but the email that goes with it with it just easier to create a new account.

And for you second one i might but i am not for sure
I forgive you. In any case, I am eager to let Arthur shine for once, so I would be the first to join should you make a new thread and I have the time.
Genon said:
I forgive you. In any case, I am eager to let Arthur shine for once, so I would be the first to join should you make a new thread and I have the time.
Well if i was i have to wait 24 hours before setting it up and ether things and i will be glad to have you on bored

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