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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

Yeah sorry blackknife i don't know what happened to death rising and the open ships are on the notes and Yoland is a Marine so unless your character is a Marine they cant be on Yolands ship either that or if their on the ship their a prisoner. Also the only ships.currently inactive are Deathrisings the black rose so feel free to tag most any others listed to try and join them
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Hey who all thinks their going to be rping this much longer because while its slowing down it doesn't seem like it's going to die anytime soon. And it's hard to co gm this rp when I can't really edit anything so unless @DeathRising comes back and soon idk if I'll be able to continue gming this let alone rping it but then again like I said this rpies not looking like its going to die any time soon and I do enjoy all the characters so I do want to continue rping I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place and don't know what to do my main concern is the gming I have to much power to many decisions to make also its not my rp I'm just co gming so I can't actually let anyone else gm this
(I will come back to this thread next week since I have break. But there is so much going on in this rp and its getting me kinda 'brain fried'.)

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